g\w (suggestions welcome)

Modern knownasnieves


knownasnieves says... #1

Well maybe one Geist at most even though there wasn't a time when I had it in my hand that I was mad about it . But so far it's been working out . I actually think this deck is pretty good now thanks for the idea though if anything I'd take out 2x Geist-Honored Monk and put in 1x Arbor Elf and 2x Vorapede I guess . K cool

November 28, 2012 5:39 p.m.

KaraZorEl says... #2

Looking at your deck list with 3x Gavony Township, I think you might like Captain of the Watch more than the wurm.

December 2, 2012 2:35 a.m.

knownasnieves says... #3

I only have one right now though and I would def think about it since the captain is amazing . The only problem is that it's mostly white for mana . Il see if I can fit it .

December 2, 2012 2:43 a.m.

meecht says... #4

I don't think splashing black just for Vraska is optimal, so I would recommend Lingering Souls instead. It has better synergy with Champion of Lambholt, and with your various pumps even the lowly 1/1 spirits can get very big, very fast.

December 2, 2012 11:49 a.m.

knownasnieves says... #5

Vault of the archangel :/ and I was considering lingering souls.. I gues Il take something out for it just idk what. Maybe conclave .. But a 3/3 on second turn is awesome

December 2, 2012 12:30 p.m.

meecht says... #6

I would agree with the Conclave removal. It may be a 3/3 on turn 2, but you only get one use out of it and unless you have the right mana combination you won't get it out turn 2.

Lingering Souls can be used twice, is easier to cast, have built-in evasion, and each time it will pump Champion of Lambholt with 2 counters.

However, if you want to keep it, though, maybe try

-1 Vraska the Unseen

-1 Wolfir Silverheart

-1 Call of the Conclave

+3 Lingering Souls

Makes it less likely to have Conclave to cast on turn 2, but a 3/3 is useful at any point in a match.

December 2, 2012 12:54 p.m.

bobior says... #7

he still got enough 2 turn action any way. 4x farseek + lambhold with a mana prducer and so on

December 5, 2012 2:44 p.m.

knownasnieves says... #8

meecht -thanks for the advice .. Conclave is amazing on turn to and puts serious pressure but I do have a lot of turn 2drops so I will only add 2x lingering souls since I can use them twice and I can make my count to 62 cards . Mostly I just use lingersouls for blocking or pumping lambholt so I'm sure it's going to fit perfectly .. Actually ima add 3x in f-it lol well thanks .

December 5, 2012 3:20 p.m.

itheoryz says... #9

I suggest sideboarding card:Faith's Reward against control and their pesky board wipes. Also see my deck Graveyard Hasters

December 7, 2012 8:09 a.m.

knownasnieves says... #10

Great add completely forgot about that card .

December 8, 2012 2:58 a.m.

Wolfsage13 says... #11

3 pilgrims 4 elves and 4 farseeks seems a little much; you do have the garruk for card advantage but i would -2 farseek and -1 pilgrim and +3 strangleroot geist or +3 selesnya charm

December 22, 2012 10:25 a.m.

meecht says... #12

Strangleroot isn't that good unless you can get it out turn two.

I would say Centaur Healer or Charm.

December 22, 2012 10:56 a.m.

pumpkinsword says... #13

If you aren't running black, Midnight Haunting is better than Lingering Souls .

December 22, 2012 2:09 p.m.

knownasnieves says... #14

Wolfsage13 strangle root isnt good anymore in this meta unless your using straight golagri from what ive seen because if he comes out 7-8 turn he isnt going to be to useful and also my ramping gets out the thragtusk faster against decks like r/b aggro which is hard to deal with right now. ive also learned that the charms are onl good against decks like mine or maybe a thndermaw hellkite when he is cast but then again no one really runs more then 2 which isnt to much a threat to me . thratusk and then i start to recover no problem

. meecht if i run into a deck that hits me alot for loss of life to much like r/b aggro or g/b golgari etc i just sb in every creature you see in my sb and then i have more presence and more life gain . i feel if its in he deck as mb it would help but a card that wouldnt be necessary . im going to be playtesting this week and if i have trouble i will main board them. hey what do you guys think about this card in this deck Wild Beastmaster ? or Wolfir Silverheart orrr Deadbridge Goliath ?? but just two of the goliath though

pumpkinsword i have vaults in the deck and i run 4x overgrown tomb which i can search for no problem with farseek . i also feel that lingering souls is much more aggressive and evasive since it has flashback for two

thankyou for the comments and suggestions guys i will playest this week and update .

