Blinkmoth Infusion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blinkmoth Infusion


Affinity for artifacts (This spell costs (1) less to play for each artifact you control.)

Untap all artifacts.

Gandolfini on Mind Blast -Modern

1 year ago

The_Warleader Cut / Ribbons probably works best for the extra damage purpose, while still buffing Mindshrieker enough to protect from Bolt. Rags / Riches might be best for replacing Blinkmoth Infusion

Gandolfini on Mind Blast -Modern

1 year ago

The_Warleader Thanks The_Warleader for your thoughtful comment, those are definitely cards for me to consider! Here are my thoughts, with Lightning Bolt and Serum Visions, they don't get Mindshrieker out of Bolt range when milled from its ability. Maybe it's a fragile creature regardless, but I'm really looking to make sure my deck has as many cards as possible that keep Mindshrieker out of bolt range, maybe there are 3-cost alternatives to Lightning Bolt and Serum Visions? I agree I might end of cutting a few copies of Blinkmoth Infusion to make way for immediately useful cards, such as that Lightning Bolt. Temple of Epiphany could be better than Crystal Grotto, but it's situation dependent. The Temple of Epiphany helps ensure your mana base, but I hope to use the other scrying cards for that. Temple of Epiphany comes in tapped, when I feel the most useful turn to scry is on the same turn I want to play Mindshrieker or Calibrated Blast. So it is a dilemma.

azja on The Secret Art of Nin Nin

1 year ago

Hey I took a look at your list and wrote down some potential cuts/additions that you could make. I tried to keep the reasoning for each card short, so if you want me to elaborate on anything just let me know!!

Out: Nether Traitor 2 mana enablers are slow, requires a lot of black mana. In: Faerie Seer only costs 1, sets up top card for yuriko

Out: Shadowmage Infiltrator 3 mana enablers are very slow, doesn't deal combat damage if you ninjutsu it. In: Mothdust Changeling 1 mana ninja with conditional evasion

Out: Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire costs 5 mana total, has to survive a turn to tutor. In: Vampiric Tutor (the only budget option I can think of is Scheming Symmetry, which you already have)

Out: Crypsis too expensive for what is effectively unblockable. In: Cover of Darkness gives some evasion to all of your ninjas (budget option: Aqueous Form)

Out: Dark Ritual powerful card but yuriko doesnt have much use for triple black. In: Mox Amber yuriko enables this on turn 2 or 3 (budget option: Arcane Signet)

Out: Infiltrate. In: Slip Through Space same effect but replaces itself (though I prefer to just play more ninjas than unblockable spells!)

Out: Teferi's Time Twist not great since most of our creatures don't have an etb ability. In: Moon-Circuit Hacker cheap ninja that draws a card

Out: Ultimate Price removal that doesn't hit most commanders isn't ideal. In: Deadly Rollick (budget option: Dismember)

Out: Victim of Night not bad, but black has better removal. In: Infernal Grasp -2 life is pretty negligable in commander

Out: Commander's Sphere 3 mana ramp is quite slow for yuriko decks. In: Chrome Mox (budget option: Dimir Signet)

Out: Isochron Scepter we intentionally play lots of instants with cmc >2. In: Misdirection free "counterspell" that's also budget-friendly

Out: Preordain if you bottom any cards, you can't set up a card for yuriko. In: Ponder works better with yuriko

Out: Enter the Infinite generally uncastable. In: Blinkmoth Infusion also uncastable, but deals 14 damage instead of 12

If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to reach out again!

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

1 year ago

@magwaaf I do plan on trying out Shadow of Mortality, I just haven't gotten a hold of one yet! I think it will take the spot of Draco since it's actually cast-able, but Blinkmoth Infusion is likely still our best "burn" card since it can be pitched to Force of Will and similar cards.

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

@DinGo90 I could definitely see Shadow of Mortality replacing Draco. Although it's "only" 15 cmc, it's a card that we can can pretty reasonably cast for BB, unlike Draco. The reason I'd still like to play Blinkmoth Infusion is that it's blue, so we can exile it to Force of Negation, Force of Will, etc.

Let me know what you think!

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

Hey Spirits, sounds like your games went well!

