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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Counter target instant or sorcery spell. Its controller reveals cards from the top of his or her library until he or she reveals an instant or sorcery card. That player may play that card without paying its mana cost. Then he or she shuffles his or her library.

enpc on Most hell like stack ever?

7 years ago

One of the guys I went to university with told me about a deck of his which would use Eye of the Storm + Spellshift in a deck full of instants/soceries to cast the entire deck. That plus sorm cards makes for a big and convoluted stack.

Neotrup on Are spells cast as a …

7 years ago

Yes. Casting a spell from a library means that it was in the library and then got moved to the stack to be cast, with no other zone in between. Spellshift causes cards to be revealed in the library until an appropriate one is found and then casts it, so it would trigger Melek, Izzet Paragon. The similiar situation of cascade spells (like Bloodbraid Elf) doesn't trigger Melek because cascade exiles cards until it finds an approrpiate one, then casts that one from exile instead of the library.

Yesterday on Are spells cast as a …

7 years ago

That is to say, if an opponent has a Melek, Izzet Paragon on the battlefield and you use Spellshift to counter a spell controlled by that opponent, do they cast the newly revealed spell straight from their library and therefore get a copy of the spell?

xyorrk on Trigger Happy

8 years ago


NOOOOO!!! no win cons!!!!! This deck is for fun and confusion. Thats totally the cheap way out anyways. The only counters in the deck either give you a spell for free Spellshift, or completely clear the stack just in case things get waaayy out of control Summary Dismissal and Time Stop. Handy when there's 15 spells under Eye of the Storm

Phaetion on How do you feel about …

8 years ago

Red and Green are my favorite colors. Red represents my personality whereas Green has values I hold dear.

For me, it's easier to list why I don't like Esper than describe the others. But my strongest hate is for blue, what it stands for, and how it plays. The only thing I like about it other than drawing cards are the weird spells it gets (like Spellshift). I like big, and even bigger damage. I'm the kind of player to hates politics and prefers to smash people on the head without messing around.

White I can get behind in some ways. However, what I don't like about it is its authoritarian side (Blind Obedience, Humility and Aura of Silence are a few examples). It grinds games to a halt and restricts the flow of a game at any given point. I like a few white cards, so it's not a total hatred (Gisela, Blade of Goldnight and Comeuppance come to mind).

Black is too controlling for me, even if I tune it to be aggressive. Attrition and long games are not my field of expertise. I was just playing a token/attrition deck (see The Kondo-R) today, and I saw how slow it was to pull together pieces and try to control the board while beating them to death with a spoon. Not having haste was a buzzkill, nor was the lack of big damage.

I'm a red player who wants to do tons of damage and go tall. Green's help is something I cannot live without, and it's got some of the best fat in the game. Overall, Esper is way too controlling for my tastes, even if I tried to force my philosophy into those colors.

Phaetion on Aether Revolt Spoilers!

8 years ago

I don't mind an uphill battle or a long game but when a game goes on for too long (subjective, really. An hour for me is long enough). My blue decks tend to use a lot of bizarre cards (like Spellshift and In the Eye of Chaos), few counterspells, about 6-8 draw spells, and some big monsters with which to beat face.

enpc on I must have all the …

8 years ago

My advise would be to try building a deck not based around a tribal theme. In fact, try building something that's not based around creatures (obviously you're still allowed to run them). One of the cards I always have fun working with is Eye of the Storm. For eample, you could build a deck that plays only sorceries except for EotS and Spellshift and the whole deck is designed to be played in one turn (a friend of mine from university once had a deck like this). Personally I designed an interation of the deck to use a 200 card sideboard and win with Research and Battle of Wits (the starting deck size was still only 60 cards). There are some really stupid things you can do and it gets the brain juices flowing a bit more than throwing together another tribal deck IMHO.

cdzientak on Vial Smasher the Chaotic

8 years ago

Oh snap, how'd I miss that! Hmm, maybe Spellshift or Spelljack to keep with the Chaotic nature.

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