Old Woman Josie and her Angels

Commander / EDH SaniTheCat


Followed some suggestions! —Oct. 18, 2014

So I took out Elvish Mystic, Angel's Mercy, Scroll of Avacyn, Angelic Armaments, and various other cards that I didn't know how to keep track of until now and added a few more colorless lands and the cards that TheSilverBlade suggested to either my maybe board or into my deck.

TheSilverBlade says... #1

  • Have you considered Angel of Serenity and Admonition Angel ? They're both pretty strong in that they act as removal and giant beaters. Twilight Shepherd is pretty awesome in that it prevents your team from getting blown out by a board wipe.
  • If you can add in a couple of ways to make Sigarda indestructible, she'll be unstoppable; Sigarda is one of the most feared generals in EDH because once she's suited up with Darksteel Plate , she's almost impossible to get rid of. (Except if you play Final Judgement or Terminus.) Spirit Mantle can also help you push through to hit somebody for 21 general damage.
  • I personally wouldn't run Angel's Mercy or Scroll of Avacyn just because cards that only grant you life in EDH aren't too powerful. Gaining 5 or 7 life in a format where you start at 40 isn't putting you that far ahead.
  • Darksteel Mutation , Condemn and Oblation are all great ways to remove problematic generals from the game.
  • Elvish Mystic isn't quite an ideal mana rock when you have access to other, less fragile spells. A 1/1 is going to die to a board wipe, whereas lands and artifacts are much harder to deal with. (Harrow , Sol Ring , Selesnya Signet , Cultivate , etc.)
  • Angelic Armaments seems a bit redundant; there are only 4 non-angel creatures in the deck. Most of the time, you'll only be giving the equipped creature +2/+2, which is a relatively small effect.
  • Return to Dust , Beast Within , and Krosan Grip offer some of the best artifact/enchantment removal in the format. (Granted, Beast Within doesn't really fit the theme, but destroying any permanent at instant speed can come in handy.)
  • October 17, 2014 6:55 p.m.