Virtus the Veiled
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Virtus the Veiled

Legendary Creature — Azra Assassin

Partner with Gorm the Great (When this creature enters the battlefield, target player may put Gorm into their hand from their library, then shuffle.)


Whenever Virtus the Veiled deals combat damage to a player, that player loses half their life, rounded up.

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Paupers' Cage
Mindleech Ghoul
Shriek of Dread
Demogorgon's Clutches
Go Blank

Crow_Umbra on Alesha, who keeps playing cards

1 year ago

Sorry to spam another response, I just read your updated deck description, and I think your gut feeling on removing the +1/+1 counter sub-theme is correct. If you want your creatures to connect, you could use stuff like Spirit Mantle or equipment with Deathtouch or "unblockable", like Basilisk Collar or Whispersilk Cloak to help sneak damage through. Key to the City is a piece of tech used by many Alesha lists as a means to push damage through and also get cards into the yard.

Mark of Asylum could also potentially be a swap for The Wanderer. A bit more resilient to removal.

Another fun subtheme I played around with is to recur creatures that punch very heavily if they connect, like Virtus the Veiled, Raving Dead, and the infamous Master of Cruelties. At one point, I had a Menace subtheme with stuff like Goblin War Drums, Sonorous Howlbonder, and Labyrinth Raptor.

Alesha has a lot of tech available to her, to the point of being a bit overwhelming. I think by the time I retired my Alesha deck, I had tried out like 3-4 build variations. Towards the end, I realized the deck worked better (for me), when Alesha wasn't the primary aggro and reanimation option.

carpecanum on Obscura

2 years ago

Virtus the Veiled, Raving Dead, Cephalid Constable

Library of Leng would let you connive to the top of your library if you wanted

carpecanum on

2 years ago

Since most creatures will be tapped, I run Virtus the Veiled and cards like that with my Thantis deck.

PhocusEnergy on World at War

2 years ago

sixteenbiticon A quick update to my last comment - also, do keep in mind this list is tuned to a $100-budget playlist. At my table, there aren't many lists that can do significant damage in the first few turns, and the ones that can usually become the focus of the table to respond to, letting me ramp and drop some of my 3-4 drop creatures without much of an issue. If your table has a higher budget or simply faster decks, you can definitely lower the CMC to speed yourself up and provide yourself some extra cushion early on. Some early creatures I'd suggest for a lower CMC list (that won't destroy your budget):

  • Grim Flayer - Good early blocker that evens out your draws and gets bigger later.

  • Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons - A card I'm always on the precipice of including, a 2-drop that will weaken or kill your opponents early creatures and provide you with deathtouch blockers is extremely good.

  • Mindblade Render - It's a 1/3 that draws you cards for 2 mana. Nothing not to like.

  • Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire - an early deathtouch blocker that can let you tutor for cards if you start getting hits in.

  • Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin - A card that routinely pops up in this list when Varchild gets a bit too pricey for the budget. An early card that can start building up a host of tokens to help you block.

  • Virtus the Veiled - Deathtouch blocker that is absolutely disgusting early in the game. I don't use him specifically because my playgroup already hates me enough for playing Spawnwrithe.

  • Dreamstealer - A chump blocker if you drop him for 3, but get that Eternalize off in a post-Thantis field and oh boy.

  • Azra Oddsmaker - Probably the weakest suggestion here, but figured I'd include it anyways. Her trigger is pretty consistent to hit in this list with Thantis out, but she's hit-or-miss before that.

DankMagicianD on Die, Snowflake!

2 years ago

With the increased number of board wipes, Rampaging Ferocidon becomes less necessary. Preventing lifegain is great, but it hurts my cards too, and Snapdax enables commander damage kills pretty easily. Speaking of which, if I mutate Snapdax onto Virtus the Veiled and hit someone, they go from forty life down to eight.

carpecanum on

2 years ago

Virtus the Veiled, Raving Dead and Master of Cruelties. Putting them onto the battlefield tapped and attacking circumvents the attacking rules for Raving Dead and Master of Cruelties.

Any Deathtouch equipment would be useful on your boss.

carpecanum on [$] Killian, Bulk Duelist [$]

3 years ago

Blessing of Leeches maybe? Daybreak Coronet? Spirit Loop to double your life gain.

Virtus the Veiled could be a secondary target for all those enchantments, especially the evasion cards.

Benevolent Blessing could replace Pentarch Ward. That Flash is as good as a counterspell sometimes.

I'd take out Angelic Gift (drawing a card is nice but you NEED to draw a card to make it equivalent to almost any other enchantment you're running). Same with Grisly Transformation.

There has got to be better card draw than Tome of Legends.

carpecanum on Deathtouch Pest

3 years ago

If your commanders are attacking with deathtouch and indestructible you might want something like Lure or Nemesis Mask .

Virtus the Veiled and Raving Dead are scarier than most deathtouch creatures and are hilarious with Blessing of Leeches

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