Super Bombers

Standard JasonMB


FNM —March 29, 2013

So, ran this on Friday. It did ok.

Ajani, Caller of the Pride - he full on won me a game on his own. Granted I was fine w/o him, but all my damage dealt to my opponent was from his cat tokens. Ulted him and got 12 2/2 cats. Swung for 24 next turn and won. But, the flying/double strike also won me a game when used on Gideon.

Azorius Keyrune - didn't help much at all. I activated and swung once with one. I defended with them for chump blocks more often.

Blind Obedience - great card. Tapped creatures is awesome. Annoying part though was this. My 1st 4 games I didn't even draw one. My 5th game I started with 2 in my hand but with 2 islands. Then I drew a 3rd and ended up having to discard because I was mana screwed and didn't have any white mana.

Detention Sphere - very useful obviously - saved me when my opponent had a Blood Artist out with 13 2/2 zombie tokens in play and I had a supreme verdict in hand only. Luckily drew this and that saved me from blood artist (by exiling the zombies)

Gideon, Champion of Justice - he's great. Won most of my few games. He can draw good hate or swing for good damage.

Hands of Binding - this card got ciphered on once and it then it didn't trigger because my creature got Azorius Charmed. I did use it a few times w/o being able to cipher, but I feel that Inaction Injunction or Feeling of Dread would fit better.

Jace, Architect of Thought - great card, again obvious. All 3 abilities work great.

Sphinx's Revelation - Great for card advantage. Skull crack is becoming popular though, so no life gain sometimes.

Supreme Verdict - love that it's uncounterable

Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - my fav plainswalker still. Such a great lockdown/draw then win card. Also, Blind Obedience with her works great if I want to use the draw effect.

Terminus - great card. I wish I could top deck one using an X=1 Sphinx's though lol.

So, all in all, I still like the deck - but need to work out the kinks. Hands of Binding is out for probably Feeling of Dread. Other than that, I'm not sure. I don't need more than 1 Blind Obedience out (even though double extort works), but I can't drop from 4, because having one in opening hand is super nice.

I could splash green for the Simic Keyrunes and maybe Fog.

Gotta ponder

Some Azorius Keyrune may prove helpful for acceleration and getting through for damage

March 23, 2013 3:10 p.m.

weswes110 says... #2

yeah.... why Simic Keyrune not Azorius Keyrune ? it helps you with mana way more and also has evasion.

March 24, 2013 12:25 p.m.

JasonMB says... #3

Ya, I like the 2/2 bird, I just don't know what I can take out. I already wish I could use 2 more Rifts and some more O rings or D Spheres.

Also, if my opponent runs any instant kill spells, they would still be in his or her hand since there aren't any legal targets of mine, unless I use those birds. So they'd be the only target for murder or the like. I suppose something like searing spear will hit my planeswalkers.....hmm, unless I use Witchbane Orb . I should. Then my opponent can't target me with a Searing Spear (or a hundred other spells) and redirect damage to my plainswalkers.

March 24, 2013 12:30 p.m.

JasonMB says... #4

The evasion it has is against creatures...which should not be alive or untapped. The evasion the Simic key has is against my opponent's spells. Which is the only thing it should have to worry about.

March 24, 2013 12:31 p.m.

weswes110 says... #5

also, why the green dual lands?

March 24, 2013 8:58 p.m.

You could remove some of the Ajani, Caller of the Pride for one or two Azorius Keyrune . I mean I could be missing something here but it doesn't seem Ajani does much in this deck and the ramp and possible creature from the keyrune would be better. You could also put the Azorius keyrunes in the sideboard because most of your opponents will probably be siding out most of their removal which helps out with the that issue.

March 24, 2013 10:52 p.m.

JasonMB says... #7

I could side them I suppose. It's super unfortunate the keyrune with hexproof is the simic one. The green dual lands is to activate the keyrunes. They would just be basic plains or islands, so it doesn't mess up my balance using duels. Just have to get the balance between shocks and non-shock duels.

Ajani does good things. If my Gideon is up to some decent counters I can give him flying/double strike. Hit someone with that for 18 last week. And then just putting a 1/1 counter on a keyrune every turn is fairly good.

March 25, 2013 4 a.m.

weswes110 says... #8

I still don't see how the keyrune wouldn't be 100x better as a Geist of Saint Traft , especially as you could trade the green duals for him for no cost.

March 25, 2013 9:50 a.m.

He makes a very good point. I second the Giest idea

March 25, 2013 9:56 a.m.

JasonMB says... #10

Geist is definitely good. I can see running them. The only downside to Geist over the keyrune is that he can be dealt with by a lot of sorcery speed spells or abilities.

Liliana of the Veil can force me to sac him. My own board wipes will hit him as well as my opponent's board wipes, and just a ton of other things.

I'll probably run this deck as is. I had to order 6 of the cards though so they might not arrive before this FNM. I'd have to pick up Geist if I use him, but he does seem an ok fit. I'm just hoping to board wipe and keep my attackers safe. I might run a 4th Supreme Verdict just because I want to be able to spam it. Divine Reckoning is another fine idea as I should be tapping down at least one creature a turn - so them keeping their best one is fine. That would allow me to keep Geist too.

March 25, 2013 6:22 p.m.

Good luck then! Hopefully I'll be able to help more after that if it's even needed XD

March 25, 2013 6:41 p.m.