Narset/Geist Prowess /Rebound Tempo ("Jeskai Way")

Modern* CurdBrosBrewingCo

SCORE: 154 | 151 COMMENTS | 26291 VIEWS | IN 63 FOLDERS

Kiln Fiend —Jan. 20, 2015

We had a few people suggest Kiln Fiend were right :) Despite lacking evasion; the pump he gets is just nuts (and with a rebound spell he basically does lethal damage himself). Added two to main board. Thanks guys!

Crazybop09 says... #1

Is it odd i actually dont think you should be running Delver of Secrets  Flip...

January 12, 2015 8:24 p.m.

Crazybop09 says... #2

Probably ignore that comment haha i just think you could go for a burn/midrange route with 4x Young Pyromancer2-4 Geist of Saint Traft 2-4 Lightning Angel (i like it over Mantis because of 4 toughness, and im oldschool)and then 1-2 Shu Yun...

January 12, 2015 8:27 p.m.

neosapien says... #3

How about the new Soulfire Grand Master?

January 14, 2015 8:57 p.m.

Why Mantis Rider over a third Geist of Saint Traft? Also I'm wondering about Elspeth, Knight-Errant for +5/+5 flying geists etc. Thanks for cluing me into Distortion Strike and Emerge Unscathed with prowess I'm thinking about trying them in my Esper Blade deck for Seeker of the Way and Geist.

January 14, 2015 9:39 p.m.

Khaosknight says... #5

It seems like Kiln Fiend is a better fit for this deck than Mantis Rider, certainly at least a 1 of, although you could drop a swiftspear and make him a 2 of. Also, have you considered Temur Battle Rage? Doublestrike at instant speed is already amazing, but toss in trample if you control a 4/x or greater and that's amazing for 1R.

January 15, 2015 1:06 p.m.

liquidjaguar says... #6

Yeah but the only things with natural power 4 or greater are the Angel tokens from Geist of Saint Traft)... Double strike doesn't tend to save your creature, either. And you can often be blown out by Lightning Bolt.

January 15, 2015 3:48 p.m.

Runningwithbear... that sounds like a great idea! Please post a link on here when you're done so we can all see your rebound list! I'm glad you were inspired! I will def try out a third geist (as it probably is the single best card in the deck). Thanks fir the input!

January 15, 2015 4:03 p.m.

Great points liquidjaguar...but I love these ideas being posted! So many near interactions.

I will certainly try a kiln fiend out as well. I've got several ideas now to test and I will go through a big testing session to see what works best! I'll update the list accordingly and re-feature this evening. Thank you much TO community for your support and great ideas! It's going to be an even better deck thanks to you all.

January 15, 2015 4:08 p.m.

The two decks are really close together one is an Esper Delver brew and the other is more of a mid range Esper deck that wants to equip Geist or Seeker I keep bouncing it back and forth between the two ideas.

January 15, 2015 4:37 p.m.

Khaosknight says... #10

@liquidjaguar whenever you play an instant or sorcery Kiln Fiend becomes a 4/x, and makes Temur Battle Rage better

January 15, 2015 7:37 p.m.

Khaosknight says... #11

@,liquidjaguar also you have protection from red if you have Emerge Unscathed (or any other color) and you get +3 for every instant or sorcery you cast, so kiln fiend gets +6 and doublestrike and protection in one attack for 3 mana, or 2 if you're using Emerge Unscathed for it's rebound cost

January 15, 2015 7:46 p.m.

GlitterFang says... #12

Always preferred U/W/R over U/R, and this is the perfect explanation of why. Sick deck +1

January 18, 2015 6:31 p.m.

We had a good time with cruise. Will the ban make this deck better or worse I wonder.

January 19, 2015 11:18 a.m.

My thinking is it would be about the same. My impression is this deck is very offensive and wants to have a very fast clock and would not want to get into a long drawn out game. I'd probably go -3 cruise for +1 Path to Exile, +1 Serum Visions, and +1 Gitaxian Probe. Cruise was too good to not play it but I don't think the deck is broken with out it.

January 19, 2015 5:12 p.m.

TheLoneDart says... #15

Treasure Cruise got banned :(

January 19, 2015 5:39 p.m.

Obviously switching out cruise :(. runningwithbeers was right on it...jusf adding another of each Probe, Serum Visions, and Path keeps the deck pretty much close to as powerful as it was. Cruise was a great card; but it wasn't nearly as necessary here as it was in other Delver builds. I'm testing the new meta tonight (or at least what I think it will become) and will see if the band had any effect on this deck.

Fortunately the deck is pretty Strong against Junk and can kill/disrupt combo before they can get all their pieces. I've still got to get the best sideboard possible built as well; but that too will change with the shift in the meta.

Either way, i think this deck is actually still positioned well (fortunately) :)

January 19, 2015 7:22 p.m.

Also...testing Kiln Fiend extensively tonight. I'll let you know how it goes!

January 19, 2015 7:28 p.m.

TheLoneDart says... #18

Soulfire Grand Master might be a solid addition as well... I mean, it keeps your life up, which makes you less likely to get beat. Could be a good edge to hold off against aggro, etc., or possibly just a good card for the sideboard you're working on.

January 19, 2015 10:10 p.m.

That is a really good point is definitely a big contender for the sideboard (especially if the meta gets a little "grindier". You never know...the "buy back" could even come in handy every once and a while :) I will most certainly be testing this; and I could see it taking up a slot in the side board at the least.. Great idea!

January 19, 2015 10:17 p.m.

freyhackbarth says... #20

rip treasure cruise. wizard pretty much said they want modern to be twin, affinity, junk and zoo. soulfire seems like a fine fit in that meta.

January 19, 2015 11 p.m.

I know!! TC will be missed (although I didn't need it, I can tell you I certainly loved having the ability to relatively easily refill my hand for a cheap mana-investment :)

I do agree with you freyhackbarth as well as TheLoneDart that it potentially puts Soulfire Grandmaster in a great position. I am testing it now (and will continue throughout the week) and will update accordingly. I think at minimum it's making the board (if not one space in the main).

Great suggestions guys/gals. Thank you so much for your help!

January 19, 2015 11:11 p.m.

Crazybop09 says... #22

This is the Monastery Mentor build me and CurdBrosBrewingCo were discussing if any1 is interested. UW Geist (With Monastery Mentor!)

January 19, 2015 11:12 p.m.

Love it Crazybop09! I think a U/W control-ish shell is the perfect shell for Monastery Mentor. A lot of people were trying a more "tempo" shell (like used for Young Pyromancer; but I think you are on the right track with UW Geist (With Monastery Mentor!) to best take advantage of MM. Looks like what "control" could be in Modern (i.e. staying at 4-CMC or less but still having the ability to play a control deck...). Great list!

January 19, 2015 11:24 p.m.