
i love the bant bounce package and reality acid!

Deck Tech:

To start out we have plenty of 1 drops. Thraben Inspector lets us draw while also functioning as a blocker. Abundant Growth is my favorite option as it helps us mana fix(3 color deck after all) and draws us a card on etb. Candy Trail is a nice new addition from W.o.E. that helps filter through the deck for the best options and can be sacrificed for draw and heals.

Then we have Kor Skyfisher/Dream Stalker to come down on curve right after our 1-drop, returning it to our hand for another etb trigger as well as giving us a great unit for 2 mana. alternatively, Transcendent Envoy can make all of our auras cost less.

Reality Acid is where the deck gets its name. a super flexible removal spell(can target ANY permanent) that we can get giga value and tempo from by flickering/bouncing it. while certainly not the main gameplan, Reality Acid's ability to target lands and Spreading Seas's ability to hurt non-blue decks we have a decent amount a land disruption(great vs greedy multi color decks)

Heliod's Pilgrim lets us find Reality Acid as well as let us tutor for any # of more situational auras such as Faith's Fetters for removal and/or lifegain, Treefolk Umbra to turn our creatures into big threats that can go unblocked via Writ of Passage, or many others

For the sideboard, a full set of Blue Elemental Blast lets us stomp out red aggro decks as well as protect our own stuff from removal such as Skred. An additional couple copies of Quiet Disrepair help vs annoying artifacts and enchantments or can come in vs aggro or burn to keep our life total high. Nurturing Presence may seem a little odd but being able to bounce it and generate a body each time it enters helps us grind out vs control decks(especially alongside the second copy of Bestial Bloodline. As its nice with our bounce effects and hits a wide range of decks we have a few copies of Dawnbringer Cleric in the sb.

Thats pretty much the list, early creatures keep you safe vs aggro, flexible removal lets you answer opponents threats, and then the flicker and bounce gives you almost an endless supply of cards to grind out games vs control.

as always any feedback, ideas, or suggestions are welcome and if you enjoyed this deck check out my other pauper lists --> jonjonhholt


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96% Casual


Revision 4 See all

(10 months ago)

+2 Bestial Bloodline main
+4 Blue Elemental Blast side
+1 Cave of Temptation main
+4 Dawnbringer Cleric side
-1 Island main
+4 Nurturing Presence side
+1 Petrify main
+2 Quiet Disrepair side
-1 Reins of the Vinesteed main