Kalitas, Assassin for Hire

Commander / EDH FeralKitten


Getting Tricky —April 21, 2016

Made a few minor updates:

IN: Karn, Silver Golem, Relentless Dead, Innocent Blood, Skullclamp, Nim Deathmantle

OUT: Smothering Abomination, Withered Wretch, Wretched Confluence, Glistening Oil, Lifeline

I really did miss having Skullclamp and Nim Deathmantle in the deck. They just enable so much in the shenanigans department. Relentless Dead is a reusable zombie, reanimation spell for some of the better cards in the deck like Sidisi, Undead Vizier, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Gray Merchant of Asphodel, and is a great target for equipment since it has menace. Innocent Blood is a cheap and effective spell, often removing 3+ creatures and making as many zombies...so really good for . Karn, Silver Golem is a test, with the theory being I can use his ability to clear out some artifacts once I have one of my kill engines online or a board wipe ready.

I've also added a few interesting cards to the maybeboard:

I'll be updating the deck description soon.

Very nice build, well refined. +1

Cavern of Souls could be good if you play against much countermagic. Underworld Connections good for card draw. Champion's Helm a solid equipment. Bloodghast one of my favorite vampires. Anyways, just some thoughts.

April 1, 2016 1:42 a.m.

FeralKitten says... #2

Thanks Jimmy_Chinchila! I would run Cavern of Souls if I had an extra, but I also don't have to worry too much about Kalitas being countered in my group. Underworld Connections is solid but I don't like giving up a land to guarantee a draw each turn. Champion's Helm was in my initial build but was pushed out for better equipment like swords. I'm not sure why I haven't thought of Bloodghast before, but I'll need to get me one. Then maybe put Skullclamp back in!

April 1, 2016 2:40 a.m.

FeralKitten says... #3

So I had a revelation earlier. Well maybe it's not a revelation and more of a delusion from lack of sleep, but I'm thinking about running Karn, Silver Golem in here as a way to enable artifact removal using all the creature removal/sacrifice in the deck. What do you all think?

April 1, 2016 3:57 a.m.

I would put it in for a while and just see how it goes, if it works, great! if not, just take it out again. No big deal.

April 1, 2016 5:16 a.m.

Arthurgress says... #5

Nice list! I'm building mine, too, with similar synergies. Also, i've included Enslave - perfect for getting pesky opponents off guard. +1

April 20, 2016 4:41 p.m.