Gifts Combo Version 5

Modern simoHayha


polydamas says... #1

I'd replace Empyrial with Iona. And I replace the Archmage and Dismember with Painter's Servant. Or Slaughter Games and Raven's Crime from your sideboard and put in two Painter's Servants. I feel like Iona/Painter's Servant is one of the best answers to Eldrazi. I also like Stormtide Leviathan more than Thragtusk. I've run Monastery Siege before and I like it, but I've heard that it just isn't that effective. I don't know. But you could replace it with another Abrupt Decay and Sultai Charm. I also noticed you don't have any Serum Visions. I love me some Serum Visions. I'd replace Monastery Siege with Serum Visions. I saw that you have Blackcleave Cliffs, which is a little puzzling as you don't run red. Same with Blood Crypts. And Steam Vents. Oh I just noticed you have two red cards in your sideboard. I like Crumble to Dust (but I don't know if you need 3), but you could replace Slaughter Games with Memoracide. If you take out Crumble to Dust you could put Tectonic Edge or another Ghost Quarter in your sideboard (or in your mainboard as you won't need the red mana anymore). I'll give you this caveat though, I've only been playing for 6 months, so you might want to take what I said with a grain of salt.

February 10, 2016 6:32 p.m.

simoHayha says... #2

Hey, polydamas. Thanks for your suggestions! Your right, once i do find a way to get Painter's Servant in here ill definitely swap out Empyrial Archangel with Iona. Been debating which one of those is better mainboard but with the addition of Painter's Servant its goto be Iona hands down. Im not sure about swapping out Thragtusk with Leviathan, the mana cost of them are so different, i may swap out void winnower in the sb for it though and if i take out ravens crime from my sb i would take out life from the loam too, i kinda like that package as insurance against some control builds though. Im a fan of slaughter games over Memoracide for now just because of scapeshift. It can easily counter memoracide =/, and i may have a bit to much hate against big mana decks as you mentioned with the 3 crumble to dusts lol. There are just some decks I dislike more than others =p. I use to have faithless looting in mainboard instead of serum visions but removed it to make my mana a bit easier, I will definitely look into running serum visions mainboard though, just trying not to stress the mana. Currently i need B t1 for discard, W t1 for removal, and G t1 for ramp so needing U t1 may be hard =/. I shall try though.

Ive actually added the Monastery Siege recently and havent gotten alot of testing done with it. Seems good against burn, jund, and as a looting option but i can easily see removing it for your suggestions of decay and charm.

February 10, 2016 6:58 p.m.

polydamas says... #3

Someone made the point that with the Iona/Painter's Servant combo, that the game is basically over anyways when you play Iona. I do think Stormtide Leviathan would be good against Eldrazi though. Except Emrakul. With him you just hope you have a path.

February 11, 2016 1:31 a.m.

trixster87 says... #5

polydamas you can't path ermakul- protection from colored spells. You need wrath or etb trigger. Ulamog you need path for. I'm running Spreading Seas for eldrazzi/tron and man land decks in the side. It doesn't die to dismember and catnips.

February 12, 2016 3:29 p.m.

simoHayha says... #6

polydamas, love spreading seas in general. How would you propose changing my sideboard for it? Feel like Crumble to Dust may be a better option because its better against tron and can be found off of Bring to Light and sadly agro is a hard matchup so have to dedicate several sb slots against affinity and burn/zoo =/. Do think that the u/w control decks that mainboard Spreading Seas are quite well positioned right now because of how good it is against Eldrazi =). What do you think about my most recent changes to the deck? Also, what do you think about the Empyrial Archangel over Iona decision? Love to hear peoples opinions.

February 16, 2016 9:49 p.m.

sain77 says... #7

I'm just gonna link this. LSV's the master of not getting presents.

LSV's 5c Bringing Gifts

(Also Iona is much better than Empyrial)

February 17, 2016 12:19 a.m.

simoHayha says... #8

sain77. Ya ive looked though his build a good bit and it was my starting place. From their ive branched off to what you see now. Also why is Iona better? Empyrial seems better against abzan(both black and white removal), zoo (burn, heavy board presence, and paths), jund (man lands), even burn to some degree (they board in 4 paths). Seems better at attacking since even on the swing back it soaks up damage. The games you loss with Empyrial seem like you would have also lost with Iona. I played Iona mainboard for a while but no body has given me a reason why its actually better than Empyrial lol. I suppose storm? But thats not a real thought at the moment.

Thank you for the link =).

February 17, 2016 12:35 a.m.

sain77 says... #9

Don't think of your gameplan against BGx decks in terms of the reanimation plan. It is simply not good against them. Jund is a bit in exception due to Iona locking out black being downright murderous. That is, if they do not have Liliana in play, or a scavenging ooze to disrupt you. You beat Abzan with value gifts, Lingering souls, and perhaps hard-casting your fatties at some point.

Empyrial isn't as sturdy as you might believe. Having played it at one point, it often just dies to your opponents combined board-state.

You usually fight Zoo with Norn and Timely Reinforceents. They often cannot kill Norn, and IoK can protect her from what meagre removal they have. Thragtusk is our backup plan.

Similarly, against burn, IoK will handle Path to clear Iona's way. In addition, Only Path beats Iona. 8 damage beats Archangel. If Iona gets Path'd we have Timely and Thragtusk as backup plans.

Worrying about other people's removal is often unwise. We have enough ways to win that we can risk people havng PtE, or we can simply wait and tear it out of their hand with discard.

