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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Exile target creature that dealt damage to you this turn.

lhetrick13 on I'll Raise you +1/+1...

2 years ago

Drestlin - I do like how Baffling End comes from one of my favorite sets! Otherwise, I feel like it is similar to a lot of the other low cost removal from out there in terms of having a condition to meet to be effective, having a negative side effect, or losing those at the expense of cost such as Fatal Push, Infernal Grasp, Bloodchief's Thirst, Assassin's Trophy, Maelstrom Pulse, Vindicate...

The cheaper removal stuff from also has limiting conditions conditions or negative side effects like Smite, Swallow Whole, Reciprocate, Condemn, etc...which was one of my problems to begin with, not being able to always removal the creatures I needed consistently with Swallow Whole. Not saying that my idea to use Retribution of the Ancients for removal is not without its faults as you have to have +1/+1 counters to lose but at least it does not give the opponent a boost in land or creatures or take a 10th of my health (which the high number or fetch, shock, or pain lands already do that and more!).

Playtesting Retribution of the Ancients so far has had mixed reviews. I have either lost playing against decks like Living End where creatures are not really a thing until they are a thing and its to late or I have gotten it out and it does work effectively to help clear the board of essential pieces or just enough so I can get unblocked creatures for the win.

lhetrick13 on Feline Feelings

2 years ago

wallisface - I made some changes based on your thoughts. I did keep Reciprocate and Heroic Intervention in for now. I do not disagree with you there are times when Reciprocate can not remove the creature I need it to but it is a low cost way to rid the board of a creature without a negative caveat like Path to Exile. I added Reciprocate in recently and will play test it with the other removal cards and see how it feels. Heroic Intervention I just have a hard time parting with as it has saved some many games...but there are other games where I just sit on it so I hear you.

Otherwise, I added some lands and balanced out the mana curve a bit. I know it is still a little heavy on the 3 CMC but you would be surprised at how many games I can sneak Qasali Ambusher in for free with the only prerequisite being possession of a forest and plains and a creature attacking you. So in my mind, I slide those three over to more of a 2 CMC at most although technically they are a 3 CMC.

I do like your idea of lowering the creature count and just stalling until the pieces are in place...Never played a deck like that before so it is intriguing to me. Would I almost play it more like a control deck at that point with a focus on disrupting and annoying opponent until I get the pieces I need in play to take an advantage?

wallisface on Feline Feelings

2 years ago

lhetrick13 If you are running ramp, i’d suggest just using mana dorks like Noble Hierarch (yes, I know it’s not a cat - but i’m not sure how much you want to burden yourself by your own theme?). Personally though, for this brew, i’d be suggesting to drop the mana curve drastically, instead of adding ramp.

On the topic of Selesnya Sanctuary, the card isn’t a ramp card at all without the help of Amulet of Vigor - and at that point you’re building an entirely different deck. Without Amulet, the land is more likely to trip you up on pivotal turns than help you, and importantly it doesn’t actually speed up your mana generation at all.

For interaction, I think you just want to be running more Path to Exile effects. I can suggest Fateful Absence and March of Otherworldly Light in addition to Path. I’d ditch Reciprocate as its too easy for your opponent to play-around.

I’d personally be moving Heroic Intervention to the sideboard (there’s too many matchups where its not good), and dropping your creature count to around 16-18. If you’re able to grind out the game through interaction, this will buy you more time to play your bigger cats (and most of them add enough value that they’re worth stalling/grinding for). Lots of interaction lets you run a slightly higher mana-curve also (as control decks do), so this lets you keep more of your bigger cards in the deck.

lhetrick13 on Feline Feelings

2 years ago

wallisface - I do not know if there is a way to upvote you but you recently gave comments on another of my decks (For Honor and Glory!!!) so thank you again for your thoughts! It really is helpful!

