Battle of Frost and Fire

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Battle of Frost and Fire

Enchantment — Saga

: Battle of Frost and Fire deals 4 damage to each non-Giant creature and each planeswalker.

: Scry 3.

: Whenever you cast a spell with converted mana cost 5 or greater this turn, draw two cards, then discard a card.

lagotripha on Modern Giants

2 years ago

Making giants work in modern is something of a battle - most of their good cards sit at 4+ mana, meaning its really high on the curve. Crossing that 'cast first big spell' boundary, and making sure that spell is relevant is going to be most of the battle for the deck.

Cards like Pentad Prism or old fashioned mana dorks will be essential. Stinkdrinker Daredevil doesn't make the cut, but I could see a build going black for Heartless Summoning.

Their tribal support has some clear themes to work with - 1 sided boardwipes in Realm-Cloaked Giant+Thundercloud Shaman+Battle of Frost and Fire, direct damage to face, and big creatures. I'd personally lean more heavily into rushing out a 1 sided wipe to survive my local meta, but efficient creatures (with changeling support) will do a lot, as will a 'slower' burn deck focussed more on efficient 4 mana damage to face.

Some of the odder tribal support is pretty good- Giantbaiting is an incredible source of damage on an empty board when you have smaller creatures, which might play well in a Mothdust Changeling build.

CommanderNeyo on Modern Giants

2 years ago

I recently made a Giant tribal deck as well, and I highly recommend adding Lightning Bolt . Because of the high mana value of your cards, you need some interaction in the early game to help you not fall far behind. Bolt solves that issue by killing most early-game threats, and is also nice to give you that last bit of reach to close out games.

I also highly recommend cutting Beanstalk Giant and Hamletback Goliath . While they are both fun, they are extremely mana intensive and generally do very little for you compared to the other giants. I think it is better to have more Calamity Bearer , Quakebringer , and Tectonic Giant . Doubling your damage with Calamity Bearer is so good (especially with Surtland Flinger ), and works well with Quakebringer . Speaking of which, Quakebringer puts a clock on the opponent, even in the graveyard (which is where it is likely to be, due to the abundance of removal). Tectonic Giant is a good cheap giant (as giants go) that also provides you some value even if it dies.

Additionally, I also recommend cutting Battle of Frost and Fire along with Reflections of Littjara . I personally love those card choices here, but from my limited experience, you already have great cards at this mana value slot, and with giants you have a hard time trying to get threats out. Adding more high-mana cards only results in a hand full of cards but not the ability to play them. I recommend considering using cheaper board wipes like Pyroclasm and Anger of the Gods so that you have something to do earlier, before you get the mana to play your giants. That way, you aren't having to decide between removing your opponents threats at the same time you are wanting to drop your own.

Lastly, I would recommend adding either Opt or Serum Visions , just so that you have more early-game action. They help ensure you find the lands or giants you need, and have really helped smooth my deck out.

With the new giants released in Kaldheim, I have really fallen in love with the tribe, so I am glad to see someone else come to enjoy it as well!

keizerbuns on Modern Giants

2 years ago

zapyourtumor haha that's cause it was based off my standard version of this deck, Giant Trouble in Little Standard. I made this into a modern deck just cause I really liked the combo of Hamletback Goliath and Surtland Flinger .

I didn't want to add too many non-creature spells or else I totally would've added a few more burn spells like Lightning Bolt in here. I have thought about cutting out green but I also like how well Beanstalk Giant combos with Surtland Flinger. Plus it enables me to get Hamletback Goliath out on turn 4 by playing Invasion of the Giants turn 2, Beanstalk Giant turn 3, then my big boi turn 4, which is always fun.

I really like Ancient Grudge as a replacement to Sunder Shaman so I'm definitely gonna do that! And I agree that Vanquisher's Banner could be cut, but it's tons of fun when I do get it out and I'm mostly just playing this deck casually, not so much competitively.

Also, I do really like Stinkdrinker Daredevil , however it would end up dying to my own Battle of Frost and Fire so I'm not so sure I would want it in there. Crush Underfoot isn't too bad, but Squash is just a bit more consistent in damage and it combos well with the last ability of Battle of Frost and Fire .

I never noticed Inferno Titan and Frost Titan when I made this deck so they might both be worth looking into! I did have Crystalline Giant in this deck originally but I took it out cause it felt too inconsistent and I needed room for Surtland Flinger and Hamletback Goliath haha. Thundercloud Shaman is also definitely worth playtesting in place of Battle of Frost and Fire so I'll have to try that out too.

