Gishath Spared No Expense!!!

Commander / EDH lhetrick13


Playtesting Feedback Through 9-11-23 from LGS... —Sept. 11, 2023

With the more recent revisions to focus more on maximizing Gishath's ability to rain down dinosaurs upon my foes, the deck has been hitting significantly harder. Sample size is always small but the previous four games prior to the edits, this deck went 0-4 (worth mentioning that most games I was the player to beat but could just not close out a game) and since the edits, it has now gone 4-2. The deck is very consistent in getting Gishath out early and has a good balance of dinosaurs and support. Removing my dinosaurs is generally hard to do with the amount of protection I run and since i am usually not casting many spells due to Gishath's ability, I am rarely caught tapped out and unable to protect.

All in all, I am very happy with how the deck is turning out but would still like to pick up a few exotic cards to really make the deck hum. The upcoming Caverns of Ixalan and subsequent Jurassic Park crossover will be highly anticipated for the potential to add/swap out some dinosaurs!!!

NV_1980 says... #1

I would probably choose Urza's Incubator over Knight of the Stampede, as artifacts are slightly harder to remove than creatures. It's also CMC3 instead of CMC4. It's an expensive card though, so this might have been your reason to use Knight instead. I would also choose Rampant Growth over Thunderherd Migration. They do the same thing, except Migration costs CMC3 if you don't have a Dinosaur in your hand, whereas Growth does not. Chaos Warp is a bit more expensive to cast than Condemn, but it's also more versatile.

March 28, 2023 8:42 a.m.

lhetrick13 says... #2

NV_1980 - Thanks for the suggestions! You are right about the Urza's Incubator vs Knight of the Stampede. Since the one is a human I do not mind cutting that if I pick up that card…being a 100x more expensive is the main reason I did not pursue it but your argue is sound since it is not a dinosaur. The same goes with Rampant Growth. Just slightly better which is sad. I had not really considered stuff like Chaos Warp but I can see the potential. Removes anything from the field at 3 CMC at the expense of randomly allowing them to throw something else out. That also has some potential!

Thanks for taking the time to propose these suggestions. I greatly appreciate it!

March 28, 2023 8:23 p.m.

NV_1980 says... #3

You're more than welcome lhetrick13! I like how the deck is very creature-heavy but still manages not to overdo it when it comes to the average CMC of cards in it. That can be a real challenge, as creatures are just the best and there are so many cool ones to choose from. I mean, ... DINOSAURS, COME ON! Btw, I'm curious with regard to your stance on the new Phyrexian dinosaurs, most notably on Tyrranax Rex.

March 29, 2023 1:44 a.m.

lhetrick13 says... #4

NV_1980 - Thanks for the compliments. As the deck mentions, I have transitioned from MTGO to paper and from primarily playing Modern to Commander so the mana curve and average CMC was something different than what I was used to for sure. Finding that happy medium between dinosaurs that are good to add to the deck and support is pretty key. Lots of Gishath decks out there that are similar, this is just my flavor of it :) I am super excited for the Caverns of Ixalan set scheduled to come out late this year...hoping for some more dinosaurs with Enrage as that really is an underrated ability unique to dinos!

I am aware of the two dinosaurs that came out in the All is One set, Tyrranax Rex being the a very honorable mentioning, but I ultimately decided against it as Infect/Toxic are something I feel like you do not dabble in but go hard into. It would be the only card in the deck that adds poison counters unless I added in Triumph of the Hordes, which I have considered for an easy knockout! There are a several cards I feel that maybe are not carrying their weight like Priest of the Wakening Sun that I am considering changing out for other things. I am not to worried about raising the average CMC to much as the local community I play against tend to be casual commander with many of the decks not hitting a stride until like turn 6ish.

If you have any other thoughts on the deck or a deck you would like some fresh eyes one, let me know! Just nice to have someone else provide some well-thought criticism/feedback AND provide possible solutions/changes. Easy to go nose-blind to some things with brewing...Thanks again!