December 22, 2012 10:53 p.m.

meecht says... #15

My bad. I didn't see them before.

December 22, 2012 11:12 p.m.

knownasnieves says... #16

np meecht your suggestion is good anyway and your feedback is always good so keep it coming lol im going to the grand pri in jan im trying to be ready ..

December 22, 2012 11:23 p.m.

meecht says... #17

Since you've removed Champion of Lambholt , I'm not so sure about Lingering Souls anymore. How do you normally use them in play testing?

December 23, 2012 9:03 a.m.

knownasnieves says... #18

i typically use them for evasion like iplay it the first time and wait for something to happen like a board wipe unless im facing something like g/w mirror then i just use them as an aggressive play on 2nd turn after having a mana dork on the field 1st turn. . it works out pretty well and stops any early hits in the game .

December 23, 2012 9:22 a.m.

burnsbabe says... #19

Okay. I haven't read through all the comments but, as someone who's had some good finishes with a G/W list, here are my suggestions.

Play whatever you want if you're just in it for fun/FNM. I you really are building for the Grand Prix, then you need to get a little more serious.

I'd drop goofy stuff like Vorapede , Increasing Savagery , and possibly Deadbridge Goliath though he's seen some play in G/B. Revenge of the Hunted probably needs to go too. This is all just card quality stuff. There are better things you can be casting for less mana.

If you're sticking to the Farseek /Ramp plan then keep the Armada Wurm s, add another Sigarda, Host of Herons , go to the full set of Thragtusk s and consider finding room in the main for Loxodon Smiter . I'd cut black entirely for consistency's sake and run Gavony Township . Get some Selesnya Charm in there. They save you versus big creatures, let you win when you shouldn't, and generally are tough to play around. Playtest with card:Faith's Shield too.

All of this is my opinion. It's up to you, but unless your rogue brew is doing great against most of the established decks, I wouldn't take it to a Grand Prix. I run Smiter/Paladin for double strike and then bust through damage with Rancor /Selesnya Charm so I know something about what I'm saying. Just my two cents.

December 23, 2012 8:31 p.m.

knownasnieves says... #20

burnsbabe hey i love the advice and your advice is really good. i typically use my home brews and stay away from typical top 8 decks which i know your not suggesting i do just saying that i favor originality . So, as of right now ive beaten 4c re-animator , jund midrange and b/r zombies, mono black zombies. but i need to add the selesnya charms back into my deck because they are really important . just that sometimes i really have it in my hand and it just sits there unless they play a big creature . maybe just maybe i would play it for a lil more damage but it hasnt proved useful so far. Then again.. my luck is pretty bad so most likely i will put them back in . considering how big this event is going to be im sure at some point im going to use them against other decks like mirror g/w midrange and so on . thank you for the advice . oh i really like vorapede in here it has won me every game lol idk how since its three green but with ramp a third turn vorapede is hard to deal with if someone doesnt have a kill or removal spell to exile it . thanks i have alot to consider

December 23, 2012 9:51 p.m.

burnsbabe says... #21

knownasnieves Here's my suggestion then. Put the Selesnya Charm s back in the deck. Holding it in your hand is never a bad thing. The trick with this card is to be patient. When I rush it, I always seem to get burned later. Hold it until you really need it to either a) save an important creature on your side of the board, b) exile a problem creature like Thundermaw Hellkite , or c) push through damage that you KNOW is going to be lethal. The only exception that I know of is using it to make a guy either turn two or for a blow out blocker.

My only concern with Vorapede is the same on I have with Garruk, Primal Hunter , that you won't get to three green and a otherwise useful card will rot in your hand. Just keep it in mind.

December 25, 2012 4:56 a.m.

knownasnieves says... #22

Thanks I will make the adjustments soon

December 25, 2012 4:27 p.m.

Subtle_Kay says... #23

I think you should have 4 of Arbor Elf and 4 of card:Avacyn's Pilgrim. Call of the Conclave is really good; have you thought about that? Also, Wolfir Silverheart might be a better pick than Vorapede since you like to use Champion of Lambholt . If you're looking for aggresive one-drops then you can't do any better that Dryad Militant , but you're probably not because you already have 6 (make it 8, though).

Just two criticisms: you can't have 7 Restoration Angel s and frankly your mana-curve looks a bit iffy. Hope this helps :)

January 2, 2013 4:10 a.m.

knownasnieves says... #24

Lmfao I didn't realize that happened ! Thank you Subtle_Kay

January 2, 2013 12:36 p.m.

senhor114 says... #25

Which GP?

January 2, 2013 4:34 p.m.

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