

Creature (1)

Just your standard combo deck. The idea revolves around using Artificial Evolution to modify Dragon Tempest to deal damage when your goblins come in to play. Due to the rules of the card as each new token comes in the damage stack very quickly>>>If you have 2 goblins and play a dragon fodder each of the two new tokens deals 4 damage each. other cards revolve around quickly cycling through the deck to find combo pieces or cards that enhance the combo/ make the deck usable without it. The deck should be played as an agro style deck so I generally don't care about the tokens and try to get fast damage. Any suggestions are appreciated. The combo is a modification on a better infinite combo I found online mixed with a little ingenuity. Q: Why make it worse? A: so it's more fun to play and play against. Combo decks can be boring to play if you just fish, wish, or tutor for the same cards that will auto-win, and just as boring to play against if you can't seem to stop it. The deck is designed to be very good if the combo is achieved but still beatable. All that said: From what I've been able to playtest with my friends up to this point the deck plays fairly well and is still actually fun to play. Like I said any and all suggestions appreciated (As of this moment it isnt a legal deck but im looking to cycle out cards to make it modern legal)


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 4 Rares

13 - 1 Uncommons

12 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.55
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
Folders Me likey, me wanty
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