Nylea, God of the Big Stuff

Commander / EDH Kovukono


Dec. 14, 2019

It's been a long time, but I've still been tweaking it.


  • Defense of the Heart: This looks good on paper, and is probably still good in the right meta--but three creatures has been difficult to find on a single player lately. More often than not, this stayed on the board multiple turns without triggering.

  • Gyre Sage: Getting this off something like Genesis Wave was great. Dropping this early and following it up with something a bit bigger was solid. But too often this has wound up being two mana for a dead dork.

  • Nissa's Revelation: The random nature of this made this far too hard to work. Thankfully, green has made a lot of replacements since Origins.

  • Primordial Sage: Solid, and honestly only just now getting cut for The Great Henge. No issues with it at all--it just got outclassed.

  • Somberwald Sage: This is another card that just got beaten by Llanowar Tribe.

  • Soul of the Harvest: Also another card that got outclassed by Guardian Project.

  • Wave of Vitriol: While extremely good for board wipes, it came at the huge downside of costing seven, and setting back myself as well.

  • Wood Elves: Cut to try to ramp more aggressively early game.

  • Forest


  • Arbor Elf, Llanowar Elves, Llanowar Tribe, Rampant Growth: All of these cards were put in with the intention of ramping a bit faster in the game.

  • Castle Garenbrig: It's essentially a forest that can tap for 2 situationally. I don't see it as being any less than an auto-include for mono-green decks.

  • Force of Vigor: It's cheap, it's instant-speed removal, and it's potentially free if it has to be. While it doesn't have as far a reach as Wave of Vitriol or Rampage of the Clans, it also doesn't set me back or give opponents as much of an advantage.

  • Guardian Project: It does what Soul of the Harvest does, but costs less and doesn't get removed by board wipes.

  • Grothama, All-Devouring: The fact that Nylea is my general makes this really worth running. With Nylea, I can pay nine mana in a turn to draw 8, or less if I have a bigger creature or fight effect.

  • The Great Henge: It often costs the same amount as Primordial Sage or even less, it makes mana the turn it enters, it buffs my creatures, and it draws me cards.


  • Rampage of the Clans: It did it's job--but I often found myself using it when I was behind. Stopping someone from winning is well and good, but when you make a huge army of beasts for them without yourself being able to defend, it doesn't end well.

  • Return of the Wildspeaker: I want to put this in, but I'm not sure where to find space at the moment. Right now, Grothama is looking like the obvious choice.