Check Out These Crabs

Modern FrantaFire


Consistently Inconsistent. —July 27, 2016

I've done a new clean description that outlines what I hope for with this deck. I understand I have made quite some changes but I always end up unhappy with the results. Nonetheless, there is always hope! Thanks.

NoPantsParade says... #6

Why not Ghost Quarter? It has good synergy with Hedron Crab. There's also Verdant Catacombs unless you're waiting for the reprint.

August 14, 2015 4:17 p.m.

FrantaFire says... #7

@Ninjadude51 I tried the Lotus Cobra in an earlier deck list but it doesn't do much itself. Thought I have LOTS of mana, I don't need it once I've played my one (or two) of my big creatures like Ob.

@NoPantsParade Ghost Quarter was a maybe because I didn't know how well land destruction would fit in this deck. It also makes my opponent get the land, which doesn't combo with MY Hedron Crab. Nonetheless, I know I get pretty mad if someone gets rid of my lands. Unless I DID use Ghost Quarter on myself?

Also, I would hope for a reprint but I also don't think I'd want 8 fetch lands. That's 8 life that I'd most likely burn away. When I Scapeshift I like going for the fetches and the evolving wilds to get MORE landfall. I'm more comfortable with 4 life lost than 8.

Thanks for the comments. :)

August 15, 2015 12:11 a.m.

NoPantsParade says... #8

Yup, that's what I was going for - using GQ on yourself. It has the land come in untapped to play something else as well. Just some food for thought. What's your thought on Sakura-Tribe Elder?

You got a +1 from me earlier because I think this deck is hilarious.

August 15, 2015 12:14 a.m. Edited.

thuzra says... #15

This is very interesting. I like it! You have my +1 for sure. I have some suggestions, though.

Maelstrom Pulse would do you a world of good, in any number. Perhaps Villainous Wealth as a one- or two-of could be interesting, too (though I think that ought to be tested first). And there are few reasons I can think of for why a mill deck wouldn't run Mind Funeral, so I simply must recommend that.

In any case, you've made a deck I want to play (which can be hard to do, so congratulate yourself on your shenanigans!), and it looks good. Keep it up!

August 15, 2015 10:11 p.m.

I saw this and thought it was genious, if entirely infuriating, to say the least.

August 15, 2015 11:21 p.m.

FrantaFire says... #17

Thanks for the support thuzra and Serra_Sentinel.

@thuzra Maelstrom Pulse totally seems like the "kill all" I was looking for. Possibly replace Abrupt Decays and move those to the sideboard or something.

Villainous Wealth seems like something fun to experiment with! I'd definitely try a 1-of for play testing. I'm pretty sure I'd have the mana to make it worth while.

Aaaand.... Mind Funeral. Awesome.

My only question is, with all the suggestions, what do I swap out?! xD

August 16, 2015 1:02 a.m.

CheeseBro says... #19

this is awesome. such creativeness! i love it!

August 17, 2015 10:11 p.m.

CheeseBro says... #20

i would recommend adding 1 more Ob Nixilis, the Fallen

August 17, 2015 10:11 p.m.

thuzra says... #22

My thought is: remove one Deprive and maybe an Animist's Awakening (I don't actually know how good that card is, though). Thoughtseize seems more like a SB card here, and I don't think having a one-of Oracle is optimal. Repeal also doesn't seem essential - basically any one-of (or fun-of) that isn't flexible could be swapped easily for some of these.

August 17, 2015 10:24 p.m.

FrantaFire says... #24

@kermiit In my opinion, Oracle of Mul Daya is an upgrade from Courser of Kruphix because it allows for more land plays. I'm not too worried about life gain.

@CheeseBro Thanks for the support! I know the numbers for 4-ofs and 3-ofs etc. aren't perfect yet, but since Ob is a win condition I could see adding another one.

@thuzra Thanks for the feedback. Originally, Deprive seemed like the best counter for this deck just because of the and the available land drop next turn. I would like to, however, fit more Oracles in there. Some of the 1-ofs are for testing. And Animist's Awakening has actually grown as a favorite of mine.

@galaxy1o1 I don't think I'd want an Amulet of Vigor. I might put it as a 61st card a few times but otherwise the tapping isn't an issue. And I can get Spell Mastery with Animist's Awakening fairly easily.

August 20, 2015 11:13 a.m.

Unlife says... #25

I really like this deck a lot, its a fun take on scapeshift and I love the use of Ob Nixilis, the Fallen. With some of the battle for zendikar card spoiled, I'm wonder if you've considered retreat to kazandu (link to the card below), possibly as a Grazing Gladehart replacement?

+1 from me

August 21, 2015 12:13 p.m.