Colorless Artifact Lockdown

Legacy* CallMePetey


Based on Suggestions... —March 21, 2017

I went ahead and added some of the cards that I carelessly looked over the first time, being 4x Chalice of the Voids, 3x Lodestone Golems, 3x Trinispheres, 4x Ancient Tombs, 1x Dark Depths, and 2x Sundering Titans in place of a few cards of lesser value.

More suggestions are gladly accepted, and thoughts on the revised deck would be appreciated. Again, thank you to those who had the suggestions!

driverna says... #1

This is an awesome deck! +1

December 28, 2016 6:34 p.m.

FlintSR says... #2

January 3, 2017 5:47 a.m.

Sargeras says... #3

Is there a reason why this deck doesn't run Chalice of the Void + A spirit Guide for a hard lock against a deck like storm?

March 8, 2017 4:11 a.m.

Panda213 says... #4

I like this build but wouldn't like to play against it. Just my $.02, Glimmerpost and Metalworker could help speed things up for you a bit. Also, maybe consider All Is Dust.. ya know, for those pesky Storm Crows

March 8, 2017 10:05 a.m.

Winterblast says... #5

That's MUD without the good parts...You definitely need chalice, trinisphere and at least ancient tombs in addition to your other lands. It's way too slow for legacy without.

March 20, 2017 6:16 p.m.

I agree with the last poster. This is basically artifact-based pillowfort with substandard mana acceleration. It can't really do anything threatening without 8+ mana, and it can't interact with the stack--not good on a blue-based format.

Things I see this deck having serious problems with: efficient discard effects, burn decks, counterspells, storm combo, small creatures, artifact removal, Wasteland (something you yourself might consider running)... So really, basically, most things in Legacy.

March 20, 2017 9:01 p.m. Edited.