Ken Necromancer

This is a combo deck i cannot list them all because i still find more as i play ...

Commander / EDH z2aaa

Heartless Valuetown

Modern* packbuckbrew


Assassin's Trophy —Sept. 10, 2018

I will be playing 4 Assassin's Trophy in the mainboard over the Abrupt Decays and Maelstrom Pulse. I just started up law school so I don't have the most time to write anything about that decision, but it's an easy one. Assassin's Trophy is going to be the best GB card that's legal in modern, it's not even remotely close.

+4 Assassin's Trophy

-1 Collective Brutality

-2 Abrupt Decay

-1 Maelstrom Pulse

The sideboard also needs some tuning as well as other random cards need to be shifted around after this change, but, again, I don't really have the time to update the primer with these changes unfortunately. I'm hoping to get around to it around winter break.

Glad to see you back mate, congratulations on your graduation. I was playing with the idea of brutality in the main and adding utopian sprawl just to ramp a bit harder. With the Gladeheart, you don’t feel like the Baloth and Swagtusk are enough life gain? Also how are you finding engineered vs ratchet bomb?

July 3, 2018 9:04 p.m.

Nartana says... #2

Glad you're back!

July 9, 2018 3:22 a.m.

packbuckbrew says... #3

@CommanderSausage and Nartana: Thank you :) With humans being so dominant, EE is significantly better than Ratchet Bomb in my opinion. Ratchet has felt just too slow in those matchups. In regards to the large amount of lifegain, I have been a fan of having it, personally. What's been nice is that the various lifegain cards are each good in different situations. If we want to grind, for example, Thragtusk is a great option. If we're worried about our opponent's Liliana of the Veils, or if we're just planning on taking out some of our Heartless Summonings in the matchup, we can bring in Baloth. What I've liked about Gladehart is that, most of the time, it's going to gain us at least three life the turn it enters, as well as eat a burn spell. And that can be all we need to turn the corner against decks like burn or affinity, where the game is a race to the late game for us. I might not be right in this, of course, but I've been pretty happy with the sideboard as it stands. I think the one think I might want to add more of is ways to destroy larger creatures like Eldrazi, since the deck lacks significant ways of interacting with them with the exception of just making larger creatures.

July 10, 2018 10:58 a.m.

shroom_dude says... #4

How about the new goreclaw?

July 12, 2018 5:24 p.m.

packbuckbrew says... #5

@shroom_dude I'm not a huge fan of Goreclaw in this deck mostly because it doesn't really add to the lands strategy that we're going for. Sure, it's great with The Gitrog Monster when it attacks because of the deathtouch/trample synergy, but I don't think it does enough for us outside of that. One card I'm considering that fills a similar role, however, is Rhonas the Indomitable, since that can help some of our smaller creatures become relevant late game, as well as it also provides the deathtouch/trample synergy with Gitrog.

July 13, 2018 3:13 p.m.

I’ve had a heritical thought, have you thought about Tatyova, Benthic Druid. I love this card but I feel like it’s a very deep hole to fall into blue, I’d love your thoughts.

July 19, 2018 5:47 a.m.

I think the biggest problem with tatyova is the 3 toughness. That's a lot of lost tempo if she gets bolt'd.

July 19, 2018 12:36 p.m.

packbuckbrew says... #8

@CommanderSausage I've considered a sultai version of the list with her and maybe Muldrotha, the Gravetide. I haven't tested it at all, but my assumption is that Tatyova, Benthic Druid is just going to be a more fragile Gitrog Monster. It would be an interesting deck to try out though.

July 19, 2018 4:19 p.m.

ghgiunco says... #9

Any thought on The Mending of Dominaria? seens a good finisher with Ob Nixilis, the Fallen

And how do it goes with 3 Ramunap Excavator? i feel its so important to run less than 4.

July 20, 2018 7:48 a.m.

packbuckbrew says... #10

@ghgiunco Mending seems like a good grindy card for sideboard, I don't think you want it in the main with how fast modern is, but having it as another option against Mardu Pyromancer or Jund seems pretty good.

With regard to your second question, I've been pretty satisfied with having 3 Ramunaps, 4 felt like a touch too many, as drawing them in multiples isn't great.

July 21, 2018 3:18 p.m.

ghgiunco says... #11

@packbuckbrew hello

After a good time without play the deck, i put it on again to test and want to share my thougths.

  1. Collective Brutality is such a good card, but it cant be absolute substitute for Thoughtseize, we just need to deal with creature too. maybe a split 2/3~4
  2. Talking about creatures, we dont have removal for big creatures, for example the Gurmag Angler start to be played more and more with UB shadow in evidence as good choice.
  3. Talking about creatures [2] ... we definitely must up our wincon, like 3 Ob nixilis, too many times i could play many lands for nothing. We lose much life, Crufix seens a good card too (or Retreat to Hagra, act as offense and defense at the same time.

this is what i saw this day, let me know if you are interested on this yet, and know about this take.

September 8, 2018 11:26 p.m.

packbuckbrew says... #12

@ghgiunco I haven't been playing a ton of modern recently, I've been kind of obsessed with Miracles in legacy, but I think all of your suggestions are pretty good. I've been thinking of playing Cast Down to help deal with bigger threats, as well as I'm super hyped for Underrealm Lich. It's unbelievable with Gitrog and Tireless Tracker. I haven't been playing enough modern though to make a very educated response on the Brutality/Thoughtseize split. Choices on those are almost exclusively metagame dependent.

Right now, with the rise of graveyard based decks and hardened scales affinity, I think we also need some more sideboard dedication to those strategies, like Creeping Corrosion and probably Leyline of the Void.

Thanks for the comment! All hail The Gitrog Monster!

September 9, 2018 3:03 p.m.

ghgiunco says... #13

Legacy is cool, but far away from me haha. if i could play legacy, i would choose MUD. I love MUD then i created a MUD version from modern (if you can visit my profile and look fo MUD in modern and give some feedback, i appreciate it - just to no link other deck in your timeline)

i forgot to say about Underrealm Lich .. i'm hyped too .. seens to powerfull to prevente draw dead cards, selections are better then simple draw a random card. If have some way to play with/from graveyard too in next spoliers card, should be a perfect fit.

So well, i just solved sharing my ideas cause you show it first. I love to create some decks too haha. maybe ill continue work on this.

Tks for the reply

September 9, 2018 4:23 p.m.