Your first point is definitely spot on that when the deck loses, it is mostly due to slow, cumbersome hands. I will take a look at the mana curve and see if I can get some lower cost cards in there. In regard to ramp, I do not have a nice ramping cat like Knight of the White Orchid like I did with For Honor and Glory!!!, so I am guessing I will have to add in some sorcery cards for that if I want to add in some ramping. Any in particular you find more useful that others?

My land count used to be 24 for this deck in earlier versions but I actually removed some based on what some mana calculators I found said was recommended based on the total mana count and each CMC of the cards in the deck. I will say shaving it down to 21 lands helps get in some extra stuff but it does feel like it is hard to get out the 4+ cmc at times...I will look into getting at least 23 lands back in.

Again, you are not wrong. The only stuff I have to mess with an opponent are Feline Sovereign's ability to remove artifacts/enchantments if I can do damage to a player mixed with Path to Exile and Reciprocate for removal and sometimes I can drop a timely Mana Tithe and ruin a turn for my opponent. Heroic Intervention is in place to help deal with disrupting removal/damage but that is all I currently got. Since this deck was mainly focused on creatures, I did not really think of trying to throw the opponent off. Any recommendations for ideas?

Thanks again for your thoughts!

lhetrick13 on For Honor and Glory!!!

2 years ago

TheReal_MtGHaystak - Thanks for the suggestions! I had actually been experimenting with Murderous Rider for the last week or two as a replacement for Path to Exile and/or Reciprocate. The extra mana feels tough at times but I did decide to drop the 2x Reciprocate in exchange for 2x Murderous Rider.

I love Collected Company but as you likely noticed, I am a bit of a cheap skate and just have not built up my collection to include that >5tix card yet but you are right it would be a phenomenal fit. Definitely adding that card to my wishlist...right up there with fetch lands, utility lands, and just better lands in general.

Thanks for the advice/suggestions! I look forward to putting trying it out and seeing how it feels.

Pathinfder97 on life

3 years ago

Looks like a fun deck! I may put something similar together with what I have.

For budget removal Id recommend Condemn and Reciprocate

For more tokens Gather the Townsfolk , Lingering Souls (if you want to splash back), Spectral Procession , Promise of Bunrei

For enchantments I’d look at Ajani's Welcome , Legion's Landing  Flip (also taps for land), Leyline of the Meek , Honor the Pure and Intangible Virtue .

As far as creatures go I’d try to get more tokens out. Maybe Thraben Doomsayer , Doomed Traveler , Impassioned Orator or Soul's Attendant

Some instants would be Make a Stand to protect tokens from a board wipe

SizzleySurprise on Deck for Starbot

3 years ago

Huh. Dunno how I stumbled across this deck. You only want white removal ideas? How about... Condemn, Gaze of Justice, Reciprocate, Spirit Link (does double-duty for you in this deck), Oust? Harm's Way? Reprobation? Afterlife? Crib Swap?
There are just a ton of options in white for removal - even on a budget. You have to remember, though, that a mono-white deck is going to have a bit of a problem with card draw, so targeted removal in a multiplayer game could put you at a disadvantage. Especially if you have too much.
Well of Lost Dreams might be worth squeezing into your budget... That actually just reminded me of Cradle of Vitality which would be pretty awesome here.
Again, consider more board wipes than targeted removal (I'll give suggestions on those too, if you're interested).
Good luck brewing!

Hynx on Selesnya Enchantment

4 years ago

if you want a list of mana dorks to speed up them larger mana cost creatures instead of disposing them here: MANA DORKS is a link to a fairly comprehensive list. not all are modern legal and its not a perfect list. but its a great starting point.

For modern, you want to be able to win by turn 4 if it is not a control/snailing stall deck. if you go the stall route, you may want to invest in cards that let you exile on the cheap, and totally screw your opponents win condition. such as Reciprocate or even Shepherd of the Flock just to snail them with the adventure portion(great way to also ruin a combo that relies on the enchant placed on the creature you are targeting.

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