Barrin, Master Wizard
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Barrin, Master Wizard

Legendary Creature — Human Wizard

(2), Sacrifice a permanent: Return target creature to its owner's hand.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Neurok Prodigy
AEther Burst
Phantasmal Sphere
Cyclopean Snare
Temporal Machinations

Necrosis24 on Background pairings

1 year ago

I like the idea of a Lulu, Loyal Hollyphant and Clan Crafter as a modular deck. This lets you go wide or kill with commander damage as Lulu has built in evasion. Originally I wanted to build Barrin, Master Wizard but it is hard to justify that price tag.

Volo, Itinerant Scholar and Haunted One mill deck utilizing Changelings and Cloudstone Curio to build up the creature count. Then you will draw a bunch of cards and with Psychic Corrosion in play you can mill for tons. You can also take advantage of Kindred Discovery and Altar of Dementia. When you activate Volo's ability Haunted One will be active so you can sacrifice your changelings to the Altar of Dementia to mill. Then they will return due to undying which will trigger Kindred Discovery and draw you cards to trigger Psychic Corrosion. And then you can sacrifice your changelings to Altar of Dementia once again.

Faceless One + Shameless Charlatan I just think is a funny theme for a clone deck.

Durnan of the Yawning Portal + Popular Entertainer or Passionate Archaeologist (which is his paired background). But instead of using him as a cost reducer for big creatures you would run either small artifact creatures or small creatures in general so you will be paying 0 to 1 mana for each creature. Ideally with multi combat you can get a ton of creatures exiled then cast them all for free or cheap on one turn. This will build the storm count in which you can cast something like Ignite Memories or Volcanic Awakening to close out the game.

Honorable mention for Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward because he makes Settle the Wreckage a fantastic ramp spell with no consequences.

Ziabo on

2 years ago

What's the reasoning for running Barrin, Master Wizard and Stern Dismissal is your meta pretty creature heavy? Personally I'd run Pongify or Rapid Hybridization over Stern Dismissal if you're wanting to rid of certain creatures

griffstick on YOUR SPARK IGNITED!! - How …

2 years ago

Work uniform neon yellow =

Folding clothes = bounce permanents

Plane chosen at random = EQUILOR


One of the oldest planes, in one of the farthest reaches of the Multiverse, Equilor is unknown to all but the most tenacious planeswalkers. Once visited by the planeswalker Urza on his journey to find allies against the Phyrexian scourge, Equilor can be described as nearing the end of its natural entropy. The plane has flattened mountains and risen seas, and the beings who live on it are self-described as being beyond any desire for greatness or any effect of boredom. The plane itself is covered in large swaths by an endless mist known as The Eon Fog, and has some areas of living flesh mountains known as Bloodhill Bastions.

GODS & AVATARS None known


The only card previewed here on this plane is a good one.

Soul of Eternity

I feel like this makes me a cross between two cards. And they have to be legendary because cmdr right? I am Barrin, Master Wizard and Evra, Halcyon Witness

Necrosis24 on Looking For Inspiration

2 years ago

I think I would more or less do the same with the commanders you have laid out so I don't have much to offer there. Instead here are some deck ideas I have planned/currently working on:

golgarigirl on Pursuing Perfection, Part 2: Mono-Blue …

2 years ago

Barrin, Master Wizard has a special place in my heart, and was the only mono-color commander I'd ever built until very recently.

Truthfully, though, he's more of a black commander? Sacrificing things for fun and profit is kind of my schtick. Make a pile of artifact tokens, use those tokens to make mana, bounce my opponent's everything forever or re-use my ETB's.

midwestmtg on Kenrith, the Returned King (CEDH) 21 Decks

3 years ago

I’m putting this deck together to test out tomorrow. (Loosely, I don’t have the expensive tutors, rocks, or counters) I am wondering why Barrin, Master Wizard over Temur Sabertooth? Don’t you need your opponents to have one more art/ench to make Barrin work?

SaberTech on Animar, Soul of Combos | Animar cEDH

3 years ago

Hi. Saw you asking for advice on the Animar Discord but didn't want to clog up the channel so I figured I'd leave some comments here. I'll try to focus on more budget friendly changes since you already know about the more expensive recommendations.

