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Burning up your soul - landless first turn win.

Legacy Aggro Burn Competitive Red Deck Wins Theme/Gimmick UR (Izzet)



This is another of my attempts at a landless deck. The budget version can be found here

Turn 0: reveal Chancellor of the Forge for a hasty goblin.

Turn 1 Blazing Shoal exiling a Progenitus. Exile two more red cards for Fury of the Horde swing for 22

enter image description here

Or maybe you Chancellor of the Forge into a goblin, Blazing Shoal exiling that chancellor, swing for eight, get another combat, take them down to four, and Cave-In for the rest. The deck is versatile.

The difference between this and the budget version is that we splash blue for protection. Pacts don't matter if you won. Both Progenitus and reaper king serve both as fodder for the Shoal and Force of Will

enter image description here

The basic combo should work as well with a Kobold or Ornithopter

Turn 1: play a Crimson Kobold

Turn 2: +10 for the turn and then attack twice. Blockers can be dealt with via Pyrokinesis and anOrnithopter can fly over them. The fear in an opponent's eyes when they see an Ornithopter swinging in should be reason enough to play this deck alone.

The deck will regularly hit for 2-12 damage first or second turn and then slowly burn it's way from there.

enter image description here

Because of the need for red cards to exile, aggressively mulliganing to less than six usually doesn't do well. The deck settles down into an almost control pattern, with opponents not wanting to leave themselves open, and us burning their board or them as we get the chance.

The deck is strong against creature strategies, fairly immune to stax, and destroyed by tax effects. Also beware of "mill till you hit a land." You will have four turns drawing a Progenitus to kill them.

enter image description here

Sometimes, maybe 20% of the time the deck just whiffs. You get a whole hand of CMC 10s. I'll occasionally mull down to five but remember every mulligan is reducing us by a "land."

Don't worry if you don't have the combo in the opening hand. The important thing is that you have a creature you can play and a diversity of other pieces.

After an opponent has seen what you can do, they play differently and it's too our advantage. Psych them out. Ask if they're leaving blockers whenever they attack. Ask if they have flyers. make them hold back.

In its hellish hand form its weakest to agro. Given time we'll get the pieces. Given time I can burn through their blockers. Given time they'll burn.

enter image description here

I haven't tested the sideboard as much as I'd like. I had one that was just land as a transformational strategy, but couldn't get it to work. Definitely looking for suggestions.

Burn baby burn


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 8 Rares

4 - 3 Uncommons

16 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.47
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
Folders Landless, Interesting Deck Ideas
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