Premise of this Deck

As the decks name states, this is a mill deck. No, not the traditional mill deck, but one that uses the Unhinged card Johnny, Combo Player to win the game in at least five turns.

Explanation of the Deck

First of all, you need to get your playgroup to allow you to play with un-cards. Once that is accomplished, you can play this deck.

Boring Way to Win

Use either Grand Architect + Pili-Pala or Heartstone + Paradise Mantle + Pili-Pala to gain infinite mana of any color. You can use Fabricate, and the various transmutable cards to get what you need. You only need 3 lands, two of them producing blue mana. The black mana is so that you can transmute Clutch of the Undercity for Johnny, Combo Player. Then, play Johnny and tutor for Laboratory Maniac, play him, then tutor your entire library and win next turn.

"Fun" Way to Win

First, assemble the infinite mana and get Johnny, Combo Player on the battlefield, as I explained before. But then things get interesting. First, tutor for Academy Ruins and play it if possible. Then, tutor for Mindslaver and use it. After that, tutor for and play Hive Mind. If you don't already have it, tutor for and play Leyline of Anticipation. Then, tutor for Trade Routes. After that, tutor for Clone Legion, and if possible use Academy Ruins to put Mindslaver on top of your library, and use Trade Routes to draw a card, bouncing a land if necessary. Do this next turn if you can't use Academy Ruins this turn. Finally, pass to your mind controlled opponent. While you are controlling them, cast Clone Legion. The Hive Mind copy will resolve first. Use it targeting yourself. Your opponent will now have a copy of your combo, and you will have extra stuff (Yay!). After that, you need to enchant one of their lands with Spreading Seas so that they have access to blue mana for Grand Architect. You can now tutor their entire library into their hand, and on their next turn they will be completely milled out. In case they do something to mess up the combo, such as destroying Leyline of Anticipation, you can use Mnemonic Nexus to put it back into your library.

(Note: If you use Heartstone and Paradise Mantle to get infinite mana, you must tutor for and play Grand Architect in order to give your opponent the combo.)

Achieving Blessed Perfection

I have recently sorted out some flaws with this deck (misreading Trophy Mage, realizing this doesn't work unless my opponent has blue mana), and if you find any other flaws within the deck, or just cards that will make it better, please let me know.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Splash colors B
Key combos

This deck is not Unformat legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.03
Tokens Copy Clone
Ignored suggestions
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