The first thing that stands out to me is that you've doubled down on a lot of redundancy of similar effects to make your combo options more consistent. Since you don't have Imperial Recruiter and Weird Harvest, I can see why you would do that for a more casual meta. What has happened though is that you have filled up slots that would normally go to the other cards that help Animar function faster. A number of cards could be trimmed out to put in important lower-curve cards.

To start with, you actually have too many combos in the deck that are clogging up cards slots. You already have Ancestral Statue + Walking Ballista, which is Animar's bread and butter. Competitive decks generally focus on assembling that as quickly as possible and protecting the combo.

The typical secondary combo line in cEDH Animar is the Kiri-Onna loop, but that requires you to put a lot of money into your mana base to make sure nearly all you lands produce blue mana for maximum efficiency, so lets skip that for now.

Another backup combo is Barrin, Master Wizard/Temur Sabertooth + Dockside Extortionist, which you already have. Barrin is generally favoured because of its versatility, but the Sabertooth works too and the combo can potentially produce infinite mana without Animar. The combo works well in the cEDH meta because of all the cheap mana rocks and enchantments that get played, but there's a chance it won't be as consistent in more casual metas.

In addition to the main combos, you often see Purphoros, God of the Forge as a backup kill condition. Since you have that too you are fairly well set for win-conditions.

On top of that though, you also currently have the Kiki/Twin combo package, Cloudstone Curio with a couple morph creatures and eldrazi, Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake + Acidic Slime, and Oracle/Labman to win by decking off of "enchantress" effects like Beast Whisperer. You honestly don't need all of that. Some people may run Thassa's Oracle as an option for when damage might not win the game, but the rest could be heavily trimmed to make room for other important ramp and interaction.

So, cards to cut:

Deadeye Navigator is an easy cut. The higher cmc creatures clog up opening hands and force more mulligans. Cloudstone Curio can't be tutored for in your list, which makes it unreliable. Taking that out makes Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger unwanted. That leads to taking out Nettle Drone and Thought Harvester because they are just redundant effects that you already get with Ballista and Purphoros. Laboratory Maniac can come out because it will generally be a more fragile Thassa's Oracle. You could take the oracle out too because there are ways to just bounce and kill with Ballista, even when you are being forced to draw cards off of Glimpse of Nature or Beast Whisperer. I can see why you might want to leave that one in though.

The Kiki/twin package takes up a bunch of slots with cards that don't really do a whole lot on their own except for Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, which some people think is too unwieldy to cast consistently because of the RRR in its casting cost. Splinter Twin isn't tutorable in the deck, so it's unreliable. Bounding Krasis and Breaching Hippocamp are just redundant bodies that don't even have the same versatility in their effect that Pestermite and Deceiver Exarch, and even those can be a little lack-luster.

If you aren't looking to take all the unnecessary combos out, I can see leaving some of the Kiki stuff in as a 2-card combo that isn't reliant on Animar. Just Kiki, Pestermite, and Deceiver Exarch on their own is enough. If you want to double down on it a bit though, you can consider putting in Zealous Conscripts. With the Conscripts, you can open up a 1 turn combo line with Vannifar.

Other cards worth cutting are Guardian Project (can't be tutored or cost-reduced), Soul of the Harvest (expensive and Primordial Sage is better), Vigean Graftmage (don't have enough +1/+1 counter synergies for this to be worth the slot), Farhaven Elf (better off with a 1 CMC mana dork), Solemn Simulacrum (better off with a 1 CMC mana dork), Tidal Barracuda (it may protect you from counterspells on your turn, put there is just too much risk with letting your opponents cast all their stuff at instant speed on every other turn). There are other cards that could be cut, but those are the ones that really stand out.

To replace the cards you take out, you'll be wanting the 1 cmc mana dorks and mana acceleration that was recommended on Discord, some more card draw/cantrip creatures like Mulldrifter and Generous Patron, and some cheap/free counterspells.

Anyway, I know this is a long wall of text but I hope the feed back helps give you a place to start making tweaks to your deck. And, of course, the people on the Animar Discord are always happy to offer advice.

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