Indestructible and Arcbond and damage allocation
Asked by 9-lives 3 years ago
There was an earlier question about how Palisade Giant enchanted with Indestructibility and then targeted with Arcbond would work. Can someone explain that to me how it resolves as an infinite combo?
Would this also work with a combat damage to Kytheon, Hero of Akros Flip when I make him indestructible, then using Arcbond , and preventing noncombat damage to my own creatures and self through The Wanderer ?
Or would I have to use Gideon's Sacrifice and Kytheon, Hero of Akros Flip when I make him indestructible and cast Arcbond ?
When Palisade Giant is dealt damage, Arcbond will attempt to deal an equal amount of damage to each other creature and each player, however, all that damage that would be dealt to you and your other creatures is instead dealt to Palisade Giant , triggering Arcbond again. This will continue until either all other players lose from the damage, someone finds a way to end the combo, or if neither of those happen (maybe an opponent can't lose the game), the game will be a draw instead.
No. Because the damage is prevented, it doesn't Arcbond to trigger.
That will work, because the damage is being redirected to trigger Arcbond again.
Yes, those cards fulfill the needs of the combo: redirecting the damage, triggering off the damage being redirected, and keeping the creature from dying to all that damage. With Soulfire Grand Master you will gain life equal to the damage, but it's not exactly infinite. If you break the combo, you'll want to announce how many iterations you're having it go through and determine what your life total is. However, as mentioned, this should kill your opponents, so your life total shouldn't matter.
March 6, 2021 10:49 p.m.
Also, could i use Brash Taunter to work with Gideon's Sacrifice and Arcbond ?
March 7, 2021 8:43 a.m.
Yes, any indestructible creature with any effect that redirects damage from you to it works with Arcbond .
March 7, 2021 1:35 p.m.
Would it deal 'extra' damage since it redirects damage already? For instance, if i target it with Arcbond without Gideon's Sacrifice what would happen?
March 7, 2021 1:58 p.m.
It would deal damage to you and everything else and that would be it.
March 7, 2021 2:32 p.m.
If i use Arcbond and The Wanderer , would it deal damage to everyone else besides my permanents and me?
March 7, 2021 3:34 p.m.
If you use Arcbond with The Wanderer , Arcbond will only trigger off of combat damage, since any noncombat damage will be prevented, and it will deal damage to each opponent and each creature they control once, without creating the iterative loop.
March 7, 2021 3:51 p.m.
What happens if I use use Boros Charm to make my creatures indestructible, and Deflecting Palm to prevent damage done to me while using Arcbond ? Would it deal double the damage? Or make an infinite combo?
March 9, 2021 12:14 p.m.
It would go infinite. Palm would continuously move the damage from you to the creature that's dealing all the damage.
March 9, 2021 1:15 p.m.
Not quite. As Deflecting Palm resolves, you choose a source, presumably the same creature you targetted with Arcbond . The next time that creature is dealt damage it will deal that much damage to each other creature and each player other than you. The damage dealt to you will be prevented, and Deflecting Palm will deal that much damage to the creature's controller, which I'm guessing is you, so it didn't accomplish a whole lot. If you're using Arcbond on an opponent's creature, you will deal double damage to the creature's controller, regular damage to each other player, and prevent the damage dealt to you.
Also note that Deflecting Palm only prevents damage the next time the source would deal damage to you, so if the creature survives and get's dealt damage again, the Arcbond trigger will resolve as normal.
March 9, 2021 4:23 p.m.
What would happen if I use The Akroan War when I reach step 2? It says 'they attack if able'. Does the opponent or me choose who they attack?
And Neotrup I think you're right about the double damage thing, since Deflecting Palm is an instant, and it says 'next time' it only resolves once, right?
The rules on Deflecting Palm says "If multiple prevention and/or replacement effects are trying to apply to the same damage, the player who would be dealt damage chooses the order in which to apply them."
I'm not quite sure of the terminology behind the rule, but it seems like Deflecting Palm can trigger more than once as long as the damage applied is that same damage from arcbond?
March 9, 2021 4:39 p.m.
My bad, Deflecting Palm does say next time. I missed that.
Akroan War forces your opponents to declare all creatures they control as attackers when it's time for combat, but since they are the ones declaring the attack they choose who to attack.
March 9, 2021 4:49 p.m.
Will Narset's Reversal allow my copied instant to be cast before it is returned to my hand?
March 9, 2021 5:34 p.m.
If I understand the question right, no. Narset will finish resolving before other spells are allowed to resolve.
March 9, 2021 10:57 p.m.
Say I cast Deflecting Palm then I cast Narset's Reversal . Wouldnl't since Deflecting Palm goes on the stack first, then Narset's Reversal , it would play the former first, then the latter, thus playing Deflecting Palm 's abilities, then Narset's Reversal returning it to my hand and copying the spell and targets afresh?
March 9, 2021 11:10 p.m.
The top card/ability and the stack resolves first. So you would cast Palm, choosing targets, then you would cast Narset targeting Palm. Narset is on top so it resolves first. It copies Palm, you choose targets for it, then the original Palm is returned to hand. When the copy resolves it's time for original Palm to resolve but its not there anymore so nothing happens.
9-lives says... #1
Also another question.
Would this work? Infinite Combo of any creature, especially Soulfire Grand Master with Sheltering Light , Gideon's Sacrifice , and Arcbond ?
If it's true, then it deals infinite damage and gives me infinite health? And say that I attack a indestructible creature with it. Would that still give me infinite life? Or does the damage have to resolve as to actually harm the indestructible player/creature?
March 6, 2021 10:39 p.m.