Heavenly High

Frontier* StuBi


DanLane says... #1

I want to say that something which effects the board state might be better than Nissa's pilgrimage but it's conditional. If you take turn 3 off to get forests in hand and on the battlefield you're going to get plowed by bant humans or mono humans, even bant company, which is slightly slower than those decks. Avacyn isn't THAT costly and neither is Gisela. Could eldritch evolution take the place of Nissa's pilgrimage? I think that one actually gets you your creature onto the battlefield, which in the case of avacyn especially, one or two turns early could easily be game breaking. (She's already game breaking on curve!)

July 18, 2016 1:23 p.m.

DanLane says... #2

Or you can use to it to fetch whichever half of the other angel combo you need. Consider dusk watch recruiter in place of beast caller savant as well.

July 18, 2016 1:27 p.m.

DanLane says... #3

Sorry I didn't link the cards, on my phone right now.

Eldritch Evolution

Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip

Basically a flipped recruiter gives you an effective extra mana to cast creatures, just like savant, but if you cast more than one in a turn then it's obviously better value just for that. It will also provide you with a larger body on board, and a higher Cmc for sacrificing to eldritch evo.

July 18, 2016 1:31 p.m.

DanLane says... #4

I'm not sure how the mechanics work but you also might be able to sac Gilesa to eldritch evo, she goes to the graveyard, you summon Bruma from your library, and her etb trigger can fetch you Gisela back instantly, whereupon you transform them on end step. Might not work like that but I think it does.

July 18, 2016 1:34 p.m.

DanLane says... #5

Isn't stitcher' graft supposed to be attached to opposing creatures so you can move it around and kill the creatures? I don't really know how that works.

July 18, 2016 2:04 p.m.

DanLane says... #6

Just seems weird because you'd attack with it once, it doesn't untap for you after that, then it dies when you unequip it? Seems like a hefty cost for +3/+3 for one attack.

July 18, 2016 2:08 p.m.

StuBi says... #7

Beastcaller Savant has helped with colour fixing for Creatures, along with Ramp, so far.

If Bant Company is being played, and Nissa's Pilgrimage is not being useful, it can be swapped for a Sideboard card.

You are right in assessing that Nissa's Pilgrimage is probably the weak link in this deck. It has been working OK, but I may take it out for more removal.

You are not understanding the value of Stitcher's Graft in this deck.

Firstly, it will usually be attached to Creatures with Vigilance. That will make a Sylvan Advocate a 5/6 with Vigilance by Turn 3. By Turn 6 it can be as big as 7/8.

If attached to Archangel Avacyn  Flip she will be a 7/7. If attached to Brisela, Voice of Nightmares it will be a 12/13, etc.

If not attached to a Creature with Vigilance it can make a great blocker.

Or you can attack intermittently with that Creature as, although it doesn't untap the turn after it has attacked, it DOES untap the turn after THAT.

Thanks for your Comments.

July 18, 2016 11:34 p.m.

DanLane says... #8

Oh okay nice. Also I've been thinking about it for a while and I noticed that the cmc of bruna is one too high for that combo to work so too bad on that.

July 19, 2016 12:28 a.m.

monkeyprophet says... #9

In place of Nissa's Pilgrimage how about Collective Effort, it can do a lot for your game and isn't a dead draw later in the game whereas pilgrimage will be.

July 19, 2016 4:05 a.m.

clayperce says... #10

By the way, though it would be absolutely hilarious, you can't equip Creatures you don't control (from Rule 502.33a, "Equip [cost] means [cost]: Move this Equipment onto target creature you control ...").

July 19, 2016 7:38 a.m.

DanLane says... #11

Yeah I totally blanked on sylvan advocate having vigilance haha. I just looked at the card card and I was like... God damn why would you want this. Would be funny equipping creatures you don't control. Eldritch Evolution not as good because the only way you could ever fetch bruna would be by saccing avacyn.... I mean maybe after you get the value out of her board wipe maybe you can attack with her and sac her on second main? But it would be so awkward because that board wipe kills Gisela, so that would be assuming you have her in hand, along with eldritch evo and Bruna in library. That puts you in an awkward position of, "Is this worth it, seeing as how now I basically take 2 turns of attacking off to cast this, get bruna, then cast Gisela, then they transform?" I dont know if the freshly transformed creature has the summoning sickness, but if it does, its like.... Okay, thats two turns we could have just attacked with avacyn that we didnt so we could get this massive two headed bitch out. Soooooo maaaaybe eldritch evo not worth it, but I still think Duskwatch is better than Beastcaller. He also qualifies for Bruna's etb trigger as a human!

July 19, 2016 9:26 a.m.

DanLane says... #12

I mean you could fetch avacyn back off Bryan and potentially flip her again so it wouldn't be that bad.

