Stench of Evil

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stench of Evil


Destroy all Plains. For each land put into a graveyard this way, Stench of Evil deals 1 damage to that land's controller unless he or she pays (2).

freezerboy on Color Fight Party

2 years ago

ThatWeirdPerson - Boil was in the deck, and I originally had a lot more land destruction like that, but with the current EDH format, land specific destruction cards may be less useful than I expected. Stench of Evil and the like are also in the maybeboard, so if I get around to getting all the cards and can test it IRL, then we shall see. Sadly, Ral, Storm Conduit is the only current win condition in the game, if you get a permanent target and Radiate so for now it will stay unless the deck actually wins in another way.

legendofa - Thanks for the suggestions, and I like Crypt Angel so we shall see how that goes. There aren't a ton of creatures, but it does target specific colors and has protection so...who knows. Thada Adel, Acquisitor is an interesting idea and makes me wonder if I could leverage landwalking abilities in this deck way more to win games, so could end up being the only reliable win condition with the deck.

LikeSpider943 on Mono Black Obliteration

6 years ago

Oh finally Stench of Evil is an instant win against white decks.

RazortoothMtg on Cards that Hate on Specific …

7 years ago

I'm looking to compile a list or something of every card that specifically hates a color out. Things like Northern Paladin / Southern Paladin / Eastern Paladin / Western Paladin , Choke, Virtue's Ruin , Flashfires, Boil, Stench of Evil etc. Thanks in advance!

Perpetual on Do you Miz me? 2.0

7 years ago

@theindigoeffect: Land destruction with blue involved is tricky for me because I prefer my land destruction to hit my opponents and not me. If it was straight red, Gruul, Rakdos, or Jund, I would auto-include Omen of Fire. Rakdos or Grixis I might go with Stench of Evil.

I also think Mizzix is not the right commander for land destruction. I get what xxedwardteachxx is trying to do: Get Mizzix counters, blow up all lands, then rely on the counters to be able to do more than his opponents can. That seems like a really dicey proposal when the only protection for Mizzix in the deck is counterspells. For me, land destruction is less about the commander (except for maybe Titania, Protector of Argoth), and more about color choices. Do I use white &/or red, for global land wipes like Armageddon or Jokulhaups? Do I use with black for something like Minion of Leshrac or Herald of Leshrac? Green for targeted removal like Creeping Mold, Acidic Slime, or Mwonvuli Acid-Moss? Do I choose color hate like Boil, Tsunami, Omen of Fire, Flashfires, or Stench of Evil?

Short version: Apart from Ruination, I can't offer up better ways to make this a better land destruction deck. Just ways to make it a better deck overall without removing it's LD parts.

Trained_Orggasm on Jund Land Destruction EDH

8 years ago

I don't know how light you wanted to keep creatures in this deck but here are some suggestions. Lava Runner, Trench Wurm, Army Ants, Detritivore, Dwarven Driller. And also maybe Stench of Evil instead of Flashfires. It has the same CMC but punishes them hard if it goes off. Nice work though, love me some LD.

Perpetual on Rebellion Against the Pie!

8 years ago

Stench of Evil has been good for laughs when I use it. Everyone just kind of makes a face and says, "Who makes cards like that?".

Catgroove on Everybody Loves Hypnotoad - The Gitrog [[Primer]]

8 years ago

Thinking about Darksteel Citadel and Armageddon got me to wonder if there were any more effective land destruction effects in our colors. Nothing too substantial came up, aside from the single target spells and a couple of creatures that are too high of a CMC to be considered. Strangely enough though, we have Tsunami and Stench of Evil which could be sideboard options depending on the meta and if you want to be THAT guy.

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