The Suicide Squad

Commander / EDH* SirHipHopHippo


Removed Saffi Eriksdotter from the deck —July 27, 2020

I decided to take out Saffi Eriksdotter far too often it did nothing for the deck. It doesn't have good synergy with the suicide squad.

I wanted to replace the card with another legendary so that Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle could still be used well. Plus the deck needed another sacrifice outlet. That being said, I added everyones favorite card Brion Stoutarm. I just think it will be hilarious to swing someone for 6 and then after combat sacrifice that creature to deal an additional 6.

Though I do wish it worked with cards like Aluren a 4/4 for 4 cmc is pretty decent.

would this deck be able to keep up with focused power level decks that arnt cedh but close

August 12, 2019 7:22 p.m.

ThoAlmighty says... #7

If you're still looking for more ramp, Perilous Forays is a favorite of mine that also synergizes with what your deck is planning to do. Not sure how it stacks up against your other sac outlets but might be worth a go. Diligent Farmhand isn't quite as good as Sakura-Tribe but may still be worth an inclusion

June 26, 2020 8:29 p.m.

SirHipHopHippo says... #8

ThoAlmighty I used to run Perilous Forays a long time ago, I felt like the cmc to cast it was too much.

Any suggestions for any white spells I could run?

July 1, 2020 11:20 a.m.

enpc says... #9

Have you considered Sundial of the Infinite? Activate it in response to the sac ability going on the stack at the end of each thrun so you can keep your dudes.

July 2, 2020 10:38 p.m.

enpc Sun dial used to be in this deck, it actually does not work with the "suicide squad" creatures because the ability says "at the beginning of the end step" rather than "at the beginning of the next endstep" it needs to say next in order for sundial to work effectively because they will just die on the opponents end step and sundial can only be used on your own turn.

However, Sundial does work with Sneak Attack and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. But ultimately I decided to take it out, I never used it enough.

July 2, 2020 11:27 p.m. Edited.

goodair says... #11

Awesome deck! Thought about this idea before and this seems like a really good build!

July 5, 2020 11:56 p.m.

goodair says... #12

Quartzwood Crasher is a new card that would fit very well in here.

July 5, 2020 11:58 p.m.

goodair That's card is really sweet, I'm not sure what I would take out to include it though. I already feel like every card in this deck holds so much importance.

July 6, 2020 9:24 p.m.

goodair says... #14

how has teshar been for you? Doesn't seem like many ways to trigger it unless its part of a combo.

July 6, 2020 9:37 p.m.

goodair Teshar is pretty decent, there are 22 Historic spells in the deck including the commanders. Teshar is a great backup for when Ravos has been destroyed late game.

With enough mana you can hold up Teshar in your hand and then for 4 cast it, play any historic spell to get the trigger and bring back Ball Lightning or Eternal Witness.

It also somewhat gives Tana, the Bloodsower a use.

July 6, 2020 9:44 p.m.

goodair says... #16

hard to say what to cut, you weren't kidding when most of the deck is already needed, lmao!

July 6, 2020 10:01 p.m.

Reznorboy says... #17

I think you really need to find room for Vial Smasher the Fierce somewhere in the deck. If you look at the art he's literally a suicide bomber.

July 7, 2020 10:57 a.m.


That is actually hilarious, though the next two cards I'm planning to add to this deck are Recruiter of the Guard and Thunderkin Awakener. On the chopping block is Oversold Cemetery, it doesn't play particularly well in this deck. Other than that I am not sure what else to cut. Maybe a land? But I hate doing that.

July 7, 2020 12:24 p.m.

ThaneGarrus says... #19

Do you think Garruk's Uprising has a good enough upside over Elemental Bond to warrant a swap or inclusion?

July 11, 2020 3:39 a.m.