
Modern Recalcitrant041


jjddkk says... #1

I really like it though I don't think there are enough humans to have really be that good. You probably don't need the blue also. Its not that much of a pay off for extra mana problems.I like the idea though, sounds fun. +1

February 2, 2012 8:24 p.m.

Yeah, I thought about that, too, on the blue. I cut them out for some in that I can sacrifice Bitterheart WitchMTG Card: Bitterheart Witch very quickly to him, get a new curse attached to my opponent and then beat face with Archdemon of GreedMTG Card: Archdemon of Greed. Its all win, but the curses will probably do their job first. Thanks!!

February 3, 2012 10:03 a.m.

jjddkk says... #3

just wanted to let you know you still have Curse of EchoesMTG Card: Curse of Echoes with no way to play it lol

February 3, 2012 11:24 a.m.

thorton says... #4

I agree that doesn't quite fit here - you are trying to make two decks out of one. It's either a curse deck or a demon deck. If you are gonna keep him how about adding Avacyn's CollarMTG Card: Avacyn's Collar ? You'd get a lot more bang for your sac'ed-human buck.

jjddkk you can play Curse of EchoesMTG Card: Curse of Echoes with either Bitterheart WitchMTG Card: Bitterheart Witch or Curse of MisfortunesMTG Card: Curse of Misfortunes

I have also been playing around with the idea of a curse deck and one thing that really helped me was to include Semblance AnvilMTG Card: Semblance Anvil it really speeds up the curses. I suggest 3x or 4x.

Also, do you really need that many Curse of Death's HoldMTG Card: Curse of Death's Hold ? Seems like serious overkill to me.

Not to be cruel, but an aggro deck will likely stomp this deck into the ground because you are lacking in early game blockers. Check out Timely ReinforcementsMTG Card: Timely Reinforcements.

February 6, 2012 1:41 a.m.

Sytharos says... #5

As far as the early game blockers / additional humans goes... Gather the TownsfolkMTG Card: Gather the Townsfolk may be useful.

February 6, 2012 1:47 a.m.

Steimtime says... #6

Curse of the Pierced HeartMTG Card: Curse of the Pierced Heart! Put them on a clock.

February 7, 2012 1:26 a.m.

jjddkk says... #7

I agree I think Curse of the Pierced HeartMTG Card: Curse of the Pierced Heart works better than Curse of the Nightly HuntMTG Card: Curse of the Nightly Hunt

February 7, 2012 11:55 a.m.

UPDATE: Trying out Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat as a sac engine for my Bitterheart WitchMTG Card: Bitterheart Witches and other humans. Quicker and less downside than Archdemon of GreedMTG Card: Archdemon of Greed.

Curse of the Pierced HeartMTG Card: Curse of the Pierced Heart was supposed to be there instead of Curse of the Nightly HuntMTG Card: Curse of the Nightly Hunt. Had my cards in a rough pile and copied down the wrong one. Yay me.

I really really hesitate to use Timely ReinforcementsMTG Card: Timely Reinforcements as they are only Soldier tokens and not Humans. I'm sure R&D made sure of that knowing what was coming up with DKA.

Anyway - the goal is this: Turn 4 Falkenrath AristocratMTG Card: Falkenrath Aristocrat eats Gather the TownsfolkMTG Card: Gather the Townsfolk tokens, swing for 5-6 damage. Turn 5 Bitterheart WitchMTG Card: Bitterheart Witch gets sacrificed to Aristocrat for a +1/+1 bump and places Curse of Death's HoldMTG Card: Curse of Death's Hold or Curse of MisfortunesMTG Card: Curse of Misfortunes or something appropriate onto my opponent, plus attacking with evasion. Win.

February 8, 2012 11:46 p.m.

Taowen says... #9

Try this:


February 16, 2012 1:56 a.m.

Seriously reconsidering the inclusion of white. Timely ReinforcementsMTG Card: Timely Reinforcements gets sided in every game, but maybe some more healthy removal would counterbalance that. Looking to go R/B with artifact ramp(Sphere of the SunsMTG Card: Sphere of the Suns, 4 Solemns, etc.) with stronger sorceries.... The brew continues...

March 8, 2012 4:05 p.m.

Qomputer says... #11

I really like your deck. Going to try to build one my own.

February 25, 2013 1:05 p.m.

Thanks! The things I've noticed with it are that you need some way to ramp in colors that don't like to ramp and you need some sweepers to keep you safe. Curse of Misfortunes can do the cursing by itself.

February 26, 2013 1:12 p.m.

slickdanger says... #13

Recalcitrant041 I built my curse deck a while back...and I love's my pride and joy!!! In MTGO I only use 3x Bitterheart Witch as my creatures...I added 2 x Sphere of Safety and 2x Curse of the Bloody Tome which adds to the effect of Curse of Oblivion ...I also added 2x Witchbane Orb ...which makes u hexproof and protects from card abilities...the Sphere of Safety realllllly helps the deck...because towards the end game it prevents opponents from attacking...I've literally came back and won from 30-1 hp...bcuz of Sphere of Safety my real-life deck I added Shimian Specter and get this... Havoc Festival which does something HORRIBLE when paired with Curse of Bloodletting ...hope this helps...let me know

April 23, 2013 10:49 p.m.

EddieTheNoob says... #16

@slickdanger Well the combo of Havoc Festival and Curse of Bloodletting wouldn't actually work as Havoc Festival only causes the opponent to lose half of their life and it's not actually damage. Just life loss. You'd want Wound Reflection instead.

May 11, 2013 11:36 p.m.

EddieTheNoob says... #17

My questions however is where does the blue mana come from for Curse of Echoes ?

May 11, 2013 11:41 p.m.

Curse of Misfortunes is casting that, never you. It's an odd duck, yes, but one you've got in there to protect you in unexpected scenarios. It's worth the risk of being a dead card since its only a one of. Oh, plus Sphere of the Suns is any color ramp.

May 12, 2013 3:09 a.m.

EddieTheNoob says... #19

Yeah, I missed Sphere of the Suns .

May 13, 2013 2:11 a.m.

cuzinkush says... #20

great deck ideal i was thinking of doing the same but didnt know how i would go about this just gave me the lead in wut i want to do with it thanks for the ideal

June 17, 2013 1:04 p.m.

Redtiger13 says... #21

Pentad prism can let you get out a curse of misfortunes as early as turn three.

June 19, 2016 11:31 p.m.

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