To add to your last comment, Mystic Sanctuary only triggers if you have 3+ other islands, so it's probably not worth it with a Tainted Pact mana base. Also, in my past couple games I've had issues with Sunken Hollow coming in tapped, so I think I'll replace it with City of Brass like you mentioned.

You're right about Thousand-Faced Shadow, it's been treating me very well so far.

Wash Away isn't bad, but there's just so many good counterspells in edh I don't think it makes the top 10-ish that we would want to run.

I'm currently trying 32 lands, and it's felt good so far. But I tend to run 1-2 more lands than most lists I've seen, so I think 30 is a good number too.

As for the extra turn spells, I don't have a sure-fire way to win other than tutoring Draco/Blinkmoth Infusion on top if my opponents are low enough. But I've found that the 2-3 extra Yuriko triggers you get by taking an extra turn put you very far ahead, even if the damage isn't enough to be lethal.

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

Hey Snake57, sorry about the very late reply! My playgroup has been the same 3-4 people in the past couple of months due to covid, so I've been messing around with some new decks for more variety in our games. Don't worry, I still absolutely love Yuriko, but I haven't made any changes to the list lately!

Ponder vs Otherworldly Gaze: Ponder wins this one for me because it acts as topdeck manipulation and a cantrip. With Otherworldly Gaze you get to see more cards, but you also go down a card in the process.

Personal Tutor: Although I'm still not a huge fan of this card, I've been playing with it in favour of Insidious Dreams. Insidious Dreams is more powerful in the right situation, but quite mana intensive, and brutal if it gets countered.

Dauthi Voidwalker: Love this card so far. I mostly keep it untapped as a threat rather than an enabler, but the shadow is a nice plus!

Opposition Agent: I'm also split on this card. Most times it just steals a fetchland and then gets removed, which makes it feel kind of underwhelming. But the upside of stealing an actual tutor could be worth it.

Abjure and Boon of the Wish-Giver: I have both of these in my binder but I haven't tried them myself. How have they panned out for you?

Enter the Infinite: I also agree that raising the overall cmc is better than playing this card. I think 2 is the perfect number of cards in the "high cmc but useless" category (Draco and Blinkmoth Infusion). Like you said, delve cards or big cards that cycle seem like a better solution.

Have you made any changes in your list? Let me know!

Also, any thoughts on neon dynasty so far?

I think Kaito Shizuki looks quite powerful and, for once, I'm looking forward to trying out a planeswalker in Yuriko!

As for Satoru Umezawa, it seems too mana intensive for this deck. But I'm excited to see another ninjutsu commander with a different spin!

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

3 years ago

Hey Snake57, good to hear from you again!

So far, I haven't seen many possible additions from strixhaven. I think Baleful Mastery is awesome if you can get a small favour from the opponent who draws the card. But my playgroup is all too familiar with my shenanigans, so they don't make deals with me anymore :')

Lotus Petal seems like a good addition! Even with 33 lands, sometimes find myself with too many, so it's probably reasonable for me to cut a land for it too.

I've been pretty satisfied with Spell Pierce, but you're right about it being narrow. If your opponents are playing a lot of ramp, or tend to pass with mana up, then Spell Pierce might be too weak. I don't think I'd play Pact of Negation because the upkeep cost is too much of a downside (if you can't win the turn you cast it). I think Pact of Negation is best suited for combo decks that can win right away if their spell resolves.

As for the cycling cards, I really like Street Wraith and want to find room for it. I'm not totally sure about Boon of the Wish-Giver, but it seems promising enough to try out!

I haven't been able to play much commander lately, but I feel pretty confident about my most recent changes, so I'll try to add them to the primer soon! I do miss playing Commit / Memory since it was a key target for Personal Tutor and Mystical Tutor, but I just don't think it's strong enough.

Speaking of Personal Tutor, I've been considering cutting it since it can't grab Draco or Blinkmoth Infusion. Another potential cut I've been considering is Unnatural Selection, it's felt kind of weak recently.

A couple of additions I'm thinking about are Street Wraith, like you mentioned, and Run Away Together since it can bounce two of my opponents' creatures, helping Yuriko connect on the following turn.


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