When you were in elementary school, did you ever play a silly game called "poop touch"? It's a variant of "Tag, You're It" where whoever starts out with the 'poop touch' can only cleanse themselves if they give it to someone else by means of physical contact [Disclaimer: this does not work with real feces].

In the same spirit as 'poop touch', This deck tests the limits of a gimmick combo where we enchant ourselves with a spell that makes us lose the game ( Demonic Pact ) unless we switch control of it using Puca's Mischief . Of course, it only works if our opponent has a creature, so we will have to give our opponent the means to owning such a creature if they do not have one. We also play plenty of card draw as we scour the deck for the "Tag, You're It" element ( Puca's Mischief ).

In the meantime, we create positive tempo with Unsummon , Transmogrifying Wand , and Pongify . In fact, Demonic Pact itself is a fairly good tempo machine. Just make sure you can guarantee using Sudden Substitution on your end step just before the option where its controller loses the game. If for some reason this deck's user is about to die from being too passive against aggro, I've added Lich's Mirror , but feel free to do something else with this slot.

The sideboard contains other noncreature cards one can swap at instant speed with Sudden Substitution , such as Pact of Negation , and Slaughter Pact . As one can imagine, whichever colors the opponents cannot pay the tax for are the ones that should be used, as they will lose the game once they fail to do so. In fact, a combo orientation such as this will win even quicker than Demonic Pact . However, these cards make a silly deck such as this too expensive to justify its materialization, in my opinion.


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Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

17 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 64
Avg. CMC 2.74
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Champion of Wits 4/4 B, Ox 2/4 W
Folders Commander EDH
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