Blades of Velis Vel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blades of Velis Vel

Kindred Instant — Shapeshifter

Changeling *(This card is every creature type at all times.) *

Up to two target creatures each get +2/+0 and gain all creature types until end of turn.

SufferFromEDHD on Naya Slam

10 months ago

Harmonic Prodigy this card continues to put in work. Nice synergy with Atla.

Blades of Velis Vel egg tricks.

Utopia Sprawl another Wild Growth.

Far Wanderings cut one of your sorcery speed ramp spells.

Determined Iteration, Growing Ranks and/or Nesting Dovehawk those eggs aren't gonna populate themselves.

CameronKossen on Mono Red Weenie Hyper Budget Value Engine

1 year ago

What if you were to replace Blades of Velis Vel with Invigorated Rampage? A few more cents for an additional punch might be something.

God-Eternal-Magic-Player on A really stupid idea...

1 year ago

Corrosive_Cat Thanks for the suggestions man, Blades of Velis Vel could help with that. I could definitely find some good draw to get there, but I'm just trying to find cards in gruul that change the creature type.

Appreciate you stopping by!

Corrosive_Cat on A really stupid idea...

1 year ago

Ha, cool! Unfortunately best I could find are Blades of Velis Vel and Maskwood Nexus. Not impossible with some good draw/searching though?

Delphen7 on What happens if a mutate …

2 years ago

Say I control a nonhuman. I cast Porcuparrot for it's mutate cost targeting it. My opponent casts Blades of Velis Vel in response.

What happens to the Porcuparrot spell?

n8lm on Minsc and Boo, Timeless Heroes Theorycrafting

2 years ago

Toss in Psychosis Crawler, assuming it stays on board, Crawler with any giant hamster fling, courtesy of Maskwood Nexus (or instants such as Blades of Velis Vel), will draw you a ton and deal that much damage to all opponents.

Additionally, I've made this deck as well and it works really well, even in high power (without the Dockside/Sabertooth combo). I can't seem to work out how to link it so here's the URL:

Slashdance on A Thunder of Dragons

2 years ago

Removed: Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes, Blades of Velis Vel, and Volatile Claws

Too gimmicky and hard to use, and we really needed to the following cards to make the deck that much more vicious!

Added: Mage Slayer, Rhythm of the Wild, and Stalking Vengeance

Slashdance on Here Comes the Boo-m

2 years ago

I see you're missing some, uh, hamsters in your deck.

Here, take these ...

Blades of Velis Vel & Volatile Claws

Use them before chucking a random creature to turn them in hamsters!

Courtesy of

A Thunder of Dragons

Commander / EDH Slashdance


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