Distinguished Conjurer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Distinguished Conjurer

Creature — Human Wizard

When another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.

, : Exile another target creature you control, then return it to the battlefield under its owner's control.

legendofa on Why Do Soul Warden-Type Effects …

6 months ago

I think it's mostly because the other cards have other synergistic effects on top of life gain.

If you break Soul Warden into

  • "Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.

  • Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under another player's control, you gain 1 life."

and replace the second sentence with a different ability, changing the mana cost as needed, you get Prosperous Innkeeper, or Guide of Souls, or Distinguished Conjurer, or Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim, or whatever.

I would say it's mostly to diversify the ability while keeping it in the 1-2 mana range and reducing reliance on opponents to help.

king-saproling on Aurelia Combat Master

1 year ago

Have you considered these cards? Cloudshift, Ephemerate, Flicker of Fate, Justiciar's Portal, Slip On the Ring, Acrobatic Maneuver, Scrollshift, Distinguished Conjurer, Gilraen, Dunedain Protector, Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel

After you declare Aurelia as an attacker, you can respond to her triggered ability with a Cloudshift effect to flicker her, making her a new object. Then when she attacks during the 2nd combat, her ability triggers again to get you a third combat. The creatures who have cloudshift abilities are extra nice because the number of extra combats you get is only limited by the amount of mana you have available to spend on their abilities.

Basshunter on Elesh Norn, Mommy of Soulsisters

2 years ago

Hi NV_1980,

thanks for your comment and thanks for the +1! =)

I thought about Eldrazi Displacer more than once. It has a good body for 3cmc and a nice blink effect. But the blink effect isnt the number-1-reason for me. I decide for Distinguished Conjurer for having the lifegain-effect AND the blink-effect, even if I wont ever use the blink because of mana issues.

And before going with Displacer I'd rather get Eerie Interlude back in this deck.

As it seems the real problem is the 100-card limit! ;-)

NV_1980 on Elesh Norn, Mommy of Soulsisters

2 years ago

Very nice deck! I would consider Eldrazi Displacer. What I like about this card is that it allows you to return permanents that were stolen from you (which tends to happen frequently, especially when facing blue) to your side of the battlefield. In that sense, it's better than Distinguished Conjurer for instance, and cheaper to use too (though its ability does require colorless mana). Keep up the nice brews! And if you could spare the time, I would be honored to have a builder such as yourself have a look at some of my commander decks.

DemonDragonJ on Don't Blink, or You'll Miss It!

2 years ago

I have replaced Reclamation Sage with Distinguished Conjurer, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.37 to 3.35, since the latter card shall be awesome for this deck, and the deck already contains both Knight of Autumn and Loran of the Third Path.

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