So pretty much how this deck works is you get up to 4 mana and have at least one of them black. You can get this mana with all the mana spells put into the deck and you cast Balustrade Spy targeting yourself. Since you have no lands in your deck, you will mill yourself out. 4 Narcomoeba's will enter the battlefield due to their abillity. Sacrifice 3 of them to Dread Return's flashback abillity. Use Dread Return to return Angel of Glory's Rise from your graveyard to the battlefield. Her ability will go off, returning all humans from your graveyard to the battlefield. That means that Laboratiry Maniac and Azami, Lady of Scrolls. Next for the final win step, use Azami, Lady of Scrolls's ability and tap her to draw a card. Since you have no cards in your deck and you have to draw a card, Laboratory Maniac lets you win!!
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