Living Wall

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Living Wall

Artifact Creature — Wall

Defender (This creature can't attack.)

: Regenerate Living Wall.

berryjon on What's Your Favorite Spooky MTG …

3 years ago

Living Wall is particularly (in)famous. You know, what with the fetus and all that.

Eddles on Walls to the Balls

4 years ago

Thanks for the advice aponiato & TheVectornaut! Just ordered a couple cards to add to the deck. I went for the Assault Formation and Hornet Nest. Might Look in to Living Wall as well once I do more play testing.

aponiato on Walls to the Balls

4 years ago

I've always been partial to Living Wall. Arguably overpriced in terms of CMC, but the regenerate ability for 1 makes it tough to remove.

Coward_Token on Zendikar Spoilers!

4 years ago

Lithoform Engine has some wild templating

Fearless!Akiri is probably not the EDH boros draw engine people have been waiting for, but hey a ceiling of three cards a turn isn't bad even if it requires a total of six permanents. Living weapon tribal?

I guess Forsaken Monument is the artifact "granting +2/+2 to a subset of creatures that first appeared in Alpha", with that subset being colorless creatures (Living Wall represeeeeent). Sneaky that it wasn't a tribe. Anyway, it's nice that pure colorless decks are getting some love.

m_to_the_three on

4 years ago

Demonic Hordes , Living Wall , Season of the Witch , and Pestilence are some creepy cards that might help with your deck horror theme

NV_1980 on Arcades, Win by Chaos

5 years ago


We would like to recommend:

Some additional walls we would consider:


Mrs. and Mr. NV_1980

Lanzo493 on Random Favorite Cards

6 years ago

I loved Living Wall . When you're new to magic and everyone you play with has weak cards, this guy could block anything. I didn't even understand what regenerate did, but he never died anyway. I loved him. I also liked the art.

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