After seeing how well Rally the Ancessors played in Standard I though about using it and a few other cards to assemble a combo that existed in Modern for a long time: Halimar Excavator Mill. Because the card can Mill so much so easily, it's easy to start dreaming about Combo kills and rewing decks, but it's really easy to stop the combo and it's considerable hard to turn on. You can have some options like ... to give you some time, but finishing is just so hard.

The idea is simple: Self mill with Halimar Excavator and then reanimate enough allies to mill your opponent out.

Well, with the recent laughing of Dusk to Dawn I decided to try to make a definitive list, once and for all.

Halimar Excavator - Namesake of the deck and the main engine.

Ondu Cleric - Helps keeping alive, being principally good against burn, Death's Shadow, sometimes Storm and almost any damage based combo

Kalastria Healer - It's an oddball in a W/U deck, but it helps wining more games and keeping us alive.

Hada Freebalde, Cliffside Lookout and Mothdust Changeling - some 1 mana allies to smooth the curve and give you more numbers.

Jwari Shapeshifter - Work as extra copies of Halimar Excavator in the deck. They can also copy Ondu Cleric or Hada Freeblade to help out.

Dusk to Dawn, Rally The Ancessors and Return to The Ranks - Reanimation, in a really good amount. Ideally, it's better to reanimate at least 3 or 4 creatures with 4 in the field and with 3 or 4 Halimar Excavator equivalents.

Fetchs and Shocks: Not only they make the mana base smooth and precise, life shouldn't be an immense concern for the deck.

I still need to work in the sideboard, but it should probably focus in exiling cards from the oponents graveyard or some other forms of finishing the game.

Let's see how this goes.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

30 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
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