Thanks for all of your suggestions, they were really well thought out and very helpful! :D

Temur_Frontier on Giants - Version 3

3 years ago

Any reason all your basics aren't snow-covered? Also the giants you're running all look pretty great aside from the commons, but the non-giant creatures could use some work. Tbh, with some of your other tribal elements like Battle of Frost and Fire and Reflections of Littjara , why not scrap the wizards that aren't providing much, and go almost full giant tribal? Thryx, the Sudden Storm and Stinkdrinker Daredevil could certainly use a home in this deck, I feel. Thundercloud Shaman would be huge. Borderland Behemoth could be a win condition, but just remember to assign at least 1 point of trample damage/excess damage to the blocker in order to get the card draw.

If you're looking for more giants, search up "giants" in Gatherer, or look at what EDHREC says about your commander:

Sorin_Markov_1947 on Izzet giants v1

3 years ago

Cinderheart Giant is not really a good card. It's too expensive for its effect, even if it does die. Toralf, God of Fury  Flip doesn't do too much either. I'd advise you to look at other giants lists to see what giants are good. Aegar, the Freezing Flame , Invasion of the Giants , the full playset of Calamity Bearer s, are all pretty much must-haves.

Embercleave isn't really what you want. You're going tall, not wide, and EC does its best work when you go wide.

For the control package, Saw It Coming >> any counterspell you have atm. You'll also want sweepers for go-wide decks like mono-red, so Storm's Wrath should be here, or at least Shatterskull Smashing  Flip. Probably both. Actually, Battle of Frost and Fire is better than Storm's Wrath, since you're in giants and it has additional upside after the sweep.

Shimmerdrift Vale isn't worth having. Basics would be better.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on Giant Trouble in Little Standard

3 years ago

Invasion of the Giants is an immediate four-of. That card does anything you want it to. Battle of Frost and Fire if you're playing against a lot of creature decks should be a four-of, but I think three is fine. You probably don't want Embercleave, as giants go big and not wide.

I think you have enough three-drops that Beanstalk Giant is pretty low on the priority list. I think you could easily cut it and help your manabase as well. Speaking of manabase, add in a land or two. Giants goes big! Shatterskull Smashing  Flip is a decent option for how much mana you want.

Cyclone Summoner is a good top-end, maybe even sooner with Invasion of the Giants. It's basically a Cyclonic Rift in Standard. Thryx, the Sudden Storm is another possibility as a flash blocker that makes Cyclone Summoner cheaper, but that's up to you. It's a meh. Now what I consider is not a meh is Shatterskull Charger . Very underrated card. It's a giant, you get the option of making it immune to wipes/sorcery removal and just get in a few extra damage, or making it a solid haste giant. Basalt Ravager and/or Shatterskull Smashing  Flip is an alternative to Squash , though Basalt Ravager has kind of let me down. A 4/2 is just so easy to kill.

If you need more to cut after Embercleave and Beanstalk Giant, cut Crystalline Giant. With Shatterskull Charger, you've still got that three-slot (kind of) and Crystalline is just kind of meh as well. It's random if it becomes good and is mainly just a 3/3 for 3.

A friend of mine made a build of Izzet Giants with these changes and some more and had good success in the play queue. If you play it a good bit, it might even get you up to plat. Here's his video showing how well it does:

DanMcSharp on Izzet Giants

3 years ago

You should make room for Cyclone Summoner, he removes everything and lets you recast that Battle of Frost and Fire again.

Personally I'm a big fan of Shadowspear but it's never super needed, and the 2nd copy is never needed. I would only run 1, but I guess 2 would be reasonable.

I'm surprised you don't run any Surtland Flinger. Dealing 4 times the power as damage straight to face if you have a Calamity Bearer seems pretty dope, especially if your Flinger happens to have a Shadowspear equipped for the lifelink.

I'm pretty sure you could use mostly anything other than Realmwalker. You only need to name "giant" so again any 2nd copy is mostly irrelevant, and even on the 1 chance out of 3 that you'll have the option to cast an extra giant, assuming it's also the right time for it, it still doesn't do much for you compared to something like Invasion of the Giants that gives you all kinds of value and actually lets you play the right giant ahead of schedule instead.

Overall I don't think you splashing green does a whole lot for you. It's really not like you don't have other excellent options in Izzet to have more consistent games, Glimpse the Cosmos being an obvious example.


Titus7007 on Izzet Giants

3 years ago

mikeb388, ok it was a bit slow, so I've added 4 x Scorching Dragonfire and taken out 3x Battle of Frost and Fire

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