
I introduce you my new zombie deck based strictly on cards I own. I am a returning player from mostly the onslaught/mirrodin era and have always been a casual player (I also have some M13 cards I never played and played DOTP games on steam). I would like so to gather some pieces of advices on better cards to build my strategy. I have two cards at spot : Infest and Endless Ranks of the Dead but since I do not own them, I prefer not to include them because I have not tested them.

Main strategy

So my deck is not strictly tribal since my strategy is more about smashing my zombies and taking advantage of their number to inflict indirect damage twice :

Handling threats

The main threats I can face are instants.rituals to kill my cards or to a board wipe? That is why I played mainly discard cards like Cabal Interrogator (which is more useful late game) and Duress (more powerful). I made the choice not to handle creatures, maybe I am wrong ?


As my deck is made of cheap cards, Dark Ritual can be used for many purpose because I need a lot of cheap cards. The micro-"combo" Festering Goblin + Accursed Centaur + Vile Rebirth might be useful and puts two 2/2 zombies on board while eventually trigerring a -1 life.

Side notes

It is important to keep at most 2/2 cards since the final board wipe will use cheap cards like Infest or Echoing Decay if I have Endless Ranks of the Dead . That is why I do not have any zombie warchief or equivalent.

The reason I have many draw cards was to play Ghastly Remains but now I see this card is not viable even with a lot of draw.

I would like not to invest loards of money on this deck since I play occasinally. I can buy some 15 dollars cards and if I like it but generally max 10 dollars cards are ok.

Thanks a lot


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Rares

6 - 0 Uncommons

30 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.55
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
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