July 19, 2016 9:38 a.m.

StuBi says... #13

I'm actually really happy with the ramp in this deck.

It's not so much that it's disrupting any of my plays, and the earlier Bruna, the Fading Light gets on the field, the faster I usually win.

Melded Creatures have summoning sickness because they have not been under your control since the start of your turn. The old Creatures are Exiled, then enter the battlefield as a completely new Melded Creature.

Also, if they did, there would be no reason for Hanweir, the Writhing Township to have Haste.

July 19, 2016 10 a.m.

StuBi says... #14

monkeyprophet Collective Effort is interesting, but I think a better place for it would be in the Sideboard, instead of Dromoka's Command.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll test it out.

July 19, 2016 10:03 a.m.

Zaueski says... #15

Explosive Vegetation would be better on your curve than Nissa's Pilgrimage and it allows you to fetch Plains instead of only Forests... That in turn would allow you to drop 4 forests for 4 more plains and fix the mana base. Lastly, I understand having 2 copies of Bruna, the Fading Light because she is so late game centric, but Gisela, the Broken Blade should be at least a 3 of if not a 4 of. This would allow you to be slightly more aggressive with her and get full value out of what she can do for you. And really if the whole deck is built around them then you need more than two copies or you can't claim that.

July 19, 2016 4:32 p.m.

StuBi says... #16

Part of the process of making Brisela happen is:

a) not to lose the game before she arrives

b) ensure she is not the only threat, and therefore not the only target

If I win before she comes out, that is awesome.

I take your point about the deck's colours, and will adjust it a little bit.

I want Ramp a bit earlier than Turn 4, so I'm sticking with Nissa's Pilgrimage at this stage.

I will test with Explosive Vegetation, just to see if it works better.

July 19, 2016 4:58 p.m.

StuBi says... #17

After experimenting with land I'm reverting to what I originally had.

Beastcaller Savant fixes lack of in the mid game, and balanced colours is the best way to ensure that Thraben Inspector and Sylvan Advocate both have the best chance possible to hit the field ASAP.

July 20, 2016 10:28 a.m.

monkeyprophet says... #18

You can add Shaman of Forgotten Ways as extra ramp and potentially get bruna out turn 4, turn 1 land, turn 2 land Beastcaller Savant, turn 3 land Shaman of Forgotten Ways, turn 4 land Bruna, the Fading Light. You could also cut Knight of the White Orchid to avoid the need for double white on turn 2.

July 20, 2016 4 p.m.

StuBi says... #19

I'll keep it in mind, but I'm happy with how the deck has been ramping, at this stage.

I like having a mix of Creatures and Sorceries so that if a deck is set up to answer one, usually the other one can get through.

For that reason I don't want to Ramp solely through Creatures.

July 21, 2016 3:22 p.m.

ocary13 says... #20

You have this deck listed as a standard deck, but you have an illegal card in Vulshok Battlegear. Not sure if you noticed that or not

July 21, 2016 7:28 p.m.

StuBi says... #21

ocary13 check my description.

Stitcher's Graft is not yet in the database.

July 22, 2016 5:39 a.m.

There may be another line of play that you are overlooking. You can attach Stitcher's Graft to an expendable creature late game, say a Thraben Inspector that already dropped a clue. After that you flash in an Avacyn then reattach the Graft to her, forcing you to sacrifice the Inspector due to the unattach clause. This will force the Avacyn to flip and deal her 3 damage, plus giving her the +3/+3. Could be useful to clear an opponent's board or 'burn' them out so to speak. Since your opponent can't force you to unattach it from Avacyn, their only option is to destroy her outright, as most damage based removal won't touch her at that point...seeing as how she'd be a 9/8.

July 22, 2016 7:58 a.m.

StuBi says... #23

Much appreciated, paulbmoore1980.

I used to love being able to flip Archangel Avacyn  Flip whenever I wanted to, in another deck I used to play.

Didn't even think about moving the Equipment.

July 22, 2016 10:34 a.m.

Argy says... #24

I think my brain is gonna asplode from how good this deck is.

I've playtested it against loads of different decks and there is almost nothing it can't conquer.

Stitcher's Graft is an inspired choice and makes Creatures that were already good just insane. 5/6 Sylvan Advocate on Turn 3? INSANE!!

+1 from me.

July 22, 2016 10:51 a.m.

Oh, and another thing that I forgot...there is another card that likes equipment and is in your color scheme...
Avacynian Missionaries  Flip
If you manage to get this to flip on your end step with the Graft, it turns into a 4/4 (a 7/7 with the Graft on) that will exile another creature until it leaves the battlefield..basically turning your equipment into a removal spell!

July 22, 2016 12:16 p.m.

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