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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Mosquito Guard
Creature — Kithkin Soldier
First strike
Reinforce 1-(1)(White) ((1)(White), Discard this card: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.)

Saccox on
Bad kithkin!Pezzent!
3 years ago
Hi nathanielhebert,thanks for your comment. Good cards,I could make some substitutions. For Mosquito Guard i don't take off Changeling Outcast (it's very useful to have unblockable damage) but Goldmeadow Stalwart . I have to think about it
nathanielhebert on
Bad kithkin!Pezzent!
3 years ago
I missed the whole Lorwyn block and always thought those Kithkin looked a bit unnerving — time to make my opponents feel uncomfortable by unleashing a Kithkin tribal assault! I'm waiting on cards to construct this, but have got the Lorwyn panorama for the plains and swamps (https://i.imgur.com/GK1ja0n.png), and a few Rustic Clachan s.
Play-testing the deck was fun, but I might opt for this to be a "pure" Kithkin clan in my little meta — maybe some Mosquito Guard to replace the shapeshifter.
BlackDeegs on
5 years ago
Mosquito Guard looks like a little Donald Trump instantly giving it value in this deck.
Livenoevil on
Bolster this, counter on that.. oh, and a token!
7 years ago
My suggestions for this deck:
-2 Ballyrush Banneret (Barely helps you cast anything if you look closely)
-2 Mosquito Guard Its cute but not good enough
-2 Preeminent Captain (This cheats creatures into play but your deck has no GIANT soldiers to cheat into play.
-1 First Response (If opponent sits back and blocks you, it does nothing)
-4 Cavern of Souls (Your deck has the tag casual. Cavern should never be in a casual deck due to its price)
-4 Gleam of Authority (Way too slow this enchantment literally does nothing till turn 3 with a best draw. It is also vulnerable to creature removal classic 2 for 1)
+4 Plains
+4 Kor Skyfisher (Helps Trigger Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Synergy with Thraben Inspector)
aholder7 on Making set on Magic Set …
8 years ago
hey. i'd be willing to help, but theres a few things you probably should know.
1) reinforce is already a mechanic. see Mosquito Guard for an example. you just need to change the name. also this seems like a strict upgrade to fabricate. for balance purposes you'd have to use it more sparingly and with lower numbers. fabricate was already wasn't used as much as it could have been due to its strength in limited. not sure if you care about limited, but generally speaking thats the first thing that sets build around is a balanced limited experience.
2)kahlia seems pretty close pronunciation wise to kaalia which is already a character. this one isnt super important, but Kaalia of the Vast is thematically more closely aligned with the demons than the birds. again, this isnt that big of a deal, but thought i should mention it.
3) your color balance seems off. by mixing old shards with new clans, you are skewing the strength of certain colors. as of now you have listed 4 groups that you plan to include and 3 of them include red. you can mix and match whatever groupings you want, but you need to make sure one color doesnt seem to have extra importance.
interested to see what comes next.
GeminiSpartanX on
9 years ago
If you have Figure of Destinys, they should definitely be in the MD. I'd replace the 2 Burrenton Shield-Bearers for 2 FoDs easy. If you don't have the full 4 FoDs, Goldmeadow Stalwart is a good replacement. This is an agro deck that wants to beat-down as fast as possible, so with that idea in mind, I'd also replace the 2 Concerted Efforts with 2 more Honor of the Pures which will make your tokens AND creatures better. Weight of Conscience isn't as good as Pacifism since the opposing creature can still block. Crib Swap might be a better card in general for removal, since you can decrease its' cost with Ballyrush Banneret (which also should be a 4-of in the main). Cenn's Heir is another commonly used kithkin that can get big with many tokens and other creatures. I'd remove some of your equipment and the Coordinated Barrages along with some Mosquito Guards to add in the additional creatures.
Hope some of that helped!
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