
Modern* RegisteredDecksOffender

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Olivia and Pulse Tracker —March 1, 2013

Added Olivia Voldaren as a one of just for the sheer fact-It's Olivia. With her first ability and enough mana I can use her as a constant kill source on the field to power not only her up, but also anything equipped with Blade of the Bloodchief. With her second ability, I can take over any creature that could be a potential problem if I don't have any answers for it in my hand, not to mention one more flyer never hurt. I also added 3 Pulse Trackers because I kept finding myself having a lot of kill cards loaded up in my hand but no creatures on the board to use for offense. Tell me what you think if you've got some constructive criticism, and +1 if you like it!

MagnaLynx21 says... #1

Ah, I see you've added Bloodghast , so make it two.

Kalastria Highborn and Vampire Lacerator have already been suggested.

If you can afford Thoughtseize , then you should probably add Dark Confidant .

Also, the lack of a sideboard slot for Vampire Hexmage shows you don't actually know what the modern metagame looks like.

@Erectnid420, your attempt at legacy Goblins made me chuckle.

February 12, 2013 4:37 a.m.

@MagmaLynx21 Actually, I haven't worked on the sideboard yet because a good deck takes a lot of work on the mainboard, I don't expect you to know seeing how you have soo many decks, I wouldn't expect you to know what it is to perfect one deck before going on to another. I've been playing Vampires for a long time and have already considered the Vampires you suggest. I think it's funny how you think you can hurt my feelings on the internet by insulting my prowess on a card game, I think it's even funnier that I'm better than you at something you strive so hard to be good at I'm sure. Thank you for your input though. Gave me a good laugh. :)Oh, and P.S. Erectnid420's Goblin deck is Modern. Fool.

February 12, 2013 3:24 p.m.

Why no Bloodline Keeper  Flip ? It pumps your creatures. Also, Anowon, the Ruin Sage is the Vampiric Call to the Grave

February 12, 2013 6:49 p.m.

I've tried both of those Vamps, and they're great in their own way, but a little too slow for the deck build I'm going with. If I were to utilize either of them I might use them for maybe a mono black Vampire deck with Vampire Nocturnus but this deck tries to be a lot faster and pump up Vampires with kill cards and Blade of the Bloodchief or card:Runechanter's Pike :)

Thank you for the suggestions though!

February 12, 2013 6:53 p.m.

dmndry says... #5

I have a red/black vamp deck which almost always pulls out that W. I don't run board control in it anymore so it's a slightly different flavor. However a card which I HIGHLY recommend is Essence Harvest it has won me countless games. Most opponents will be thinking about their ability to block a big creature, but then you pay 3 mana and drain them big. I have even dual casted it with Reverberate and taken out two opponents at once. Plus if you do this in Mainphase One you can still swing with your creature. It's more than a game changer, it's a game-ender. Also you could consider Volt Charge for the added proliferation, because an extra counter never hurts ;)

February 12, 2013 6:53 p.m.

Ooh, I like the idea of Essence Harvest and Volt Charge . I've got some of those sitting around and I think those are both good idea. I'll try it out in my deck and see how it runs, thank you for the advice! :)

February 12, 2013 6:58 p.m.

I was checking out your vamps, and one of your reasonings behind taking out Isochron Scepter is incorrect. You only Imprint when it comes into play, meaning you don't even need to say what card you're imprinting until it resolves. If it's countered, you only lose the scepter.

Just thought I'd let you know in case it impacts the decision to remove it. :)

February 12, 2013 7:33 p.m.

Oh, that's actually very helpful, but playing with Thoughtseize has proved to be a better fit for my deck. Thank you for the information though, I know some people in my group of friends that will be happy to hear that news. :)

February 12, 2013 7:37 p.m.

Maikeruwu says... #9

LOL This MagnaLynx21 guy doesnt know when to stop. He obviously has much to learn when it comes to magic. Like reading for starters, my Goblin deck is clear as day "Modern"

February 12, 2013 9:38 p.m.


It' fun.

February 27, 2013 2:06 a.m.

Oh also...Gatekeeper of Malakir ??

February 27, 2013 2:08 a.m.

I've considered both and kind of ruled them out already.. the reason being is that Blightning is about direct damage and non selective discard, whereas my deck runs off of killing off creatures to either clear the field or power up my vampires with Blade of the Bloodchief .

And as far as Gatekeeper of Malakir goes, he is an amazing card, but the 2 black and then the one more for the kicker can be a killer and I already run a lot of mono color intensive creatures that can be a pain to get out.. but I do like the sacrifice part of the Gatekeeper along with getting a 2/2 creature, I think I'll give him a try to see if he has a place in the deck! Thanks for the input and don't forget the +1 if you liked my deck!

February 27, 2013 2:24 a.m.