Blue Black Tokens

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 2, 2022, 2:36 p.m. by Ashdust

What are some of the best cheap Blue/Black token creators? I want a ton. Like, a ton a ton. Lots of tokens.

wallisface says... #2

It’s probably worth mentioning the following in your question:

  • What format is this for?

  • What’s the price limit definition for “cheap”? Are we talking $2, $5, $10???

  • What’s the overall goal you’re trying to achieve here? Do the tokens have to do anything special? What’s your endgame?

March 2, 2022 3 p.m.

Ashdust says... #3

wallisface: EDH, preferably 5 dollars or less, tokens are for mass sacrifice. Thank you.

March 2, 2022 3:42 p.m.

legendofa says... #4

Depending on format, blinking something like Rakshasa Gravecaller or Abhorrent Overlord with Nephalia Smuggler could work. Zombie tribal fits the colors and has some good options like Endless Ranks of the Dead.

March 2, 2022 6:22 p.m.

TypicalTimmy says... #5

I typically go for Zombies as they are represented very well in both colors, but a solid token creator outside of that tribe is Bloodline Keeper  Flip.

Necromaster Dragon is a fun one.

Reef Worm is a good replayable idea.

Rite of Replication

From Under the Floorboards

Grave Titan


Thopter Spy Network

There are a few Planeswalkers who create tokens, also. Probably my personal favorite to do so with is Ashiok, Nightmare Muse because that token is absolutely devastating, especially if you manage vigilance on it somehow.

There are 635 cards listed on Gatherer within and that make creature tokens. Have fun!

The single best "mass sacrifice" concept in the game is Gravecrawler to Phyrexian Altar, or to anything that produces colored mana. If your mana is colorless, you can adjust this with filters.

March 3, 2022 3:42 a.m. Edited.

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