Enchanted (FNM 4/0)

Standard* Tyqar


FNM 9/27 —Sept. 28, 2013

So...I went 4/0, which was incredibly unexpected. I had hoped to possibly go 2/2 or 3/1, but 4/0 and taking first was not what I was looking for.

First match was against a very low cost, non competitive G/B midrange type deck...that beat me game 1. I had no creature control, and he had kill spells and hand rip to ruin my god hand.

Second match was against a very aggressive R/G bloodrush deck. I lost game one, losing very quickly to a Rakdos Cackler with Madcap Skills. I did however, almost stabilize at 1 life and come back. Game two I was able to make quick work by siding in extra Pacifism and Selesnya Charm to exile his giant creatures.

Third match was against a DISGUSTING W/U CIPHER/HEROIC aggro control deck. I've seen it played by the gentleman who built it, and it's absolutely insane when you know how to play it. Luckily for me, my opponent was not as intimate with the deck, and made a few misplays. This was a game I think I would have lost against the person who built it, and respect for that.

The last match was against a U/R counterburn archetype deck that should have done very well, but was unfortunately mana screwed both games. I do look forward to playing this deck again. He was able to deal with threats, but Alpha Authority proved to be king in this matchup. This match made me strongly consider Witchstalker which I now plan to play 2-3 in the 75.

The nights champions are as follows:

Boon Satyr : flashing in on a Fabled Hero ROCKS game states. It adds 10 damage to the swing, and very often wins in a single turn.

Ethereal Armor : performed as expected.

Pit Fight : the creature removal (with the added lifelink if an Hopeful Eidolon is involved) is too strong. Too often my creatures were WAY bigger, and I didn't have to essentially sacrifice a creature to kill the opponent's.

Alpha Authority : Hexproof. That's really it.

Pacifism : Did exactly what it needed to. Won me a few games.

Lastly....and most importantly...

Hopeful Eidolon. This card helped me stabilize SO hard. By bestowing it late game on a creature (truly, any creature, but ESPECIALLY a Fabled Hero) I am able to turn around a game. I played one where the opponent dealt around 16 damage to me before I touched him. I then ended the game by swinging for 28 lifelink.

Weak Cards :

Forced Evolution : Simply not fast enough. The initial idea was to enchant a Fabled Hero with it, triggering heroic, and gaining a charge each turn, but it simply didn't pan out, was a dead card WAY too often. (I sided all three out almost every game 2.)

Cards that I want to put INTO this deck:

I was able to trade some of my winning for 2x Heliod, God of the Sun and plan on putting them both in here, with a third Oath of the Ancient Wood because of the amazing synergy. Heliod will also help with lategame creature generation, which is something this deck needed help with (the weakness to removal). The static vigilance will also help.

I also am highly considering Nylea, God of the Hunt because of the static trample.

Magiclover318 says... #1

I really like this deck. it looks to be a lot of fun haha :D

+1 from me

Please check out my naya deck and give me ideas :)

Naya Rotation

September 24, 2013 10:19 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #2

maybe i am missing something. Is that not 5 possible lifelink damage on turn two? Still damn impressive.

September 24, 2013 10:21 p.m.

Volsungz says... #3

I'd suggest some trample or something Holy Mantle I feel would work amazing, to make whoever you're buffing pretty much unblockable.

September 24, 2013 10:59 p.m.

Tyqar says... #4

Quadsimotto, the Ethereal Armor counts the Hopeful Eidolon as an enchantment too. Each give +3/+3. =D

September 24, 2013 11:31 p.m.

Tyqar says... #5

Volsungz. I thought of that, but it's expensive and removable. The idea was to be super cheap on card cmcs, so most cards are expendable, or have double lives. I considered the 3drop 1GW aura, but it seems to slow. Once I have this build and actually play it against someone, I'll see if it's necessary. But I did think of the same thing.

September 24, 2013 11:33 p.m.

Roguebolt0 says... #6

The big problem i see is pushing damage through. Therefore being in green white i would suggest trample. The best way to do that would be Unflinching Courage . I would replace your pacifisms since they were the next closest thing you had to lt you through and if you need a third one(which i would suggest) i would replace one of your dryads. I was going to make a similar deck too but looks like you beat me to it. Also a good card to use if you want to be more defensive is Sphere of Safety .

Big +1 from me for the eidolon idea.

September 25, 2013 11:02 a.m.