February 17, 2016 12:59 a.m.

simoHayha says... #10

sain77: Fair points and thanks for the reply, I was thinking of it the opposite way lol. If Empyrial gets killed then I still have Timely and Thragtusk as backup plans. I was thinking Ghostly Prison makes it a bit harder for them to kill empyrial and if they still can then they have such a strong board presence that Iona would have also not been enough to keep me alive.

Abzan/BGx may be my strongest matchup because of the value gifts package and Lilly isnt even a though with all the random tokens I have so thats not a concern. Because of that i dont really have all that much in the sb against them.

For zoo most their guys are 3 def so Norn stops the attacks but doesnt kill and they run 4 bolts and 4 lightning helex. If im high enough ya ill get Norn but some times having something like Empyrial to soak up 2 bolts and eat a creature seems best. Then stabilize with timely, souls, or thragtusk.

So far the majority of my testing has been against aggressive tempo decks and Eldrazi and against those two specific cases ive liked Empyrial more (not very relavent in the eldrazi matchup because always side it out). With Iona I have had to name red to avoid getting killed then Iona just gets vaper snagged or snap snagged. Also, surprisingly Norn hasnt seemed right in this matchup either due to burn/snag and haste creatures. However there are a tone of other decks i havent tested much against and since you have tried it out in the past you probably know the outcome better than I.

February 17, 2016 1:25 a.m.

simoHayha says... #11

Suggestions on how to improve the painful mana base would be greatly appreciated =).

February 19, 2016 9:09 p.m.

Frimbleglim says... #12

I recommend mana confluence and city of brass. It's less damage in short games than running a fetch/shock mana base. In long games you are probably casting lifegain spells anyway.

February 20, 2016 12:47 p.m.

sain77 says... #13

Not sure I agree Frimbleglim. That seems liike it would hurt more. I think having a less painful mana base involves less colors. I would recommend cutting red if you are not playing Bring to Light. I dislike Faithless Looting in a value deck, as it is card disadvantage, and Crumble to Dust isn't worth the splash. Your discard spells should allow yyou to backdoor into discarding reanimation targets if you need to.

A Discard my Reanimation target Gifts Pile is Raven's Crime, Unburial Rites, Land, Land.

More Birds of Paradise also helps, but I would not play more than 6 mana guys. I would also recomennd MD Raven's Crime and a couple Mana Leak to replace Faithless Looting.

February 20, 2016 1:20 p.m. Edited.

simoHayha says... #14

sain77,Frimbleglim: Ive got Raven's Crime in my sideboard so that i can have the Loam, Urburg, Ravens crime package which is great against control. I dont have it main at the moment because with all the eldrazi/infect/affinity/burn/zoo i feel its a bit to slow in this meta game.

I know playing the 5th color for pretty much just Faithless Looting comes at a pretty high cost but ive been very very happy with it so far. Ive tried replacing it with 2 Sultai Charm's before but Faithless Looting just fixes everything whenever i feel like im flooding and works quite well with a loam. Can also throw it into gifts packages late game for even more value so i think im going to be keeping it for now. Ive also tried Mana Leak, it wasnt bad but wasnt anything that i found like i really needed.

Like your idea with adding a few more mana guys, may replace Augur of Bolas with Birds of Paradise which should help my mana a fair amount because then i wont need U till turn 3/4 so could replace Steam Vents with something else. Also going back to Iona vs Empyrial, I agree with your suggestion of Iona vs Empyrial mainly because of board wipes.

Do y'all thing a 1-2 of Gemstone Mine would be appropriate here?

Also what are your thoughts on replacing Sorin, Solemn Visitor and Grave Titan mainboard to the sideboard with Worship? Worship wins most game 1's but not after sideboard and they bring in enchantment hate. Since they will probably bring in hate regardless because of Ghostly Prison may as well get value from it game 1 right?

February 20, 2016 1:39 p.m.

Frimbleglim says... #15

Lets work it out turn by turn:

Turn 1) fetch + shock = 3 life vs Mana confluences = 1 life

Turn 2) fetch + shock = 3 life vs Mana confluences = 2 life

turn 3) shock = 2 life vs mana confluences = 2 life (asuming you have a basic at this point)

Total: 8 life lost to shocks 5 life lost to mana confluences.

After turn 3 you are usually either all but dead anyway or you are in a long grindy game. If the former you will be glad of the extra life points. If the latter you will need lifegain spells for either mana base and will hit your urborg sooner or later.

I have been playing a 5 colour combo deck for the last year or so and have found mana confluence and city of brass far better for these decks.

February 20, 2016 1:53 p.m.

simoHayha says... #16

Frimbleglim and its even a little bit better because of Urborg too. Do you think its better in this deck than Gemstone Mine?

Also Assuming i use all my mana wouldnt it go like this:

With confluence:

T1: 1 damage

T2: 4 damage (fetch + shock + confluence damage)

T3: 2 damage (fetch + basic + confluence damage)

Total 7

VS without confluence:

T1: 3 damage (fetch + shock)

T2: 3 damage (fetch + shock)

T3: 1 damage (fetch + basic)

Total 7

Actually nvm, it could go with mana confluence:

T1: 3 damage (fetch + shock)

T2: 1 damage (fetch + basic)

T3: 1 damage (confluence damage)

Total 5

so i see where you got 5 from. Either way, do you think Mana Confluence is better in this deck than Gemstone Mine?

February 20, 2016 2:13 p.m.

Frimbleglim says... #17

Probably but there are 8 mana confluence cards because you can play city of brass as well. So I don't think you need to run more than 3 fetches and you shouldn't need any shocks at all with these.

February 22, 2016 1:14 p.m.

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