March 29, 2023 7:12 a.m.

lhetrick13 says... #5

SpeedOfLightning - Thanks for taking a quick look at the deck! I wanted to bring the chatter about my deck here so I could find it easily down the road! You mentioned you would recommend cutting Boros Charm as it is similar to Akroma's Will in many of its abilities but just cheaper and less effective. Another suggestion was cutting Steely Resolve for Asceticism as Shroud is inferior to Hexproof and the Regeneration ability is also just an added plus!

With that said, I do see your point about the Boros Charm. At 2 CMC my expectations are low and I do love its utility to double Gishath's power at instant speed or for cheap Invincibility for all creatures at instant speed. I like the idea of having multiple boardwipe protection spells but I will chew on it. In regard to Steely Resolve, when I pick up an Asceticism I will definitely drop either Privileged Position or Steely Resolve to make room. I will need to play with it to see what I like more. Both have pros and cons.

Good stuff so thanks for taking a look! If you have any other thoughts, I am all ears!

You make a good point that it is very mana-cheap! But feel free to try switching in Asceticism as an option.

I'm glad we're having this conversation, as a card was spoiled today that I'll likely replace Polyraptor with. Check out Etali, Primal Conqueror! It has a similar ability to the original Etali, Primal Storm, but triggers when it ETBs! I think this will be a great add to my deck!

March 29, 2023 3:40 p.m.

Another update I'd recommend! Cut Temple of Abandon for Secluded Courtyard. This will offer all three colors for your dinosaur spells!

March 29, 2023 4:44 p.m.

lhetrick13 says... #7

SpeedOfLightning - Secluded Courtyard and Unclaimed Territory are pretty nice that they provide any color mana for specific creatures but I usually am not casting my dinosaurs thanks to Gishath. I am usually using the mana for support or ramp. You did bring to my attention that the deck is extremely heavy on followed by and has very little so I should adjust my lands a bit to fit that mana curve. I have not adjusted the lands in a while but have tinkered with just about every other aspect of the deck.

The one card I am really interested in trying out is Runadi, Behemoth Caller in exchange of one of the support humans...likely Priest of the Wakening Sun or one of the dorks. I would love to get that in my opening hand and when Gishath is cast, she enters with as an 11/10 instead of a 7/6. Pretty much any dinosaur cast will reap the benefit of getting a +1/+1 counter and getting Haste...has some merit!

March 31, 2023 9:58 a.m.

lhetrick13- You make a great point that you’re spending more to ramp than cast Dinos! And that’s the more difficult part of editing decks. I try to adjust my mana last after I’ve locked in all of the other cards. Then I know what cards I need to build my mana base for.

I think Runadi, Behemoth Caller is definitely a better option, but definitely keep tabs on how many non-Dino creatures you’re running vs dinos. It’s one thing to trigger Gishath and see a land or spell. But any non-dino creature you reveal could be a dinosaur on the field!

April 3, 2023 5:12 p.m.

lhetrick13 says... #9

SpeedOfLightning - You are right about trying to keep the dino count high...for consistency, I do not just want to stack the deck with dinos that are subpar in their abilities but it is disappointing to hit with Gishath and I have had times where I do not get to introduce a single dino :( But at the same time since dinosaurs lack a lot of interaction and protection, the supporting cast is a necessary evil! I have had plenty of games where cards like Teferi's Protection, Boros Charm, or Heroic Intervention save my massive dino horde. The addition of the extra dinos from March of the Machines may decrease some of the mana dorks but I do love casting Gishath on like turn 5-6!

April 3, 2023 8:22 p.m.

lhetrick13 says... #10

chilbi - Thanks for the upvote. Always nice to have others appreciate the effort!

I feel like your username is familiar which means you must have helped me or like one of my modern decks...If you have any thoughts on this dino deck, I would love to hear your thoughts! I am still getting the hang of Commander so any feedback is good feedback!

April 5, 2023 1:29 p.m.

lhetrick13 says... #11

SpeedOfLightning - How are you liking the dino additions from MOM? Are they as good as you and I hoped? I have not picked them up yet but wanted to see if you had any feedback to share.

May 8, 2023 11:57 a.m.

lhetrick13 says... #12

--------------------- - Thanks for the upvote!

May 12, 2023 10:52 a.m.