Lucky Charms (ramp into burn)

Modern MrSilk


Sideboarding in Genesis Hydra —Oct. 23, 2017

2x Genesis Hydra to be sideboarded in for either the 2x Progenitus or 1x Harmonize and 1x Uncage the Menagerie.

I don't know if I'll use this card as a sort of "reverse Villainous Wealth" so I can basically get all of my useful ramp out in one turn and then win next turn via one of the burn cards.. Or just super power it with ramp and swing for the win with Rogue's Passage.

The card looks to have very good promise.

MrSilk says... #1

Funkydiscogod Thank you for the suggestions! I might actually give Uncage the Menagerie a shot in place of harmonize, mostly because I could use it to tutor for Overgrown Battlement and another wall, which could be crucial for getting my mana ramp for my wincons.

To be honest, I never even thought to look into Genesis Hydra, Maga, Traitor to Mortals or Ana Battlemage.. Those could definitely make great sub-ins for my other win conditions should I try other options, especially Genesis Hydra since I don't have to cast any rainbow to play.

Thanks again for the suggestions!

October 10, 2017 1:54 p.m.

Ghosty says... #2

Gemstone Mine to fix your mana?

October 13, 2017 5:50 a.m.

MrSilk says... #3

Ghosty So I'm attempting to do that with the Vivid Groves, but I heavily considered Gemstone Mine, Aether Hub and Tendo Ice Bridge as possible candidates as well. I decided to go with Vivid grove because it'll atleast grant me a green when the counter is taken off of it and I still have the chance to play a superpowered Banefire with it too.

I may switch up the mana base, likely starting with Rogue's Passage if things aren't working out with one of the mana sources that I was thinking about above. Thanks for the suggestion!

October 13, 2017 10:49 a.m.