Counters on counters on counters

Modern Dave


Prevailed says... #1

Splash blue Vorel of the Hull Clade and Kalonian Hydra is better then Primordial due to it doubles ALL your +1/+1 counters

January 17, 2014 6:53 p.m.

You have too many cards in your sideboard (and a full set of Scavenging Oozes). I like the look of the deck. Maybe consider something like Increasing Savagery or Blessings of Nature

January 17, 2014 6:55 p.m.

Planesworn says... #3

Also if you're running mist cutters look at putting a couple of gyre sages in there too

January 17, 2014 6:56 p.m.

Dave says... #4

My bad on the sideboard; I had just finalized that tonight, and evidently forgot to save haha. I would run Kalonian, but I'm trying to keep this to a budget and since it's still in standard it's rather expensive. I'm running off cards I have, but that is something to consider. Thank you for the suggestion.

Also considering the suggestion on Vorel.

January 17, 2014 7:02 p.m.

Prevailed says... #5

If you splash blue also Consider Tamiyo, the Moon Sage then infinite discard on a lotleth troll with her emblem = infinite/infinite.

January 17, 2014 7:38 p.m.

Darthen says... #6

This is such a cool build. My friends have tried doing stuff like this, but the synergy never arrived.

Through playtesting, everything was quite difficult to cast if it wasn't mono-green. As a suggestion, I would actually drop the blue (I never got to use it, the opponent was already dead by then). It serves a good purpose, but the blue really isn't necessary. As Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord makes a good finisher, his mana cost sometimes leaves you with a dead card in hand.

I would try adding Desecration Demon to this creative build.


February 4, 2014 12:18 a.m.

Dave says... #7

Thanks for the suggestion, Darthen!

I'd absolutely agree on Desecration Demon if this was a standard deck - That's actually part of a build that I did with this for standard. There's very few cards outside of the current block in this deck, surprisingly. Drop Primordial Hydra for a Kalonian Hydra etc. I was running it at 4 colors instead of 3 and took 3rd at FNM (I didn't have it fully built, mind you - was short a few of the chase rares.) It's a strong pick, and I think this one comes down to a matter of personal preference. I want the manacurve to stay low as possible. If someone else wanted to run this deck, I think swapping the Lotleth Troll would be a strong choice for a more offensive build. I just have my Troll in there for some regenerate, and Bioshift ing onto him (trample ftw!) -- to digress, I actually run a Troll Ascetic in a more casual version of this deck. Instead of letting my Primordial get fat and nuking the most threatening player (my girlfriend with her damn flying tokens! lol) - I bioshifted the counters onto my Troll and made it 123 attack with hexproof and regenerate. I couldn't win the game by ANY means. I literally threw it right there, but the fact I could joke about having a 123/122 trollololol at around turn 8 was priceless.

...just a bit off topic! my bad.

I'd agree on the blue. However, when faced against control (reveal hand and discard a card sorceries Despise and Thoughtseize come to mind - people can get mighty scared of the Corpsejack. It essentially functions as another Corpsejack just in case I get boned by some removal, and can add a nice touch when stacked up on a Bioshift in the same turn. I'm going to consider some re-balancing on the mana - maybe add some shock lands in place of some of my forests.

February 4, 2014 1:15 a.m.

Caligula says... #8

I was expecting to see Kalonian Hydra s in here, I am shocked they arent!

April 29, 2014 4:26 p.m.

Caligula says... #9

Maybe have a peek at my The Golgari Way and steal a couple of Ideas =)

I love hydra decks, Super funny watching people facepalm when one hit's the board.

I'd recommend a couple Savage Summoning to keep the hydra's protected while they are getting played

April 29, 2014 4:28 p.m.

Dave says... #10

I'm actually just waiting for Kalonian to rotate out. I don't play much standard, so I try my best to avoid the money-cards unless they're useful in modern. This deck's a bit on the casual side, so there's no sense in sinking too much on it in my opinion. :)

I actually did have Savage Summoning ! I took it out to make some room for mana fixers once I added Vorel of the Hull Clade . I was thinking Cavern of Souls to fix my counter-spell problem instead.

Thanks for the suggestions! :)

April 29, 2014 5:03 p.m.

Caligula says... #11

Cavern of Souls is a great idea actually, That'd benefit you much better, Hell it might even benefit me to take a look into that one =P

Rogue's Passage is always neat in decks like this as well.

April 29, 2014 5:09 p.m.

Caligula says... #12

Also, Why not try Mana Confluence when it drops to help with your splash

April 29, 2014 5:10 p.m.

Dave says... #13

Yeah, I love Cavern of Souls . It's a great card in a lot of ways. I think I'll end up with a bunch of copies of Mana Confluence once it's bought up a bit more. It's all a matter of time. The manabase is really consistent right now between the lands and the birds, so I'm not too worried about it just yet.

April 29, 2014 10:03 p.m.

Caligula says... #14

I think you need a couple Heroes' Bane in here, Nice and cheap too so it wont hurt the wallet ;)

May 17, 2014 2:03 p.m.

Dave says... #15

I think so too. I actually pulled a Hydra Broodmaster and was wondering what I should do with it.

May 17, 2014 2:57 p.m.

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