Zur's Zoophagous Zabaglione

Commander / EDH JA14732


Comments cleaning —Dec. 1, 2014

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DreadnoughtMTG says... #1

I read on your forum post that you dropped Felidar Sovereign solely because he dies to removal instantly. Isn't that what you want? Something so scary that your opponent has to deal with it immediately? Also, if they don't happen to have a removal THAT TURN, that should be game for you my friend! You could drop in Swiftfoot Boots for some protection or just hang on to one of those numerous counters you have. Just a thought.

November 19, 2014 1:52 p.m.

JA14732 says... #2

I'm considering dropping Felidar. I've had him in the deck for 9 months now and never once had his win the game effect go off, and that's why I'm considering dropping him. Currently, he's just a card that takes up a slot that could be used, and, since I'm currently not running creature protection (result of not running creatures), it's too easy for him to die.

November 19, 2014 3:19 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #3

If you want to drop Felidar Sovereign but like the idea of an instant win off of life total there is always Test of Endurance that I notice you aren't running.

November 19, 2014 4:53 p.m.

JA14732 says... #4

That's one of the 10 or so cards I was thinking of adding, but the problem is that I couldn't narrow it down to just 3. I'll give you the 10 cards:

Rhystic Study, No Mercy, Test of Endurance, Detention Sphere, Propaganda, Frozen AEther/Kismet.

Akroma's Vengeance, Killing Wave, Final Judgement , Vampiric Tutor, Spelljack.

Lightning Greaves.

November 19, 2014 5:11 p.m.

JA14732 says... #5

So let me get this straight, when I put 12 cards that I'd like to add but can't narrow down, no one wants to help me? But when I comment that I want to take an underperforming card out of my deck everyone rips into me for removing what is, in a vacuum, an amazing card. PLEASE HELP ME cut that stack to 3. Thank you.

November 19, 2014 9:55 p.m.

test of endurance, propaganda, and either greaves, vamp tutor, or rhystic study. hey at least i narrowed it to 6 lol.

November 19, 2014 10:17 p.m.

JA14732 says... #7

Well that's a start. Hm. I don't know how much I need greaves, despite how good of a card it is, V Tutor is amazing and I do like study...maybe I could cut another card for these ones. And honestly, Archangel of Thune is first on the chopping block. She's a blowout, but slow and I don't run enough creatures to make her effect a gg. I think I'll do that, thanks!

November 19, 2014 10:20 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #8

  1. You sound a bit entitled right now.

  2. I don't believe anyone "ripped into you". The guy above me suggested that you add creature protection if you are concerned about removal but would like to keep running him. I suggested a card with a similar effect if you wanted to cut the creature, but keep the effect.

  3. My build is a bit different than yours so I thought I'd not make a comment since my criteria for what makes the cut in an Oloro deck is so vastly different.

  4. If you really want someone who doesn't evaluate cards the same as you to help with choosing out of that list: Rhystic Study, Test of Endurance, Propaganda, Vampiric Tutor should all find spots.

November 19, 2014 10:32 p.m.

JA14732 says... #9

I wasn't trying to sound entitled or whiney, it's just that I posted in the EDH deck help forum (that seems to have been a joke or the guy just got flooded), and people found it more important for me to keep Sovereign/Sovereign in the deck than giving me a second opinion. You weren't the problem at all, and I found you helpful, despite the fact that I was already considering the card. I understand why you didn't make a comment, but having a second opinion is always important. I thank you for your help on cutting it down, I really, REALLY needed that list cut down, which was the most important thing. I've already made my decisions on what to cut. Sadly, Sovereign, Reaver, Annex and probably Archangel of Thune all are not going to make the cut. I don't run enough creatures for Archangel of Thune, Sovereign hasn't helped me enough, as I said I've only ever gotten the ability once, Norn's Annex is a bit costly for an effect that is printed on another card (granted, the restriction is nice, but not as important as in 20 card), and Drogskol Reaver either doesn't help me enough or forces my hand too often. After this change, I think the deck should be a bit more consistent and Necropotence less of an absolute need.

Thank you for your second opinion, I know what I need to do now.

November 19, 2014 11:19 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #10

My Oloro deck at MagicalHacker - Oloro, Ageless Ascetic (Esper) (as opposed to my mono white, mono black, or Orzhov Oloro decks) is more themes around lifegain shenanigans, but it is obvious that he is a great control commander too. So if the cards that are win cons in that deck don't appeal to you, then maybe some cards from my personal control deck will: Sphinx Outside The Box. Honestly, Medomai the Ageless wouldn't be a bad inclusion in this deck either, since he can help you skip the waiting period for Felidar Sovereign. Other than him, I really think that Test of Endurance and Celestial Convergence make for good win cons for a lifegain deck.

Hope I could help!

November 23, 2014 6:24 p.m.

JA14732 says... #11

I used to have Medomai in here ages ago, he just never did anything, and the extra turn effect was usually unnecessary. I'd much rather run Beacon of Tomorrows and/or Time Warp, but I really, really dislike taking extra turns. As for Celestial Covergence, while I like it, it's very, very slow. Seven turns of making myself a target is not good in my opinion. I did look at your deck, and I do really like adding in maybe some planeswalkers, I mean I do have a Jace AOT sitting around (2, actually), but I'm known to just obsessively use his minus. Mini FOF is amazing. In fact, I might actually add him pretty soon here. Thanks!

November 24, 2014 3:06 a.m.