Pasting decks on MTG Salvation TappedOut Hey there, For those of you who use MTG Salvation I created an export format for that site. Should be easier for you to use. See 'Export' heading on ...

So modern looks like its gonna take a serious hit Modern Theres quit a few things that have been spoiled today in the world of magic. And these things are once again AMAZING. The dragons of tarkir bl...

EDH Berserk Buttons Commander (EDH) If you go on TV Tropes (**WARNING:** Don't do this if you value your time) there's a trope they call the Berserk Button. Its a particular thing in a work o...

[Community Discussion]: The Counterfeiting Situation General I am sorry to bump the [featured thread about hubs]( out of the queue so quickly, but thi...

Modern Horizon Modern So the Prof. from Tolarian Community college posted a [really interesting video]( This Modern Horizons set doesnt seem to affect t...

Why isn't EDH's The Gitrog Monster infinite combo implemented as a deck archtype in Modern? Modern For those who are not familiar with this combo it goes something like this: (Otherwise skip ...

Is sword of feast and famine really a good buy Commander Deck Help So I'm wondering is [[sword of feast and famine]] really worth the money to spend to put it into my [[Balan, Wandering Knight]] ...

Standards and Practices Features Behgz Article Series on tappedOut; ‘Standards and Practices’ Hello I’m [[Behgz]], I’ve been playing a lot of standard lately, and wanted to talk about it more here, ...

Standards and Practices 2 Features Behgz Hello, I’’m [[Behgz]] and I’m back with another installment of Standards and Practices. Last week we had an amazing match up against the monster that is ...

Showdown 2.0 #6: Season 1 Finale Showdown Spootyone --- --- Hello and thanks for stopping by for the season’s last Showdown with RTR and M14 cards. Today we have another doubleheader. I’m playin...

A Comprehensive Report on Organizing Commander Tournaments Pandora's Deckbox Epochalyptik The following article is an academic report that I wrote approximately 1.5 years ago. It's based on o...

A Primer on RUG Scapeshift Features GlistenerAgent ##**Introduction**## Control decks in Modern have the inherent weakness of having too many threats to answer while also winning the game within a...

Pattern Recognition #15 - The Two Great Cycles FeaturesOpinionPattern Recognition berryjon Hello everyone, and welcome back to Pattern Recognition! For those of you tuning in for the first time, welc...

Banning Zedruu: Your Thoughts? Commander (EDH) It is my belief that [[Zedruu the Greathearted]] should be banned. I am not exaggerating when I say if I literally had the ability to ban a card from ED...

Magic the Accepting? Maybe not. General This isn't an article that pertains so much to the game, as it does the players. It isn't one I ever intended to write when I fell in love with this g...

...Boros aggro list :/ Although I can totally feel that you get pissed when losing all cards against Leovold for the sixth time. But at that point just stop to play against this deck. [[AlexoBn]] that&#...

...Boros for this... My second in command: "Do you know what he just said" Me: "No" Him: "So what do we always do when we don't understand something?" Me: "ATTACK...

What Does Modern Offer? Modern It's time for some controversy! Well, perhaps less controversial than is typical, but still, I have a question to posit to the Community. So, Modern is clearly up ...

A way Red can interact with Blue counter spells. Custom Cards So it's important that the color pie stay balanced and in a way where each color stays true to its theme. I've often felt blue a...

Trade Overhaul Coming Soon TappedOut # Request for opinions and comments Hello all, Firstly, please take care to keep your responses as brief as possible succinct. If possible use list format and al...