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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Tiny Leaders | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Mercenary Knight
Creature — Human Mercenary Knight
When Mercenary Knight enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you discard a creature card.
Nordlys on Mercenary Surprise
3 years ago
pescyn my man, thanks again for the comments! Spineless Thug is a piece of marvel!
Never forget Phyrexian Driver our tribal lord... >.<' Thank you WizardsoftheCoast, we couldn't have asked for more.
Regarding the deck price... wow, damn! When I made this, cards like Imp's Mischief were less than a buck each (gotta sell them asap!). I've got the deck on paper except for the lands Volrath's Stronghold which are not core at all. Urborg and Shizo can be easily cut too. The Nykthos are pretty usefull though.
I'll duplicate the deck into a budget version and remove the "budget" tag from here. Thanks for pointing it out Devil_Amigo
WolfishHat the "shroud from black" ability of Mercenary Informer doesn't apply while in the library, only when it's on the battlefield so yes, it can be fetched with Cateran Summons and brought back to life from the graveyard with Doomed Necromancer after being discarded by Mercenary Knight , without a single Orzhov land. Though it's kinda excessive for what it does, it can be done if it's worth for you, yeah.
fellipemachado on Never ending Khightmares
3 years ago
thank you for the feedback ClockworkSwordfish I agree that Knight of Malice and Knight of Grace are far better options.
Do you have an opinion on what should I exchange for Mercenary Knight?
Do you use Nameless Inversion just to kill creatures?
thanks for all the suggestions
ClockworkSwordfish on Never ending Khightmares
3 years ago
It might be wise to include a couple ways to discard cards if you're piloting Haakon. Call the Bloodline is a solid option, since it can score you a little extra life to undo your big guy's drawback and lets you pitch all of your creatures for another body once Haakon himself is online. Another classic tribal option is Mercenary Knight, who is big for his cost and sets Haakon up perfectly.
I'm not sure how hard you're focusing on running with Haakon, by the way, but if you're making some effort to get him going every game, I strongly recommend Nameless Inversion and Crib Swap as removal pieces. Haakon lets you play any knight from your graveyard, not just creatures, and since these two spells are both knights, he allows you to replay them from your graveyard again and again, wiping out opposing forces with ease.
Otherwise, I would recommend trying out Knight of Grace and Knight of Malice over the classic Black and White Knights. Those less colour-heavy mana costs are a godsend in a deck with mostly basic lands, and a 3/2 with First Strike for two mana can do a lot of good work against creature-based decks.
Nordlys on Mercenary Surprise
8 years ago
@Bovine073 , thanks for posting.
Mercenary Knight would certainly work well in a madness oriented deck, but since the only self-discarding spell I play is himself (not even 4 copies; only 3 and after getting one to my hand, I would search the rest of the copies directly with Rathi Assassin from the battlefield). So I'd got stucked with the madness cards, having to fully pay for them by their converted mana cost (which is usually super expensive, as a drawback for it's madness ability).
As for Dark Ritual, which I've already tested, it kinda helps with the "I have some high-mana cost big boys" but it doesn't help too much at accelerating my drops, since it boosts my pool only for a turn. I need permanent mana sources to be able to activate Rathi Assassin's, Silent Assassin's, Cateran Overlord's, Cateran Enforcer's and/or Rathi Intimidator's abilities (twice if Thousand-Year Elixir is on).So if I don't get Sol Ring on my starting hand, I'll just throw controll uppon the enemy: Duress, Dash Hopes, Grasp of Darkness.Good advice though, thanks again!
PS: I was just taking a look into your deck and saw a big flaw you should look into as soon as you can.
Bovine073 on Mercenary Surprise
8 years ago
4 words. Shadows Over Innistrad Madness.
There's a lot of good madness creature cards that could work well with Mercenary Knight, but they aren't mercenary.
Dark Ritual I would certainly recommend. Is it legal in legacy?