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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Icatian Javelineers
Creature — Human Soldier
Icatian Javelineers enters the battlefield with a javelin counter on it.
, Remove a javelin counter from Icatian Javelineers: It deals 1 damage to any target (creature, player or planeswalker).
FormOverFunction on Why Do Recent Sacrifice Effects …
1 year ago
I imagine something of a three-tiered system, where named creatures are ranked above nameless token creatures but below actual legendary creatures. Icatian Javelineers are more plot-sensitive than a generic soldier, as shown by their abilities, but aren’t an actual character. Maybe a better way to describe it is the difference between “Soldier #4” and “Communications Officer” in the end credits.
Billdaman on Soldiers
2 years ago
Hi there! This is a fun little white weenie deck. My first deck pauper deck was very similar to this. The Gempalm Avenger is actually a really good synergy with your deck and could prove to be a great surprise combat trick to take out your opponent's attackers/blockers. You could drop the Outflank to make room for four Journey to Nowhere, for a little efficient removal, because your opponent could easily take out one of your soldiers to save their creature from being killed. Straight up replace the Steeling Stance, with Guardians' Pledge, same cost but better effect. If you want some good early came tempo plays, try Icatian Javelineers. They might prove a little more efficient when dealing with small creatures than your Gideon's Lawkeeper, because I always say "Why tap it down, when I could just kill it?". This deck could use a little draw power too, so consider changing up the mana base just a tad with some Secluded Steppe. Weenie decks are really fun to play, and this could rack up some wins with just a little upgrading and tweaking.
FormOverFunction on None
4 years ago
One of the first cards I ever played with, that really hooked me on the themely-aspect of magic was a fallen empires Icatian Javelineers. Not a great card, but the art, mechanics, and general feel of that card made me feel like I was holding a weird old magical relic. I love that older-style art. Painted cards are infinitely better than the new super-touched-up-electronic stuff. Same goes for a lot of those weird old artifacts, like the old mana batteries.
Spell_Slam on Weenie Envy
4 years ago
Heal could be Bandage, which in almost every scenario will be better for you.
Healer's Hawk has been out for a while now. Have you made the switch? It should definitely be there over Suntail Hawk.
Icatian Javelineers can ping a Delver or something annoying for free.
Sunlance is great removal for mono-White. I would play it over Pressure Point. You could also just play Journey to Nowhere for the same cost.
Kor Skyfisher is one of the best common White creautres, period. It can pick up some of your utility lands in the mid game for extra value, or draw you an extra card with the Inspector, or if you play the Javelineers you can reset the counter for more ping, or you can reset a Journey to Nowhere onto a better target. I would definitely play that over Tundra Wolves.
I think you could cut to 17 lands with this deck. You won't need more than 2-3 lands and can easily keep 1-land hands in most cases. If you end up playing Battle Screech you might consider going up to 18-19 lands, though.
kalko on Martyr's Soldiers
4 years ago
I would cut palace sentinels, Captain's call, veteran Swordsmit, Reproach, Foot Soldier and Puncturing light for more Thraben, War falcons, Daybreak Chimera, Kor Skyfisher and Icatian Javelineers
DaFerra on
5 years ago
Serrated Arrows and Icatian Javelineers are good cards against aggro decks that also have good synergies with blink effects
Rabid_Wombat on 3rd edition white deck?
6 years ago
What the guys above suggest is 100 percent great advice - however, keep in mind Balance is cool as long as you just run one...some groups may get salty if you run four..
I would also add:
2 - 3 Crusades to buff your little guys, playsets of Savannah Lions, Order of Leitbur, Icatian Javelineers and an Armageddon or two so you can slow down other decks that rely on more mana - just make sure you have a Plains or two in hand when you cast it so you aren't slowed down.
Ruffigan on Lt. Unicorn, Commander
6 years ago
Looking through your stuff I think you could take out Devout Witness and Icatian Javelineers. Javelineers I don't think does enough and Witness costs a lot to destroy an enchantment. Considering most enchantments in PDH are auras, if you think you need more enchantment removal, you would probably be better off adding another piece of creature removal or more cards that grant protection to bounce the auras off.
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