Obsidian Fireheart

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Obsidian Fireheart

Creature — Elemental

: Put a blaze counter on target land without a blaze counter on it. For as long as that land has a blaze counter on it, it has "At the beginning of your upkeep, this land deals 1 damage to you." (The land continues to burn after Obsidian Fireheart has left the battlefield.)

FormOverFunction on I'd like suggestions for my …

7 months ago

I think I can relate to your intentions, as this is usually the approach I take with deck building, so my guess is that the answer to wallisface’s questions are “yes I’m totally willing to sacrifice a slot for Pyromancer's Goggles.” I think the deck looks great, though wallisface is 100% correct in that this deck will not work as well as any you might encounter in some sort of tournament. For creatures that evoke fire and burn feels: I always loved the Obsidian Fireheart. Not necessarily perfect, but it was the first that came to mind!

Asder on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Megaton Detonation


Destroy all nonland permanents. Put a radiation counter onto each land. For as long as those lands have radiation counters on them, they have "Whenever this land becomes tapped, you lose one life."

I'll take any opportunity to make a homage to Obsidian Fireheart

Create another card that uses radiation counters (they dont have to have the whenever it becomes tapped lose one life).

griffstick on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

I feel the same. Just think how cool Obsidian Fireheart would be if is was legendary.

griffstick on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Obsidian Fireheart puts blaze counters on lands

Neotrup on did rules about counters change? …

2 years ago

Counters can work in a couple different ways depending on the card. As mentioned, both your examples will only work while the creature is around, but if a second copy of the creature is played it can use the counts. This method is used by a number of Legendary creatures like Grolnok, the Omnivore and Mairsil, the Pretender so that if you have them as your commander and they die, you can replay them and they'll still see the things they exiled, in contrast to things like Kaho, Minamo Historian or Rona, Disciple of Gix that forget about things they exiled since they're a new creature (even though they're the same card that exiled them).

Some other effects that use counters will grant an ability for as long as the counter is in play (as opposed to the source of the counter), or grant an ability in addition to the counter, where the counter doesn't actually do anything but is placed there as a physical reminder that the permanent gained the ability. Obsidian Fireheart is an example of the first, the blaze counter doesn't actually do anything, but if it is removed the land loses the upkeep trigger. The Book of Exalted Deeds is an example of the latter, even if the counter is removed the ability remains, but the counter serves as a reminder of which angel has the ability.

carpecanum on Evil America: Home of the Free, Land of the Dragon

3 years ago

Mystic Barrier to tell those peons who they can and can't oppose.

Alexi's Cloak because you can't arrest that guy, he's one of ours (functionally a counterspell as well)

Obsidian Fireheart for the destruction that keeps going, even after you leave the game.

carpecanum on Fireheart

3 years ago

Proliferate can help the planeswalkers (as the guy above pointed out) but its HILARIOUS on blaze counters from the Obsidian Fireheart .

Gannonfodder on Good-Eye Kelsien. He taps, you scoop.

3 years ago

I really want to find a way to add in Obsidian Fireheart and Manabarbs . Both have great flavor for the deck. Fireheart is like smoking out the hunted to a spot where Kelsien can hunt them and gives me a mana sink. Barbs seems like a trap an assassin would use and helps punish the table for trying to stop Kelsien from doing Kelsien things since once the engine starts it doesn't need much mana to keep it moving. Not sure what I would cut out though...

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