Buddy Buddy

Modern kamarupa


Long overdue edits —Oct. 9, 2015

BaconSamurai says... #1

September 10, 2014 10:25 a.m.

kamarupa says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions, BaconSamurai, however, I'm already aware of those cards and have opted not to use them. What would I trade out for them?

I don't like Mirror Entity because it trumps the counters that accumulate on many of the Allies. I feel like something like Overrun would be just as good. In both cases, those cards are really only good when I've already got at least 4 Allies on the battlefield, and in the case of Mirror Entity , only good when I've got Harabaz Druid +Crab Umbra out, something opponents like to Remove as quickly as possible.

Adaptive Automaton doesn't strike me as any better than any Ally. It never gets any bigger, and doesn't make my other Allies much bigger either. Cloudshift is much cheaper, about as effective, and more useful in that it dodges opponent's removal.

September 10, 2014 10:57 a.m.

asasinater13 says... #3

Mirror Entity would let the counters that have accumulated on allies stay on, they would become X + the number of counters at power/toughness. I still don't see what would be removable for it, but it does function well with +1/+1 counters.

September 10, 2014 5:36 p.m.

kamarupa says... #4

Oh. I see. With Harabaz Druid +Crab Umbra all my creatures would be huge turn 4. Cool, but adds incentive to Remove my Druid, of which there is already plenty. I think I could do without Descendent's Path, but that card is already among the +5 added to the deck. I think 1x Door to Nothingness is totally worth pushing to 61, Descendent's Path is more debatable. Among the Creatures, Umara Raptor is the one I'd Sideboard first. Doesn't help much against a Vampire Nighthawk and has the higher CMC among the attacking Creatures. I think, like I have for a long time, that this decks suffers from lack of good non-basic lands as much as anything. I am always surprised how powerful this deck gets to be. Just when it seems like I'm about to lose, suddenly it comes back hard. Last time I played it in a 3 person match, it Milled both opponents out in the same turn.

September 11, 2014 1:13 a.m.

Sir5L says... #5

Xenograft + Turntimber Ranger makes Infinite tokens plus infinite everything else your allies do.. check out my Take on my Allies for a few more ideas

September 13, 2014 1:23 a.m.

kamarupa says... #6

Thanks, Sir5L, i appreciate the comment. And nice deck. I love the Allies, and yours is lovely example of their power.

I like Freed from the Reel in your deck, but I wonder how well it would work in mine, lacking the Totem Armor of Crab Umbra .

Xenograft +Turntimber Ranger is a sweet combo, but I do have reasons not to include it: It only works with Turntimber Ranger - it does nothing for the other Allies. What I love about this deck is how tenacious and varied the Creatures are. Removal hardly phases it: as one Ally dies, another two pop up to take it's place. The win-cons abound.

I'm not much of a Control player, either. I just can't stand reacting to my opponents like that. I prefer being on the other side - forcing the reaction. And loads of Allies is just the thing.

September 13, 2014 2:59 a.m.

Sir5L says... #7

Yea. I play a more combo style with that deck. I was considering Crab Umbra over Freed from the Real for a little bit but decided on my pick on the slower out quicker tap Because regardless you can't do both until turn 4 and with the cheaper untap cost I would be able to get infinite mana on turn 4 only needing 2 allies rather than 4 allies. Also the reason I run Mizzium Skin as a 1cmc can't touch this creature

September 13, 2014 3:21 a.m.

kamarupa says... #8

Cloudshift is betterthan Mizzium Skin becuase it triggers all the Allies. I think you might consider it, even only relying on Harabaz Druid for the one White mana.

September 13, 2014 3:12 p.m.

zDimm says... #9

Thanks for this deck! It is amazing. I play it every our "funny decks" fnm. Personally I changed Cloudshift to Ghostly Flicker because I always have 3+ mana in late game. I still thinking to add to sideboard Immortal Servitude 2/3 when opponent have wipe board without exile and 4x Melira, Sylvok Outcast for infect deck because I don't see any way to fight against it without this card. Again thanks for this very enjoyable deck!

October 17, 2014 3:31 p.m.

kamarupa says... #10

those are the most legit sideboard suggestions I've got in a long time. Thank you, zDimm!

October 18, 2014 3:47 a.m.

zDimm says... #11

I used this deck in tribal war event with small changes [4x Evolving Wilds 4x Freed from the Real in sideboard when opponent don't have things like lightnig bolt and -1x Door to Nothingness

VS Eldrazi 1:2

In the last match I maked stupid mistake. I forgot to leave one blue mana to cast Ghostly Flicker :(. That mana decided about winning, because my opponent had only two cards in library.Eldrazi won tribal war.

VS Elves 2:0

That was very balanced match unless I found my clerics. Lifegain and mill is the most powerfull aspect of this deck.

VS Dragons 2:0

I was very lucky. He had a very good deck. This moment when I had 3 lives and my oponent 20. I thought it was my end, but the next card was a cleric. I cloned it 2 and it gave me time to set up combo. Dragons has been killed by Hada Freeblade 12/13.

VS Goblins 1:2

2x wipe board and I didn't have Immortal Servitude in my hand.

That was amazing. Playing with this deck is like a gambling and it give much fun. You never know what might happen when you draw a card or reval it with Descendants' Path. I'm still thinking about making it more competitive, but ally is too slow. I'm sad because I must put this deck to drawer. They will wait for new tribal war tournament. Who knows, but someday WoC will reprint new more powerfull Ally and they will back to game. kamarupa thank you very much for this deck and concept.

November 10, 2014 1:38 p.m.

kamarupa says... #12

Wow! Great, zDimm! I too have had many games look bleak only to turn around with Ondu Cleric and regain all the life lost for a comeback victory.

You might also check out my new Ally build Grave Collusion. Like this deck, it can be too slow, but it's a blast to play! It full of win-cons, but the one I like best uses Agadeem Occultist and Xenograft to steal opponents creatures out of their graveyards once they've been milled with Halimar Excavator.

And I do hope they will print more Allies. If and when they do, I'll build a new Ally deck!

November 11, 2014 10:39 a.m.