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Modern Subject134127


Thanks! —Oct. 21, 2014

31 likes, 5k views and #23 on the board of 20-10-14 :)

Thanks everyone for the support!

cleaning comments!

unredemption says... #1

how has howl of the horde worked out for you? i drafted it just a few days ago and thought it might fit well into my own izzet deck that relies on spamming spells.

October 13, 2014 5:05 a.m.

Subject134127 says... #2

Sometimes it's a bit annoying how I have to attack with a creature first. When you have Young Pyromancer it isn't a large problem because you can easily sack an elemental, but If you are still trying to ramp up your skulker it can be a problem. Still it's better than the 5-CMC flashback from increasing vengeance. When it does go off into double copy it wrecks, and otherwise it's a single copy for 1 more mana (note: it's colorless instead of colored!) than usually necessary (Reverberate , Fork , Twincast , Increasing Vengeance ). I think it's an amazing card.

Considering to put in Dual Casting so I can 'double copy' with tapping instead of attacking!

October 13, 2014 5:42 a.m.

Davik100 says... #3

October 14, 2014 4:25 p.m.

electrobot says... #4

Not sure if Talrand, Sky Summoner costs too much for this deck (2UU), but I'd say he's better than / should be used as well as young pyromancer. I think that with twenty land, it would be ok to have him. My opinion is that you don't need quite that much, but at the same time I can see that you may want to due to drawing a lot of cards, thus being able to cast them more often. Either way, I suggest Talrand

October 14, 2014 4:40 p.m.

Subject134127 says... #6


Yep, those are standard run-of-the-mill expensive izzet staples that in no way fit in my budget and move away from the theme. I also don't want to spend too many cards on burn because I'd prefer to stick to the card draw gimmick. If you wish to put them in that's fine, but it takes away from the gimmick and you'd better get a more general modern izzet deck with burn and cards that don't rely on heavy card draw to win in that case.


It's an interesting suggestion, especially because the tokens have flying!! The cost is higher than I'd like but you're almost guaranteed to draw a land card each turn, which makes him perfectly viable at 20 lands. Thanks! It currently has the same problem as Pyromancer though, where it's triggered by sorceries/instants. The deck is based around copying card draw spells, which would trigger much more often.

I'll be looking for more cards that function on card draw interaction in Izzet. Instants/sorceries triggered is nice, but that triggers only up to around 3 times once you get going. Card draw triggers so much more often!

October 14, 2014 6:45 p.m.

emask says... #7

+1 for Batman.

October 15, 2014 4:22 a.m.

Voxzorz says... #8

+11111111111111111. This is HILARIOUS. I would put in a single Lightning Bolt for the following situation:

2 online Pyromancer Ascension . Play Howl of the Horde . Play Howl of the Horde . Play Howl of the Horde . Bolt them for 45x3 = 135 damage.

The other reason is that I think it needs a spell that can do damage WITHOUT drawing, so that you can win without also killing yourself by drawing out at the same time. I would take out Dual Casting . It's alright, but it doesn't do as much work as the others.

October 16, 2014 8:50 p.m.

Subject134127 says... #9

Hahaha, feel free to do so! You could also add a few Temporal Eddy , copy it a bit and the opponent will be drawing only lands and creatures he used to have for the next turns. Like an extremely expensive 'remove all permanents for target opponent'. I have elixir of immortality in there to reshuffle your graveyard, though usually you'll have won by then. If it's a problem you can always put in 1 extra to rule out the chance of it being the last card you draw.

Dual Casting is a recent addition indeed and only a 2-of because I'm not quite sure yet if it's worth it. You exchange one attacking/blocking creature (say, a goblin electromancer or token) for a 1-mana reverberate. It's kind of there to let goblin electromancers do something in the game other than sitting around to make your spells cost less, and have more ways to copy.I also found that I used twincast little because it's difficult to cast with UU.

Thanks for the input and glad you're enjoying the deck! Will probably get some updates soon.

October 17, 2014 3:36 a.m.

griz024 says... #10

Spreading Seas

Draw card. Plus it makes the squids from Chasm Skulker unblockable.

I have a U/R Chasm Skulker deck as well. I found a great combo with him to be Brainstorm and Reforge the Soul + Fling . Brainstorm ensures you pay Reforge the Soul 's miracle cost and then you Fling your now 11/11 or 12/12 Chasm Skulker and follow it up by swinging with the squid babies.

October 17, 2014 7:58 a.m.

Subject134127 says... #12

Since I'm playing this casually, brainstorm is possible. However I don't like playing forbidden cards because 9/10 times they're crazy strong (as apparent in this case). So even though it's not mandatory, I prefer to build in Modern :)

Spreading Seas is a nice suggestion, I will sideboard it for now. It's great for when you have the squids, but Aqueous form on the full chasm skulker may be better, as it requires less parts for the unblockable damage (and when it dies, I still get too many squids for the opponent to block in most cases).

October 17, 2014 9:44 a.m.

griz024 says... #13

Brainstorm isnt banned in modern. Ponder and preordain are.

As for spreading seas vs aqueous form, i guess it depends on your meta. My buddies have learned that SKULKER MUST GO very quickly so i dont plan on him staying around long.

October 17, 2014 10:19 a.m.

Subject134127 says... #14

My buddies are also pretty control heavy most of the time, and I know one of them runs Contagion Clasp in a fungus tribal deck, which would be a problem :P You can check http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Printings.aspx?multiverseid=382224 , It's restricted in Vintage, and not in the basic released sets that would be included in modern :)

To protect from removal I could use shroud from Robe of Mirrors but that prevents me from popping as well. (CORRECTION: since sacrificing is part of the cost and I don't target it, it's possible). Otherwise Hexproof from Mizzium Skin is nice, but only for one turn :(

October 17, 2014 10:30 a.m.

griz024 says... #15

Doh! I always forget the newly printed brainstorms are from EDH. My bad.

October 17, 2014 11:17 a.m.

Maybe add a couple Battlefield Thaumaturge ? it's a great card for this kind of deck

October 18, 2014 3:39 p.m.

Subject134127 says... #17

Most of my spells don't target creatures and don't have a lot of colorless mana on those that do, so sorry, but it's a pretty useless card in this situation. I have Electromancer for this sort of stuff :)

October 18, 2014 9:27 p.m.