Grimgrin the Ravenous

Commander / EDH MagicBlake


Zombies vs. Vampires —Jan. 14, 2013

I tried dueling against my wife's Olivia Voldaren vampire deck Voldaren's Vampires and was losing almost every game. Grimgrin couldn't abide such humiliation at the hands of vampires. The weakness was identified as fliers. There are several solutions but the one that I am currently debating is Shapeshifters. Shapeshifters can become the fliers, destroy legendary creatures, and copy undying creatures.

montazum10 says... #1

Thanks for commenting,

I read some of these comments and I can definitely commend Harvester of Souls . Sadly, the second I played him he was stolen and I had to stare at him doing a great job for the wrong team. As for suggestions, I would consider adding in Lich Lord of Unx , he makes tokens and can provide you another win-con (he's saved my ass before). I like your addition of 'rattle-snake-like spells' that make your opponents Think Twice about wiping the board. But how do effects like Blood Artist work for you? I like to shy away from spells that only target one person, which is why I only run Vela (considering Vengeful Dead from you). Lastly, I think you need a Buried Alive in here. I usually dump Gravecrawler , Undead Gladiator (not to be underestimated), and Wonder or a fat creature. From there, things seem to go your way a lot easier. Thats about all I have for now, although I could think of more probably, not implying anything... haha. Welp, +1 from me!

December 21, 2012 3:08 a.m.

MagicBlake says... #2


I am very seriously considering running Puppeteer Clique if for no other reason than he can be eaten by Grimgrin twice and brings a tasty snack with him both times he dies. You cant complain about a 5 CMC creature that can give Grimgrin 4 counters and with a punisher like Blood Artist on the field that's 4 damage as well.

As for Mimic Vat I used to run that but I dont have all that many come into play effects so I pulled it and put it in my Kaalia deck Kaalia's Wrath that is currently under renovation.

Thanks for the suggestions!

December 22, 2012 10:40 p.m.

MagicBlake says... #3


I used to run Lich Lord of Unx but I never really got much action out of him, of the 4-5 times I have cast him he resulted in a token only once so I pulled him for better token generators.

As for Blood Artist I swear by that card, I have never been disappointed to see it! You don't have to be a jerk and direct all the damage to one opponent. When I am sacing multiple creatures I try to spread the "love" around. ;)

Vengeful Dead is a great card if you run enough zombies he was actually the inspiration for the attrition sub-theme in this deck.

As for Buried Alive and I highly recommend it (it's essentially a fantastic tutor in a reanimator deck); however, I don't run it because I have had bad luck with it either my graveyard gets exiled or someone starts stealing my good creatures out of it. But you are right I should put it back in and I am considering it.

Thanks for the suggestions.

December 22, 2012 10:56 p.m.

dethjakal says... #4

Adding a few non-basic lands couldn't hurt, Darkslick Shores , Creeping Tar Pit , Underground River .

Gravespawn Sovereign is a pretty nasty guy, helps keep you moving as quickly as possible

Exsanguinate is also really good, if you have a larger play group.

Have you ever been interested in running the Phylactery Lich +Worldslayer combo?

December 23, 2012 9:13 a.m.