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Cat Sanctuary - Nine More Lives

Casual Cats Flying Lifelink Mono-White


Cat Sanctuary - Nine More Lives

This is a fun and easy to play Cat deck that is true to its theme. You play not for your opponents, but for yourself. Let them squabble and squirm while a never-ending barrage of flying cats chews away at their life, all while you grow stronger with every bite. If something has upset you, simply cast it into exile at the flick of a paw. Cats like numbers, so the plan is to get a lot of them on the battlefield in quick feline fashion. Your opponents will have to scale a mountain of Life and angry cats to make any headway. "Not likely.." thinks the cat.

Strengths: 9+ Lives , Strength in Numbers , Battlefield Control

Weaknesses: Counter Spells , Anti-Life , Burn Decks


Deck Breakdown

Creature Ramp: Leonin Warleader

Life One-Timers: Kemba's Skyguard

Long-Time Lifers: Healer of the Pride , Ajani's Welcome , Oreskos Sun Guide , Leonin Vanguard

Gets Stronger From Life: Ajani's Pridemate

Aerial Cats Kemba's Skyguard , Skyhunter Patrol , Skyhunter Prowler

Game Changers: Ajani's Pridemate , Healer of the Pride , Leonin Warleader , Settle the Wreckage

Cat Slap to Exile: Hieromancer's Cage , Ixalan's Binding , Seal Away

Situational: Stalking Leonin , Seal Away , Settle the Wreckage

Cards Explained:

Ajani's Pridemate

  • These powerful cat soldiers are the bread and butter to this cat army. If you nurture them with love and life, they can become monstrous powerhouses that can win the game in a single turn of combat. The key is to lay the right foundation for them. Having one or even both Ajani's Welcome on the battlefield before deploying the cats will benefit them greatly. Along with Healer of the Pride , your Pridemates will come out as whopping 6/6's instead of 2/2's. Now play three in one turn!

Charmed Stray

  • Cute and inconspicuous, these cats left unattended can become stepping stones for their cat brethren. While starting small as 1/1's, if you're lucky enough to draw the rest, your final Stray will be a respectable 4/4! Now the damage isn't where these cats find their true calling, it's by helping their Ajani's Pridemate brethren! Now when faced with damage, resist the urge to waste your Strays and take the hits (you can tank it, this is a Life deck after all) and hold out for a Pridemate or two. Once you have something for the life to strengthen, it's time to finally block with your Strays. Let's say you blocked 6 damage with you first three Strays (1/1, 2/2, 3/3 respectively). You just gained 6 Life and your Pridemates have now become 8/8 hulking cats.

Settle the Wreckage

  • This is your ace in the whole. If things are looking grim (or if you just really want to stick it to your opponent) you can play this during a big attack. Much like a cat would slap a pen off a table, you can slap your opponent's creatures out of existence. The longer you wait to use it, the more pens get slapped off the table.

Ixalan's Binding / Hieromancer's Cage / Seal Away

  • There are three types of Exile spells in this deck and they each have unique specialties. Hieromancer's Cage will exile ANYTHING (enchantments, artifacts, Planeswalkers) on the battlefield that is not a land. Seal Away will only exile a creature, but it can be used instantly (Flash). You can use it in retaliation to an attack, or clear the way for your own team's attack when the opponent declares blockers. And finally, Ixalan's Binding may be the strongest of all, if you know your opponent's deck! Is there a card in your opponent's deck you hate? Are there multiples of it? Then this exile card is the right one for you! Maybe it's a creature, maybe it's an enchantment or artifact, doesn't matter because it's gone and all 3 other copies your opponent owns can't be played. Ha! This is best used early in the game, before your opponent can get multiple versions out.

Stalking Leonin

  • Your trap card! This cat lies in wait for the perfect prey to try and attack it's domain. Once a threat has been assessed, give this a flip and ruin your opponent's day. Also an added element for multiplayer, pretty cool!

Leonin Warleader

  • A powerful leader for this deck, they need protection to get going though since there is a large bounty on their head from the get-go and they need to attack to contribute. This is where holding on to your Seal Away 's comes in handy. Simply exile whatever blocks your Warleader and bam! Two cute 1/1 kitties with lifelink are guaranteed for more than one turn. This synergizes very well with Ajani's Pridemate so try to have a few of those out when your Warleader attacks.

Ideal Starting Hand:








Turn 1

Turn 2

Turn 3

Turn 4

Turn 5

Turn 6


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Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.53
Tokens Cat 1/1 W w/ Lifelink
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