Swift Silence

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Swift Silence


Counter all other spells. Draw a card for each spell countered this way.

Tyrant-Thanatos on Storm Scale: Theros and Theros: …

4 years ago

I agree with MaRo about strive too. Boring, expensive ability that requires a lot of set up to get the most of it.

But that's only because they chose to design the cards that way. The ability itself does not inherently create these problems. Consign to Dust didn't have to cost to cast and an additional per extra target. I'd hesitate to reduce the primary casting cost to avoid a strictly-better Naturalize (though those already exist now so whatever I guess), but per extra target!? FFS that could have easily been and the card would be fine imo. Maybe if you're trying to be conservative about it. But is just absurd. And this is a consistent issue with these cards, and it's not a problem with the ability itself, it's a problem with the design philosophy that was in play when they designed them. I mean Nature's Panoply come on

Honestly the 5 strive cards IMO we are missing are Strive Mind Control, Polymorph, Flicker, recurr from GY and targetted sacrifice

Creature destruction? Damage? -X/-X? Protection? "recur from GY" can be done various ways on various targets. Artifacts, creatures, instant/sorcery, to hand, to battlefield, etc. The only Strive Bounce spell only targeted Enchantments ffs.

Cards like Double Negative, Swift Silence, and Summary Dismissal have been printed, so I see no reason a goofy Strive Counterspell couldn't have been made.

Either way, they're definitely in a position where bringing this back is unlikely. You're not going to excite people with the return of a mechanic that floundered the way this one did, regardless of if it was an issue with the core concept of the mechanic or the design and implementation of it.

WizardOfTheNorthernCoast on The Prayer

6 years ago

ZendikariWol, thanks for your feedback.

Reaver is slow but can steal games if unanswered. I would go Consecrated Sphinx but it's too much money that I don't wanna invest.

Swift Silence is just plain cool and azorius-ish. Also, it has 0 restriction aside form the cmc and replaces itself everytime. It can interfere with other players' spells war if needed (the deck is for multiplayer games).

There is no real 'voltron' aspect tbh. It's more 'giving vigilance to Ojutai to make him untouchable'. This way, you can keep swinging and get that sweet card advantage ;)

ZendikariWol on The Prayer

6 years ago

Okay. This is gonna be a brief one because I'm not really great at control but something I do specialize in is voltron.

Drogskol Reaver doesn't do enough. You have like 3 lifelinking cards in the entire deck. Swift Silence is also lack-luster.

Try some Stubborn Denial or Disdainful Stroke. Good, cheap conterspells. Settle the Wreckage is a legend against aggro. The vows (like Vow of Duty) are a really good choice for dealing with threats. Maybe you could do with a few of the curses (like Curse of Verbosity) to displace attackers.

Cardshark0000 on Kaalia OP deck

7 years ago

Swift Silence doesn't fit in Kaalia's Color identity, unfortunately.

enpc on List of EDH counterspells

7 years ago

There's one other counterspell worth mentioning, the OG mass counter: Swift Silence.

Zer0w on I am the Law

9 years ago

Yeah, with that said. I think you need Leyline of Anticipation and Vedalken Orrery so you can keep you mana untapped to answer threats and to keep players wondering if attacking you will be a bad idea. I also sudgest that you do a search on http://magiccards.info/ for cards that have and or more so you can milk the most out of Augustin... I just did that and found some sweet stuff like Cloud Cover, Narset Transcendent Unbender Tine (this little guy is fun in mutiplayer games because you can untap other peoples stuff to allow a unanticipated block and some political power. Swift Silence, Isperia, Supreme Judge, Medomai the Ageless, Steel of the Godhead and such. good luck not dying. and have fun killing :)