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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return up to two target creatures to their owner's hands.

griffstick on Top 10 blue cards at …

4 years ago

We are back for another top ten at 6 cmc. Last time it was red. This time its blue. Only one more after this and that's colorless.

Last time the users voted that the best red card at 6 cmc is Fiery Emancipation . That list is here top 10 mono red cards @ 6 cmc

For mono white. The users voted that Sun Titan deserved the #1 spot. that list is here top 10 mono white cards @ 6 cmc.

The users voted that Seasons Past was the top #1 green card at 6 cmc. The link to that list is here top 10 mono green cards @ 6 cmc.

The top black card at 6 cmc was Bolas's Citadel the link to that list is here top 10 mono black cards @ 6 cmc

So the rules are to post a comment of a blue card at 6 cmc and the people will upvote it. The cards with the most upvotes will get the # spot. I will update the top 10 list daily.

Your comment/comments should look something like this...

My favorite blue card at 6 cmc is Waterwhirl .

It shouldn't look like this.

My favorite card is this card and that card and also this card but I think this card is the best.

More rules.

  • If you want to submit multiple cards, comment multiple times. Only one card per submission.
  • Upvote whatever cards you agree to be in the top ten.
  • Dont be afraid to upvote multiple cards.
  • You may make comments on other suggested cards and you may talk about the top cards list. But keep your card suggestions separate.
  • X spells are excluded.
  • You may tag friends to join the conversation/debate.
  • Only blue cards at 6 cmc will be considered for the top 10.
  • You may talk about other cards outside of blue and outside of 6 cmc but they will not be considered for the top 10.
  • Cards that are multiple colors will not be excepted. Including hybrid mana.
  • Cards banned in edh will not be considered for the top 10.
  • If the submitted card has the same amount of upvotes as another card. I will make a judgment call on witch one I feel deserves the higher spot in the top 10.
  • S stands for super. For the 1 card that I chose to represent the best card that's banned in edh.
  • If theres a draw. For instance. If a card has 5 upvotes, and another card has 5 upvotes, and one of them I have upvoted, and the other I have not upvoted. The card I have not upvoted counts as 5½ or 5.5 for those using the metric system.

Tappedout user results - Tue, Feb 11th 2021

Edh rec results - Tue Feb 11th 2021

Bovine073 on Amonkhet Spoilers and Speculation.

7 years ago

Comparable to Waterwhirl, was an uncommon from KTK. Don't know if it saw much play in that limited format.